Wednesday, June 19, 2024

God Knows ...

No matter who or where we are
no matter what the circumstance, and why,
God knows...

You will keep him in perfect peace, 
Whose mind is stayed on You, 
Because he trusts in You.

What lies ahead we cannot see
Between vistas of retrospect
And the unknown, by faith go we
Enough to know God will direct...

The recompense of joy, still veiled
Where mercy overflows
The grace that love has never failed
For humankind, God knows

The care that kindles earnest prayer
The Want desire foregoes
Lest in its gain, it sets a snare
For fellowman, God knows

The darling of Thought’s hopes and dreams
The hunger of the soul
The example Ideal esteems
The motive and the goal

The altar and the sacrifice
The Voice/voice that choice obeys
The reasoning behind the price
Love, or lack thereof pays

The things we can and cannot change
That bear blessing or curse
The secrets that we rearrange
For better or for worse

The battle cries that faith endures
Idols, faith overthrows
The pardon salvation secures
Through Christ alone, God knows

The needs only He satisfies
To comfort creature woes
And carry us toward faith's Prize
After faith's fight, God knows 

Enough, enough, the soul-dier cries
And turns to face faith's foes
Enough to know that God supplies
Enough to know, God knows

© Janet Martin

2 Tim.1:12
For this reason I also suffer these things; 
nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed 
and am persuaded that He is able 
to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.

2 Tim.2:19
Nevertheless, God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal:
 “The Lord knows those who are His,”b 
and, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord must turn away from iniquity.”

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