Monday, November 11, 2019

Sum of It

 PAD Challenge day 10: For today’s prompt, take the phrase “(blank) of (blank),” replace the blanks with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

one precious 'moment-crumb' in the sum of it!

Oh, what will become of it
This which weaves the sum of it
Shaping what we thought we knew
Into revised points of view

Where life’s drill of give and take
Spills into hope and heartache
Turning what we thought we learned
Into degrees not yet earned

Teaching us as we grow old
Thankfulness for what we hold
Waking us to bit-by-bit
Creating the sum of it

Making us, as we proceed
Keened to moment’s potent seed
Where not some but all of it
Will become the sum of it

© Janet Martin

Lifetime of Memories

PAD Challenge day 10: For today’s prompt, take the phrase “(blank) of (blank),” replace the blanks with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

Oh, the sacred stitches in what slips away with ease
weaving from mere moments a lifetime of memories

That which seems so staying in its present tense of trust
That which keeps us praying as it tries and teaches us
That which makes us humble where we are so prone to pride
That which startles us with ways as old as Father Time
That which rouses laughter up to rafters of blue sky
That for which we weep in utter grief and joy, oh my

That which cheers and vexes, velvet and Velcro infused
That which turns us old with ballet slippers and work boots
That which plants and gathers, grants the lyric to the tune
That which binds and scatters, wind unraveling the bloom

That which grips and itches as it slips through us with ease
Weaves with sacred stitches a lifetime of memories

© Janet Martin

Prime Example

PAD Challenge day 11:For today’s prompt, write a prime poem.

Our Prime Example grants pure, perfect purpose to
all we do...for Him!

Lest love leaves us looking for a little more than life can give
We should use its Prime Example to learn how we ought to live
Bringing many sons to glory through love’s precious sacrifice

He with a Father’s compassion primes dawn’s blush on eastern brim
How He cares for we who He formed in His image, soul instilled

(So much more to love’s big picture than these little days of man)
We should strive with awed endeavor to mirror God’s sympathy
(He who did not spare His Best for the sake of humanity)

We are all brothers and sister, born to love and not to slay
None of us is least or greater (no matter what people say)
And His precious Prime Example; only love can set us free

Then, lest love should leave us looking for less than Mercy’s intent
We should imitate the passion that left the temple’s veil rent

For he knows how we are formed and he remembers we are dust
As a father has compassion for His Children, so the Lord
Does not give what we deserve but reserves Heaven as reward

© Janet Martin

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Signs and Seasons

 Do you ever struggle to accepts signs of the 'season'...
Yes, it's beautiful but yes, it feels too soon!
but then, that's the thing about sneaks up on us while
we are living life's spring, summer and fall!

What we sowed in seasons prior
What we sought, held and let go
Glows like embers of a fire
Strewed like leaves across first snow

Every low-blow, every highlight
Fades like footprints on the beach
Washed away with waves of twilight
To a shoreline out of reach

What we have is bound to follow
What we chased, embraced, released
Carves an intangible hollow
Filled with crumbs after the feast

With the signs we sense the season
Hello harbors fond farewell
Stirring in us sacred reason
To live each day very well

© Janet Martin

Luke 12:55-56
And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It will be hot,’ and it is.