Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Of Glimpses and God

When I see dawn dissolve night’s shore
Rolling glad light across earth’s slope
Filling the morning with new hope
I think there must be something more

The awe of God as we look deep
Into the wonder of a flow’r
Assures me of a Higher Pow’r
Above this thorn and thistle sweep

The perfect course of sun and moon
The galaxies beyond our reach
The creatures that no man can teach
And yet they know just what to do

…or as I see earth’s season yield
To its successor year on year
And flowers fall to reappear
From seed to fill ten-thousand fields…

Then I perceive a Higher Love
It leaves imagination mute
Controlling laws none can dispute
And we see merely glimpses of…

© Janet Martin

 And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?" Job 26:14

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Beautiful Bride-to-be

Today I’m a bit of a wreck (an excited wreck but a wreck none-the-less;) Emily and I spent the morning fine-tuning/‘walking’ over every detail of the wedding day to get a feel for what still needs to be done. She chuckled when I stopped suddenly in the middle of a sentence to clear my throat and steady my voice as she talked about where I would be while she waits with dad to walk down the aisle. I’m gonna miss her!

Beautiful Bride-to-be

Her skin and the hours imprison her dreams
Restless, the sparkle of youth in its prime
Dances on syllables imbibed, it seems
With nothing but carefree impatience of time
As she counts the hours until the Big Day
Wishing these moments would hurry away

Mother smiles softly; how, how can it be?
The baby that stunned her with innocent charms…
…the cheek she kissed fondly and so tenderly
As brand-new-from-heaven-child trusted her arms
How can it be that this thing they call ‘years’
Feels more like a flicker of laughter and tears?

Beautiful bride-to-be, woman-child-girl
You are a bud just beginning to bloom
Try on your wedding gown dear, twirl and swirl
Let your excitement fill every room
Soon, you’ll be a wife, but forever you’ll be
My daughter; and no one can take that from me

Never will your dreams be sweeter, my dear
Never will you feel quite like this again
Beautiful bride-to-be; I’ll shed my tear
For joy can be such a sweet-tormenting pain
And I pray that you will be a happy wife
Here on the threshold of ‘the rest your life’

© Love, mom aka, Janet

A Beautiful Thing...50th Wedding Anniversary Poem

Somewhere between morning and night
And toil and sleep, shadow and sun
Between the give and take of life
A thing of beauty is begun

Love’s vows, pledged in the green of life
Are spoken on a dreamer’s strength
Til death do us part; husband and wife
Only God knows its breadth or length

Somewhere between laughter and song
The trial and tear, the calm, the storm
Somewhere, as year folds over year
A thing of beauty starts to form

Between midnight, breakfast toast crumbs
And suppertime and evening prayers
Love’s vows spoken, untried and young
Are being tempered by life’s cares

As bud slowly exposes bloom
A miracle above man’s power
Ah, so is love; the bride and groom
Must wait to see its fullest flower

But oh, as green gives way to gold
And gold to silver-haloed truth
As vows are more than words extolled
In fanciful day-dreams of youth…

…then we begin to see first-hand
This thing that faithfulness imparts
Of beauty unsurpassed, rare, grand
Not of the flesh, but of the heart

Somewhere within life’s highs and lows
Where two are one in God above
Youth’s bud reveals a perfect rose
The proven beauty of true love

© Janet Martin

Tomorrow my parents celebrate 50 years of marriage. Thank-you Mom and Dad and may God bless you with many more wonderful years!

Gone, Gone...

Gone, gone; the gold of summer’s morn
The green in half-grown fields of corn
Summer bows to Time’s common cost
Like brittle corn-stalk kissed by frost

Gone, gone; the hazy, lazy noon
Of cricket-song and locust croon
Ah, none can hide from the discourse
Of smooth and subtle moment-force

Gone, gone; the longer light of day
Before the dark tucks it away
The autumn wick gleams, short and sweet
In scattered sheaves beneath our feet

Gone, gone; sanguine sea-melodies
Where children weave dear memories
And mothers linger at the door
To hear it echoing once more

Gone, gone; the warm and winsome hour
No one usurps mute moment-pow’r
Soundless, autumn leaf-song is spilt
Where summer folds its floral quilt

© Janet Martin

Heavy frost this morning!


Lord, take this moment in my hand
Shape it to Your will
And when I do not understand
Yet whisper, peace, be still

Lord, take away my doubt and fear
And fix my thought on You
In spite of what I cannot see
Lord, gently walk me through

Help me to seek, not man's applause
But with humility
To give You glory; you are God
Immortal Deity 

Success; Lord, let it ever be
Not by the things I own
But by surrendering my all
To You and You alone

You ARE; Lord, there is none like You
Forgive my stubbornness
Teach me to meekly bow my will
Beneath Your holiness

© Janet Martin

Only Trust Him

I'm reading through Acts right now and these words struck me immensely...
 Immediately an angel of the Lord smote him, because he did not give God the glory; and he was eaten by worms and died. Acts 12:23

Monday, September 23, 2013

Autumn is Here

Autumn is here; its leaf-song tear
Will soon adorn the meadowland
As Time employs double-edge joys
Of seasons scattered on the sand

Autumn is here; earth’s belvedere
Unveils rare canvasses of sod
As we behold, fold over fold
The awesome handiwork of God

Autumn is here; its hemisphere
A scarlet, bronze and umber tent
On frosted morn; the heart is torn
Twixt pleasure and farewell’s lament

Autumn is here; how swift a year
Is caught up in Time's tender rush
We turn our gaze to nature’s blaze
And praise the One who holds the brush

© Janet Martin

Of Midnight Tiptoes...

It struck me as I heard Emily tiptoe in last night, that in three weeks I will never hear that sound again...those sounds I have never given a second thought; 
and her belongings won't be draped on railings etc... ;)

Sometimes you come to me
Soft like a whisper
Hovering between hello and good-bye
Sometimes you clench the air
Raw and rebellious
Shaping the anguish that nurtures a sigh

Sometimes you comfort,
My thought like a pillow
Easing the void twixt what is and has been
But sometimes you torment
In debut renditions
The bittersweet sorrows of ‘never again’

Sometimes a tear holds
An ocean of longing
Though love has poured out its fathoms ten-fold
Darling, perhaps
This is simply life’s fortune
Of having and holding and growing old…

© Janet Martin


Sometimes we forget
That He who lights the day
Beholds each footstep that we take

Sometimes we forget
Before Time tuned earth’s sod
God WAS, IS and will ever be

Sometimes we forget
As doubt's vile demons roar
That God forgives our sin and then

Sometimes we forget
That disobedience
In spite of Love’s forgiveness yields

Sometimes we forget
That this is not the end
And soon this life will disappear

Sometimes we forget
That God is God alone
And though the flesh is doomed to die

© Janet Martin

 Remember him—before the silver cord is severed,
    and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring
 and the wheel broken at the well, 
 and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
    and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Eccles. 12: 6-7