Showing posts with label kindness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindness. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020

Your Common Sense...or Mine?

 If COVID-19 has revealed anything it's how very 
strongly we can disagree!
 ...granting all of us the opportunity to be a little humbler and kinder!

You say that you have common sense and I say you overreact
You think my common sense is strange; I say it is matter of fact
You tell me the right thing to do and I say absolutely NOT
You say more and I say less 
and you say no and I say yes
And we say what a noisy mess of diff’rences we’ve got

Some need to know ahead of time and some just wait and see
Some love white bread with butter; some live meat and gluten free
Variety, the spice of life can cause quite a kerfuffle
Unless we easy up a bit 
and settle down the dust of it
And sometimes just say nothing to save feathers we might ruffle

© Janet Martin

...inspired in part by some feathers strewn about the yard😏

Of Time We Have

Aha, it’s true; we have not always turned the other cheek
And kicked, rather than stooped to help the cast down or the weak
We’ve hurled stones; guilty then of equal or the greater sin
Ah, and we have failed to be kind; oh, where shall I begin
So then it seems to me we all are kindred sister-brother
And none has any merit save to simply love each other
Lest while we point out dust-flecks in a fellow-trav’ler’s eye
We miss the beam protruding from our forehead; my, oh, my
I wish we would remember when our fickle tempers flare
How much we need each other to be kind, and simply care
For in this journey forward not into but through the grave
We have so little time to make the most of time we have

© Janet Martin

Friday, January 17, 2020

Like Next of Kin...

Last night's supper; roasted vegetables, pulled pork and coleslaw!
(Buns, not pictured, were available for those who preferred pulled pork on a bun.)
I love the happiness that happens at meal-time when everyone is hungry!
Oh, how much we have to be thankful for! It reminds us of what we are here for, right?!
Not to over-indulge if we are blessed enough to entertain that thought...
but to live soberly and righteously in the present age/world,
where to whom much is given much will be required.
(For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men.
It instructs us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, 
and to live sensible, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 
as we await the blessed hope and glorious appearance
of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.…
Titus 2:11-13

The chords of a love song the Lord composed and wove within
Makes all of us together feel kind of like next of kin
For though we are like strangers living continents apart
We have so much in common in the matters of the heart

Man’s struggle to survive is this world’s universal quest
Where we all need each other to succeed and be our best
God gives to some to give to those who have no bread to share
(No one is more or less deserving of Mercy’s kind care )

My dear, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made
Though shapes, shades, sizes vary as the bloom that gilds the glade
We, oh, so very diff’rent are so much the same as well
Where hope-hurt-hunger-wonder tolls a keen and kindred bell

We all face challenges, oh yes, this is the way of life
We all need to kneel at the cross to gain eternal life
We all want to be loved; we all need to learn how to love
And all who trust the hand of God will find his grace enough

Who doesn’t like a hearty feast of food and fellowship
Who doesn’t need a hand to hold so our feet won’t slip
And who of us forever finds contentment all alone
Where there is so much more to us than forms of skin and bone

Time takes its toll until all that is left of you and me
Is living soul; for none can annul immortality
Then pray we make our calling sure in He who gave His all
Today is the day of salvation; pray we heed His call

Let’s live as though we’ve met before on some shore left behind
Make a collective effort to be more gracious and kind
Let’s live out the Great Love Song that our dear Lord wove within
So when we meet on yonder shore we’ll feel like next of kin

© Janet Martin

 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. 
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5

On Sunday our church family enjoyed a meal cooked by kind, willing people
to be enjoyed along with an opportunity to help fund
a week of kid's camp in Eucuador!
When we got the report this week that thanks to the funds raised we/they
are able to bring many kids to camp,
suddenly Ecuadorians felt a bit like family!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Fault-(finder) Line

 How old is The Child when they cross 'the line' that takes them out of the safety-zone
I wondered yesterday as we oohed and aahed and cuddled and kissed
The Little One who has (gloriously and innocently) not yet crossed 'the line'...
then, still innocently, they do!
And suddenly the 'law of love' seems to change its tone (in some, anyway)
where we are all prone through human nature/aka Adam's curse
 to be guilty at some point in time
of this tone-change...(shame on us)

When do we start with meaner mind
To point fingers with cruel slight
When does the youngster cross the line
That opens them to verbal bite
Is it when they begin to learn
From a teacher none can ignore
Where life is full of twist-and-turn
On roads they never walked before

When are they no longer too young
To be spared from the critic’s grind
Or become fodder for the Tongue
That is untruthful and unkind
When, instead of encouragement
Do they become the scorner’s prize
Where once they gained The Compliment
Now words condemn and criticize

When does the law of love become
More like a cold betrayer’s kiss?
Is it just when they need someone
To remind them, ‘life is like this’
That it is our mistakes and such
That makes us wiser day by day
When, (when they need kindness so much)
 Do they become the gossip’s prey?

How old does someone have to be
When they are beyond two or three
Do they start to become fair game?
Tell me, oh, thou of verbal skill
(Where we are all part of God’s choir)
When is the child ‘fit for the kill’
That puts them in Talk's line of fire

© Janet Martin

No one ever grows old enough
to be fit enough for the gossiper's firing squad

 but no human being can tame the tongue.
 It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
James 3:8

 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, 
as God in Christ forgave you.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dear Lord of Loving Kindness

 Have you yielded your heart/life to Him?

Dear Lord of loving kindness
He knows our tendency
And how human-inclined-ness
Is prone to misery

Dear Lord, so rich in mercy
Because of His great love
Rather than leave us cursed, He
Died, love’s fullness to prove

Dear Lord, so slow to anger
Though we deserve His wrath
He forgives sinful languor
If we confess and ask

Dear Lord, He longs to gather
His brood beneath his wing
Yet sadly some would rather
Disdain His offering

Dear Lord, so kind and tender
Because of His great love
His mercy curbs the anger
That we justly deserve

Dear Lord, of loving kindness
No one escapes His gaze
He knows the dust that binds us
And cups our numbered days

© Janet Martin

Psalm 117:2
For His lovingkindness is great toward us,
 And the truth of the LORD is everlasting. Praise the LORD!

Psalm 63:3
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! 
And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

Psalm 103:8-14
 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,

slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion.
He will not always accuse us,
nor harbor His anger forever.
He has not dealt with us according to our sins
or repaid us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is His loving devotion for those who fear Him.
As far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.
For He knows our frame;
He is mindful that we are dust.