Monday, May 18, 2020

Complete Confidence

Oh Lord, our Father, how uncertain we would ever be
Without the confidence we have by simply trusting Thee
We do not need the answers (much, at times, to our dismay)
But only Lord, to learn to trust thee each step of the way

How often we are torn between the laws of faith and sight
Where what is seen is but the surface of Mercy’s delight
So Lord, we pray that You would let our confidence increase
Lest with fear or impatience we prejudge Your Master peace/piece

How prone we are to groaning from a wilderness of doubt
While Canaan flows with milk and honey, we complain and pout
Forgetting that the Keeper of His Word waits to fulfill
The Plenty of love’s promises according to His will

© Janet Martin

 And I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt 
into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites--
a land flowing with milk and honey.'
Exodus 3:17

A Wedding Blessing For Couples Getting Married During Covid-19

 Sometimes my oldest sister calls to ask if I have written or would/could consider writing a poem about a certain topic. This was such a time. She was looking for a poem to put in wedding cards where they are invited guests but are unable to attend due to social distancing. I am sharing it in hopes that it may bless and comfort the couples who do  not have the joy of a traditional wedding...

Love suffers long and it is kind; bears and believes all things
It endures and secures us in the troubles that life brings
Love never fails, the Great Sustain-er in times hard and strange
When cruel disappointment allows things we cannot change

Dear Lord, we know that You behold this lovely bride and groom
And how they miss what’s missing in the Ceremony Room
Then Lord, instill the absence of dear friends and family
With Your fulfilling Presence and love’s divine sympathy

Be near to we who are with them in thought if not in form
Grant us Thy perfect peace, (not as the world gives) in this storm
Satisfy pain with promises that nothing can replace
Surprise the bitter blow with joy possible by Your grace

Thou, Favoured Wedding Guest, fill emptiness with comfort sweet
Lord, bless this day with happiness and make their joy complete
Where, as from this day forward, they, no longer two but one
Have learned, from the beginning who Greater, to lean upon

And as they vow to love each other faithfully always
Lord, fill us with thanksgiving that will fill Your courts with praise
And Lord we pray that You will shelter them close to Your heart
With Your goodness and mercy to follow till death doth part

© Janet Martin

Surely Goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
Psalm 23:6

Sunday, May 17, 2020

To Live Well...

 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6

As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one;
Romans 3:10

 The truth gives life purpose and purpose gives life meaning!

Be wise; the truth needs no disguise, integrity intact
Be courageous enough to accept plain matters of fact
Be humble lest pride goes before the fall from what is right
Rejoice and be glad in the Lord who fits us for the fight

Be kind one to another; and with tender heart, forgive
Be careful what you wish for; wishes shape the way we live
Let no one deceive you with empty words (for they are lies)
But always keep this fact in mind; the truth needs no disguise

Be of good cheer and do not fear what God has overthrown
Be not dismayed, for He is near; we are never alone
So be wise; not in your own eyes but trust the Lord instead
Sing hallelujah to the One through whom none are misled

© Janet Martin

Mingled Curse and Blessing (of what we forget and keep)

Take nothing for granted...hold then let go
and see what sticks!
That's becoming my middle-age mantra!

Sometimes the scenes I turn to touch and tenderly caress
Escape the reaches of thought’s fingers straining to retrieve
What once upon a time had thrilled the heart with happiness
Before it followed forerunners where each day takes its leave
To be tossed in a sieve that sifts both low blows and high fives
Where only fragments and frayed bits of Afterward survives
To compose much to our chagrin a sort of silhouette
Of mingled curse and blessing in the things that we forget

Sometimes the scenes that I would rather not recall at all
Seem so determined to take up permanent residence
Where I would rather tuck the fringes of a softer shawl
To edge away the lingering effects of consequence
But as wisdom deems fit, the blush and cringe of it persists
As a reminder to be kinder to those felled by fists
Where we are altogether tethered to the rise and fall
That mingles curse and blessing in the things that we recall

Sometimes the scenes that flit across the screen of Now and Here
Cause me to mull the caliber of Hull’s momentous pyre
Where push and pull is always full of what will disappear
Some lost and gone forever, some salvaged for thought’s memoir
To set within the frame of retrospect, a strange tableau
Of steppingstones, millstones and milestones, goodbye and hello
These empower the echoes that can make us laugh and weep
With mingled curse and blessing of what we forget and keep

© Janet Martin

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Unfurling Right Before Our Eyes

 Ask rain from the LORD at the time of the spring rain-- 
The LORD who makes the storm clouds;
 And He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field to each man.
Zach.10:1 NASB

Someone must have asked the Lord for a lot of rain.
today we have a sunny one before forecast of three more days of rain!

Unfurling right before our eyes
A little glimpse of paradise
As earth is adorned once again
In shades spawned from a warm spring rain

Where we are privy to a sight
Untarnished by the heat and blight
That, since the curse at Adam’s fall
Sin’s bane irks and afflicts us all

Not one immune to misery
Or if we ask, God’s sympathy
Where we witness firsthand, a prize
Unfurling right before our eyes

Across earth’s undulating sod
Aha, we sense the hand of God
Unfurling right before our eyes
A little glimpse of paradise

A symbol of His faithfulness
He grants to every one of us
This treasure, mist and rain-drop pearled
Before our very eyes unfurled

© Janet Martin