Monday, August 19, 2019

Of Sacred Things...

Where summer’s flash of flowers brims
Where tasseled sash of harvest skims
Then dims like daylight on the west
And strews death’s silence with its jest
Where pedestals and pitfalls vie
Beneath the circle of the sky
Some make a sport of sacred things
Not knowing what the morrow brings
Where everlasting soul of man
Is set in skins of choice and plan
Where supple splash of hours spills
Into a cup of valves and wills
Before the last gasp fills the rift
Between the Giver and the gift

© Janet Martin

 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, 
but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.
but the word of the Lord stands forever.” 
And this is the word that was proclaimed to you.
1 Pet.1:23-25

Jesus, Forever Friend

He wore a crown of thorns
He bore the cross of shame
So when the heart for comfort mourns
We call upon his Name

Jesus, the crown of hope
Jesus, the mourner’s cheer
Jesus, the name whereby we cope
And confide ev’ry  tear

Jesus, Forever friend
He cares for me and you
And always, if we ask He’ll lend
His grace to see us through

He wore a gory flood
He bore the sinner’s rod
He paid our debt with His own blood
Jesus, the Son of God

© Janet Martin

 Salvation is found in no one else, 
for there is no other name under heaven 
given to mankind by which we must be saved."
Acts 4:12

Someday Around the Throne of God

At yesterday's worship-service 
as we sang I was struck with an awesome rush of joy
as I thought of Someday, when from the four corners of the earth
God's family will worship without being hounded/distracted
by darts and daggers of the enemy!

Someday around the Throne of God, what a day that will be
As from each tribe and nation salvation’s worshipers kneel
Unhindered then, by mortal need or darts of enemy
Someday around the throne of God what flawless praise will peal

The Over-comer of the world with proof unfurled, will reign
No fears, no tears, sickness or pain can ever enter where
We’ll be with He who saved us from the wrath to come, through Him
Someday around the throne of God, what fellowship we’ll share

Someday faith will be sight, and hope will cease and so will prayer
From the four corners of the earth His followers will rise
Those who were dead will shed the grave and meet Him in the air
Someday, around the throne of God, worship will laud the Prize

His hallelujah hymn will thunder like a rushing tide
Someday a celebration unlike any earth has known
Will fill eternity when the Groom comes to claim His bride
And She will never cease His praise someday around God’s throne

© Janet Martin


Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude,
 like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:
    For our Lord God Almighty reigns. 
 Let us rejoice and be glad
    and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
    and his bride has made herself ready. 
 Fine linen, bright and clean,
    was given her to wear.”
(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)
  Then the angel said to me, “Write this: 
Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” 
And he added, “These are the true words of God.”

Hitting Reset...

After spending half an hour with an internet technician all is up and running again,
after, on Saturday evening I hit the reset button on the bottom of the router 
after thinking this would fix the wifi problems, 
not erase EVERYTHING including the internet connection...
and this is the least of my recent 'fumbles'😕

We could be crushed, defeated, lost; the cost of love is hard
A tidal wave of dark despair could roll through heart and soul
The way we ought to pray is oft pride and prejudice-marred
We could be tempted to believe untruths that take their toll
We could be ill-equipped to forgive others as we must
And we could/would hate the sting and smart of love’s chastening rod
And we would be a stumbling block; a mockery of trust
Without humble awareness of the daily grace of God

© Janet Martin

Yesterday, (not on purpose) I betrayed a family-member’s confidence
and they were very disappointed in me and I feel terrible!
This was on top of a few other failure-flavoured fumbles
that sit a-top the regular weight of worry love
that wears a mother/wife’s knees thin…
So what is this fumbler-stumbler to do?
…other than consider Love’s/God’s kind mercies,
His grace and patience,
None of which I deserve,
And carry on

 And be kind to one another, 
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, 
even as God in Christ forgave you.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Poet's Whether/Weather Dilemma

Isn’t it terrible?!
I just said to myself, ‘Rats, the sun is shining’!
Why did I think that?
Because when it’s raining as it was earlier
I can write without being torn between two worlds!

Torn between green grass beneath my bare feet
Or words falling from fingertips
Torn between tasting the sun, warm and sweet
Or whisper of words on my lips
Torn between wind-song that washes aloft
Teasing the tree’s hoisted sails
Or Want still, supple, unshapen and soft
That only a poem unveils
Torn between taking the face of a flow’r
Between my hands to admire
Or turning my mind from the march of an hour
Intent on the vent of desire
Torn between inhaling rain-freshened air
Pouring an ‘all you can drink’
Or sitting stock-still on the edge of my chair
Imbibed by the meter of ink

© Janet Martin