Saturday, April 9, 2011

All I Know

I can’t turn water into wine
Sometimes I wish I could
Clouds don’t turn into sunshine
Just because I wish they would

I don’t think wrinkles are a sin
And I make no apologies
I’ve earned the skin that I am in
Worth is not defined by these

I don’t know what the future holds
But we get older every day
As minutes and hours unfold
It sweeps the glow of youth away

I don’t know what I will face
As the years dissolve like snow
All I really know is this
Love is ageless and I love you so

True love, they say is like fine wine
Growing better year by year
You could be no love of mine
If with age love would disappear

I don’t know if we’ll survive
Darling, all I really know
Is every day that I’m alive
I’ll do my best to love you so


Jim just told me he wishes someone would have prepared him for this ‘getting older’ thing and that he is not impressed.
I told him I don’t think anyone can prepare us even if they would want to.
To each one of us it is our own personal journey

Some Days

On some days the hands that I hold are enough
I’m grateful through and through
Complete, complete in a moment of love…
…but on some days I wish it was you

On some days love is lithesome and fair
The sky is perfect blue
On some days I become keenly aware…
…that on some days I wish it was you



I write and I write and I write
An insatiable appetite
Everywhere, it seems to me
A poem hovers, waiting to be

Can I grasp with humble line
The thought I seek to define?
Twenty-six letters, my tool
A pen-stroke away from the fool

Wisdom and filth are aligned
In the tip of a quill and the mind
What a privilege to hold in my hand
This powerful tool; a pen


Friday, April 8, 2011

As Naturally as Breathing

No more have I the power to force love
Than I am able to draw the flower from a bud
If I could force love then I know that I
Could coax from the cocoon, a butterfly

I cannot insist that you love me
Love is the eternal mystery
Beyond reason and beyond measure
It is the foundation of life’s richest treasure

My dear, if I could then I would tell you
Why I love you the way I do
But I cannot; I know only this
Loving you is my bitter-sweet bliss

Loving you comes as naturally as breathing
I don’t contemplate its rhyme or reason
And if you should in return love me
I would humbly reply, my dear, I thank thee


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Those Thoughts of You

Those thoughts of you…

Sometimes they waft like a song in the air
Or prey on my mind like an unspoken prayer

Sometimes they march in an orderly line
And sometimes they trickle in drops down my spine

Sometimes those thoughts of you simply hover
Above and around me; an intangible cover

Sometimes they’re the face I am calmly tracing
And sometimes they set my pulses racing

Sometimes it’s thoughts of you that keep
Me awake; sometimes they lull me to sleep

A quiver, a shiver, cascading then calm
Closer than ever, your heart in my palm

Love me, love me not; it’s the game they play
But they will not, oh just will not stay away



Once, not so very long ago
T’was I who would sit here, you know
Bare-feet dangling in the air
Best friends came in teddy bears
How was I, pray tell, to know
Just how fast the years would flow?

Once when I was just like you
I could be a dreamer too
But time can be a ruthless stream
Tearing from the heart, a dream
I smile to see you sitting there
Once I was you, without a care


Song of the Night

It drifts from the shore
A melancholy tune
Sung by the stars
and the man in the moon
It ripples the fields
Of silver grass
Nature’s piano
and it’s first-class
I hear its soft strain
In the breezes that sigh
A soulful refrain
Trickling ‘cross the sky
It moans in the alley
And on the dark street
Weeps in the valley
Aches in each heart-beat
A wordless symphony
Permeating the air
Resonating deeply
Like the peace in a prayer
The music fades
A hush descends
Quietly I plead
Won’t you play it again?



All you could hear was a sigh
You missed the tear as it fell from my eye
The down-cast gaze, the trembling lips
Are not revealed in the sigh that slips

I don’t mean to sound sad and blue
But when you’re not around I miss you
It seems like we’re always saying good-bye
And all that you hear is a sigh

Telephones are wonderful, my dear
The touch of your voice in my ear
But I wish I could hold you and look in your eyes
For all you can hear are my sighs


Ode to the Afternoon

I did not want you to leave me
You’re a soul-mate through and through
With your smile as soft as sunshine
And your eye of perfect blue
But I see you slipping from me
Soundless footsteps falling where
I languished in your arms of leisure
For an hour without a care

I would beg for one more hour
If I thought that you would stay
But you do not have the power
To add minutes to my day
Yet, should I entwine my fingers
In the essence of your sigh
If I whisper little secrets
Would you then postpone good-bye?

I hate it when I see you leaving
Oh, how soon you disappear
Already, silently I’m grieving
The hastening of a year
I rest my hand on your shoulder
Look into your pleasant gaze
Alas,I’m but a memory older
You have slipped into the haze


Right now my days are simply not long enough……
Especially the afternoons!
I want to be outside….but duty demands otherwise!
Well, maybe I’ll slip out for an hour……
Does it really make any difference at the end of my life
If I’ve swept the floor…again?


You wash over me in torrents of longing
The touch of your fingers is too far away
Waves of emotion sweep over me, darling
Hold me in your arms and take me away

Take me to that place where we’ll be together
Port in a storm on life’s tumultuous sea
I would not even notice the weather
There in your arms with you holding me

Tempests of waiting and wishing and wanting
Rise from the ocean in waves of despair
Darling, the music is distant and haunting
You’re too far away as you sit in that chair
