Saturday, January 18, 2020

While Looking Forward To...

My friend and I agreed this morning that we love living 
in Canada, where each season fulfills its expectation!
but sometimes 'dreams' can catch us off-guard...

remember this?!

This morning I thought of a dew, oops a few things I'm looking forward to...

To climb a long hill wild with blooms
To lie beneath heaths, summer-blue
Where green has made everything new
After winter’s weathered white plumes

To soak in pools spun by sun-beams
To revel in freshly-tilled dirt
While bright, laundry-laden lines flirt
With warm zephyrs, sassy with dreams

To linger with nary a chill
As the first, faint fingers of light
Tickle silver stars out of sight
With God’s quintessential quill

To rise and shine earlier then
When cold winter’s quarry is freed
To leap like sheared sheep in yon mead
And feel so much younger again

To reach for the stars in bare feet
To sit on the banks of a stream
And reckon that living the dream
Has never tasted quite so sweet

But then I say nay, my dear, nay
I’ll cherish the beautiful now
In every way I know how
Be glad for the gift of today

I’ll climb weathered hills of white plumes
I’ll pause beneath heaths, winter-gray
Where white is soon whispered away
By summer’s fresh sally of blooms

© Janet Martin

Then We Should Pause And Think A Bit...

 The drip-drip-drip of this...
created this!
With the tick-tick-tick of this...
 ...what are we creating?

Sometimes when in the thick of it
We overlook the quick of it
Betaken by the kick of it
The cuddle, push and tug
Sometimes the thrill and ache of it
The learn-laugh-love-sleep-wake of it
Startles the give and take of it
With a big, bear-like hug

The hold and letting go of it
The high-low grin-and-groan of it
The crash-croon-dash-stand-sit a bit
Is quite a symphony
Then we should pause and think a bit
Where the permanent ink of it
Sketches with subtle wink-like flit
An endless legacy

…thus we should make the most of it
The trouble, test and toast of it
And not bother to boast a bit
But bear this thought in mind
That after time’s quick round of it
We all will give account for it
Forever freed or bound by it
…the life we left behind

© Janet Martin

Romans 14:12
So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.


 When I started writing this poem the snow was still held at bay,
but the winds have escalated and begin to add substance 
to the forecast of a big storm today.

The sky hangs low with unshed snow
The wailing wind begins to blow
Into each crevice, crease and nook
The vines that drape the boist’rous brook
Rattle; summer’s skeletal trace
Like scattered spools of tangled lace
Or ink-stains from a stoppered sea
That spilled vague strains of poetry
Still waiting to be recognized
By brittle frond and sprig disguised

The grumbling gale bullies the bush
And rakes the woodland’s solemn hush
A hoodlum looking for a fight
Harassing everything in sight
It storms the streets and marketplace
A hunter eager to give chase
To any unsuspecting prey
Not battened down or tucked away
So hang onto your hat, my friend
Or you may not see it again

The wind-chill seeps through walls it seems
And wakens simple fireside dreams
It makes the courtier of books
Content in modest, nested nooks
Where wanderlust’s tug is assuaged
Twixt sips of tea and turn of page
And everywhere we wish to roam
Does not compare to home, sweet home
Where paper ships on paper seas
Transport us anywhere we please

So, let the weight of lowered height
Burst through barred gates in white o’er white
White petals and white butterflies
White diamond-studded stars and sighs
White whispers on a white-washed path
White garnish on white aftermath
Unbroken save the curlicue
That spirals from the chimney flue
Or here and there a little bird
By ruffled feathers undeterred

© Janet Martin

Friday, January 17, 2020

Like Next of Kin...

Last night's supper; roasted vegetables, pulled pork and coleslaw!
(Buns, not pictured, were available for those who preferred pulled pork on a bun.)
I love the happiness that happens at meal-time when everyone is hungry!
Oh, how much we have to be thankful for! It reminds us of what we are here for, right?!
Not to over-indulge if we are blessed enough to entertain that thought...
but to live soberly and righteously in the present age/world,
where to whom much is given much will be required.
(For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men.
It instructs us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, 
and to live sensible, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 
as we await the blessed hope and glorious appearance
of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.…
Titus 2:11-13

The chords of a love song the Lord composed and wove within
Makes all of us together feel kind of like next of kin
For though we are like strangers living continents apart
We have so much in common in the matters of the heart

Man’s struggle to survive is this world’s universal quest
Where we all need each other to succeed and be our best
God gives to some to give to those who have no bread to share
(No one is more or less deserving of Mercy’s kind care )

My dear, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made
Though shapes, shades, sizes vary as the bloom that gilds the glade
We, oh, so very diff’rent are so much the same as well
Where hope-hurt-hunger-wonder tolls a keen and kindred bell

We all face challenges, oh yes, this is the way of life
We all need to kneel at the cross to gain eternal life
We all want to be loved; we all need to learn how to love
And all who trust the hand of God will find his grace enough

Who doesn’t like a hearty feast of food and fellowship
Who doesn’t need a hand to hold so our feet won’t slip
And who of us forever finds contentment all alone
Where there is so much more to us than forms of skin and bone

Time takes its toll until all that is left of you and me
Is living soul; for none can annul immortality
Then pray we make our calling sure in He who gave His all
Today is the day of salvation; pray we heed His call

Let’s live as though we’ve met before on some shore left behind
Make a collective effort to be more gracious and kind
Let’s live out the Great Love Song that our dear Lord wove within
So when we meet on yonder shore we’ll feel like next of kin

© Janet Martin

 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. 
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5

On Sunday our church family enjoyed a meal cooked by kind, willing people
to be enjoyed along with an opportunity to help fund
a week of kid's camp in Eucuador!
When we got the report this week that thanks to the funds raised we/they
are able to bring many kids to camp,
suddenly Ecuadorians felt a bit like family!