Monday, July 5, 2010

There's Something About Your Picture.....

Tonight as I look at your picture
I am both happy and sad
For I feel an aching echo
As I think of the good times we had
And I smile in spite of my sorrow
I cannot laugh now or cry
What do I call these two mingled?
The grief and the joy in my eye…..
And who knew a little old picture
Could evoke such a powerful pain
The pleasure of re-living a memory
And wishing I could see you again
Oh, there’s something about your picture
It always does that to me
But to return to the day it was taken
Is an impossibility

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

I Love You....

I love you…..
Not because your eyes are blue
Or green or brown or gray
I love you…..
Not because you make me feel
Like a better person today
I love you…..
Not because you’ve taught me more
In lessons without word
I love you…
Like a wind-tossed wave
My heart is stirred
And I love you
Insanely, devotedly
Yes, it’s true
I love you, darling I love you
Simply for being you

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin


I could speak to you of the sullen slate sky
Hovering over golden tresses of wheat
Rumbling threats with flashing eye
Lurid, swirling sultry heat….
And I could try to describe the sun going down
A melting pot on the horizon
It were as if heavens most glorious crown
And all of earth’s rainbows were tossed in
And on the western sky-line spreads the
Glowing after-math
Of light and love and laughter
Flowing from a misty summer path….
And if I could I’d tell you
Of our dances in the rain
Freedoms pure sensation; blue
And laughing like we were insane
While inside the neighbors window
There is cast a querying eye
Life’s too short for sanity
When it comes to you and I
And I would describe the faces of
All the blooms that drink the heavens in
As I caress them with my words of love
They are more than petals and limbs
They are somber, drowsy, smiling maidens
Comrades; they laugh as we dance
And there’s something intoxicating
In each approving glance
Oh, there’s much beauty I could tell you of
Perhaps some you have never heard
But why detract from beauty and love
With something as fickle as words

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Inspired by the sky tonight.....
..... and Anna Kerinina

To Make It Work.....

Sometimes we say I’m sorry
Just to calm the tide
When deep inside we’re still quite sure
Our actions were justified
And sometimes we bite our tongue, its true
When another’s words anger or irk
But sometimes we do what we have to do
Just to make it work…

Sometimes we walk that second mile
Not because we’re good
But simply because it’s what we’ve been taught
So we do what we know we should
And sometimes we might even take the blame
When others their duties shirk
We do what we need to in love’s good name
Just to make it work

There’s no keeping score when it comes to love
There’s give and give without take
There’s keeping our mouth shut when we’d like to yell
And there’s over-looking that repeated mistake
We all fail at times to do as we should
We each have our own strange quirk
And we all need to repay that unkind word with good
Just to make it work

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Heaven on Earth

I know that heaven is out of earthly reach
But I think heaven on earth is a beach
Where the streets are paved with the sand and the sun
And on its fair avenues happy children run
I’ve heard the music, how sweet it is
Tuned perfection hummed by wind and waves
Blissful haven from daily demand
I could live forever in the sun and the sand
If I were an angel I would fly away
Where the tide washes up in a crystal spray
Yes, I know heaven is out of reach
But I’ve had a foretaste of its bliss on a beach

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Saturday, July 3, 2010


There are numbers for the telephone
and numbers for my street
numbers on my grocery bill
and to tell my size of feet
there’s numbers as I turn the page
in every book I read
and numbers for each formula
in medicine or bread
numbers on a credit card
and driver’s license too
serial numbers, catalog numbers
there's scales and clocks, it’s true
but as I see all the numbers
when all is said and done
there’s only one I care about…
…it’s you, YOU’RE NUMBER ONE

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Friday, July 2, 2010


There is no extra-ordinary happiness
Beyond your existing perimeter of view
The extra-ordinary happiness lies within
…within your circle and within you

Beyond your circle forever stretches forth
It is as limitless as the deep blue sky
But to hope for happiness in its lap
Is to live as a wasted melancholy sigh

As the daylight flees in lengthened shadow
And the hills are bathed in a purple-blue mist
There lies the new of today with childhood
For better and new can only exist…..

….for a moment in your palm then it too is old
And the dream that rises on wobbly limb
As a new-born calf, soon rests in the fold
Victim of reality and prey of time

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin


Some people don't really like you………
I can’t understand why
I always feel lonely
As you slip from my sky
And melt in a puddle
On the horizon line
Sun, you’re a favorite
Friend of mine
You paint the sky
In azure blue
It is dull
Without you
A canvas of sorrow
Listless and gray
But today I see you
It’s a perfect day
As you smile on the grass
Where my children play

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Today the sky is pure azure blue
It reminds me of Love
It reminds me of You<3

I looked up a few minutes ago
Into the bluest blue

There is no paint that can capture
This perfect shade….
Living proof
It’s heaven-made<3<3