Thursday, August 28, 2014

Time's Strange and Changeless Weaver...

Time’s strange and changeless weaver weaves
With ever-changing buds and leaves
A picture-scape of moments told
As we embrace but cannot hold
its thread that falls through fingertips
And hearts, as we with trembling lips
Subject to its supreme command
Cannot restrain or force his hand

How can we love and love full-well?
Those fading footfalls of farewell
Which rend the air in middle night
And fill our prayers with meek insight
Turn into morning; gone the glance
Of childhood’s free, unbothered dance
While we, with hearts twisted and wrung
Must learn new songs upon the tongue

The day does not delay its care
Though heart-pieces drift on the air
We cannot stand and stare with thought
Too long; the strings we clasp swift caught
Within time’s loom, the bud, the bloom
Surrenders soon as clocks consume
Their daily bread, we lift our heads
To taste full-well love’s transient threads

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Of Courage, College and Carrying On...

We speak to them of courage and we hope within its speech
We find the very thing that we are striving thus to teach
Life’s laughter and lament, love’s learning-curves amalgamate
Within the eye; hello-good-bye; time never bars its gate

As daughters become us and we stare long at our skin
And wonder who we are; the image not the girl within
Where dying ways that life inflicts upon our gaze reflects
The nature of all nature and the climax of all flesh

Our lips, once filled with answers suddenly are dumb and numb
While merry moment-dancers seem to disregard the sum
Of all that they become as we peruse their aftermath
Where tragedy and triumph meld in glimmers on dusk’s path

Still, onward, ever onward, we commence again, again
The learning is not over until God declares, Amen
And so we speak of courage and we hope within its speech
To find the very thing that we are striving thus to teach

© Janet Martin

Our pastor, Dale Ward, encouraged students to take this verse with them as they return to school...
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

From Tennyson's Tears, Idle Tears...

 Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart, and gather in the eyes,
In looking on the happy autumn-fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Of Rivers that Rush Through the Trees

 I don't think my kids heard 'the river rushing through the trees' but I did...still it was a good, corny 'last day' before we help Melissa move tomorrow.

On some days we sip slow and deep
From rivers that run through the air
Sensing this thing we cannot keep
Rushes too fast from here to there

And on those days a reverent awe
Battles with greed of holding on
Because not long ago we saw
How swift a year is here and gone

But even in the clinging fast
We know tis foolish to resist
This filament that weaves the past
In tear and laughter mingled-mist

And so we sip with senses keened
To rivers rushing through the trees
Of moments where we live, love, learn
Before they turn to memories

© Janet Martin

Of We Who Yet Remain...

Approx. 15 min. after I took these photos it was pouring rain! now the sun has returned...

He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth-- the LORD God Almighty is his name. Amos 4:13

From heaven’s atrium of bluest blues
Kindly the touch of God from darkness woos
Daylight, the dew-fed night dies on the air
And we who yet remain are caught up where
The orbit of time’s trek from east to west
Returns us to its century-steeped test
And who of us can prophecy or tell
What waits to spill from gates celestial?
Or who can boast to see beyond the veil
Of a mere moment what Time will exhale?
But this we know, while gasps to eons move
These three abide of faith and hope and love

What good is gained to let our thought-feet stray
Where fear and guilt steal faith and hope away?
Ah love, before death’s white dust stills our cry
And fills this cup where now we strain and sigh
Help us to know you better, how your thirst
Is quenched in cups of water given first
To others thirstier; how faith, hope, love
Fitted together are not often proved
Upon a pedestal where men applaud
But on our faces before Holy God
And on our knees where faith and hope are hard
And  love is not a word but hands help-scarred

The morning blushes with hope’s hallowed wraith
The traffic rushes on highways of faith
Toward Unknowns; for what but faith can lend
To us the courage to do more than just pretend
As we encounter from Love’s nail-scarred hands
New tests to prove where our allegiance stands
Lest our volley of verbal acclaim
When tried would put our pious prose to shame
…from Heaven’s atrium of bluest blues
Kindly the touch of God from darkness woos
Daylight; its appetite ignites the air
And we who yet remain go forth with prayer

© Janet Martin  

  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13

Monday, August 25, 2014

Oh, Thou Most Holy God

Oh, Thou who madest all
And with Word didst create
There is no white-washed wall
Where Thy gaze penetrates

Oh, Thou who seekest all
To bring into Thy fold
With patient, pleading call
Beckoning young and old

Oh, Thou who gavest all
Upon a cruel tree
To save us from The Fall
For all eternity

Oh, Thou who lovest all
Beyond what we can see
Postponing that Last Call
So all might come to Thee

Oh, Thou most Holy God
Awesome and powerful
We cannot grasp with thought
The wonder of it all

© Janet Martin

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1