Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dear Lucy, I'm Learning Things I Thought I Knew...

Lucy and I loved this song

I'm sending it out to her family, and mine, from both of us.
I remember her telling me she wants to share this song with her children
till it drives them crazy 😅...and I said, 'me too!' 

We chose to interpret this song as God singing to His children

One of the blogs I subscribe to is Barnstorming, click HERE
after Lucy suggested to me a number of years ago 'that she thinks I would love it'. 
And I do!
OH, one of things that has left a gargantuan hole in my life 
are our sister-soulmate loves and being able to share them with each other.
 How I miss the unexpected surprises of 'you would love this, Janet!
and visa-versa. 
How often I still whisper' you would love this, Lucy'
 though I know she is in a place of unimaginable wonder and beauty
 in the presence of our Beloved Savior-King forever!

On today's post HERE, about grief, 
the author, Emily Gibson, shares some words of timeless wisdom;
'We don’t have control over the amount of time,
 but we do have control over how extensively
 our love for others is heard and spread.'

And those words inspired today's poem...

Dear Lucy
I'm learning things I thought I knew before the sudden loss of you
Before I understood how tears can mark days turned to months then years
After what I now realize I thought I did, but didn't, prize
Of time I thought we had until you donned wings to where Time stands still 
I thought that you and I would weather the 'joys' of growing old together
Where I would blaze a trail and find you following, not far behind
And in its grin-groan-grunting art we'd keep each other young at heart
I never thought I'd turn to see only frames, where you used to be 

I'm learning, as I vainly rue the things no wishing can undo
To take each opportunity that comes without time's guarantee 
To wear love's second-mile-grade shoes as if I had no time to lose
And not to be unduly vexed, but love/live as if I could be next

I'm learning to revere love's role as I advance toward the goal
(where none of use can see how far from its eternity we are)
But all of us should take to heart the privilege to do our part
To consider our fellowman and love each other while we can

I'm learning to fully embrace the gift of looking, face-to-face
Of cherishing both high and low of holding on and letting go
And never minding quite so much the humour of Father Time's touch
As I learn what I thought I knew, dear Lucy, before missing you


Years ago, the chorus to the song below was a prayer
Lucy and I live till our children are grown, if God wills!
God willed her/our prayer to be answered.

And this, straight from the Word of God...
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
 I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

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