Tuesday, August 13, 2019

August Listening Lessons

 Some snap-shots of August-song...

Oh, listen to cicada’s drone in noon-day’s wilting heat
And listen to the cricket’s multi-layered tweet-tweet-tweet
Or pause to hear the corn stalk guzzling dew from musky grail
Cherry tomatoes plopping from small fingers into pail
The scritch and scratch of sidewalk-chalked pictures from young-at-art
The pulsing propellers of hummingbird's hover-and-dart

Cherubic dove-like coo wafts on the banter of a breeze
Where we play peek-a-boo with Baby 'neath leaf-canopies  
The splash of silver diamonds lobbed where water-fountain sprays
The shriek of youngsters not yet robbed of childhood’s endless days
The buzz of bumbling bee tumbling from rose to hollyhock
The slap and lap of ripples where the lake tickles the dock

The sweep of golden grain field as it bends with harvest-hymn
The cheep of birdie as it flits from sighing limb to limb
The lusty crow that ha-ha-has from perch in lofty pine
The whisper of wind-pixies playing in the pole-bean vine
The joyous whoop of laughter when the fisher gets the fish
The laden line where laundry musters lazy, hazy swish

A cackling group of grackles catching up on latest ‘yack’
Then, feather-soft whooshed lift-off in a flutter-cloud of black
The combine as it whirs and purrs and belches dusty stars
The heat-wave crinkled highway’s swooshing ribbon made of cars
The oohing over goblets, paper-thin that turn to squash
The crooning afternoon that soon the tune of dusk will quash 

Oh, listen to the pitter-patter of bare feet and rain
The glad and easy chatter as we stroll down bloom-lined lane
Oh, listen to the songs of August minstrels as they race
Across keyboards of mallow, golden rod and Queen Ann’s lace
Oh, listen,;can you hear a subtle change of harmony
As What Is starts to hint at musicales Waiting To Be

© Janet Martin

So much music to enjoy in August!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Happiness Worth Living

Oh God, what hidden splendour
Presses against the gates
Where in buds of surrender
Full bloom of blessing waits

The heart is like a bower
That cannot bloom until
We submit to the Power
Of the Creator’s will

Then when Heart yields its hardness
The bud begins to brim
Unfolding from the darkness
The glorious Light of Him

Where what we thought we wanted
Falls like a withered leaf
After the seed God planted
(or, after the will God granted)
Surrenders to its Chief

…and finds within love’s giving
Life’s beauty, sweet and kind
Where happiness worth living
Keeps others first in mind

© Janet Martin

 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, 
I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal.
 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, 
and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, 
but have not love, I am nothing.
If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body, 
  but have not love, I gain nothing. 
1 Cor.13:1-3

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, 
but in humility consider others more important than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests,
 but also to the interests of others. 
Phil. 2:3-4 

I know I shared this song recently but in my own life /love
it bears replaying/repeating!

Monday Morning Mantra/Supplication

This poem is raised to the Creator and Keeper of heaven and earth...

Lord, today lead love’s mission
And guard our flight of thought
Let hope not lose its vision
No matter what our lot
Help us weigh ‘good intention'
In the scale of Thy Word
Lest foibles of invention
Would leave discernment blurred

Lord, guide us through the meadows
Or valleys dark with test
Let us not hide in shadows
Of guilt and shame confessed
But beam through us Thy light, Lord
For all the world to see
And train our faith, not sight Lord
To meekly wait on Thee

Lord, kind Thy love that watches
Our blind and worried ways
Lord, while impatience pushes
You wait for our praise
To temper in pride’s bearing
A heart of gratitude
To prove Thy faithful caring
As self-will is subdued

Lord, let us cling like children
To Mercy’s nail-scarred Hand
And trust Divine Decision
When we don’t understand
Lord, keen Thy whisper in us
Until first impulse bows
And trusts Thee for the purpose
In what Thy love allows


© Janet Martin

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand,
so that in due time He may exalt you.
 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Lest We Overlook The Giver

 Last Saturday night at a tractor-pull some let the full brunt of the 'music'
screech through them while others chose to 'protect' themselves a little...


Lest the well that dreams are drawn from fills with lifeless dust and ash
Lest a soulful swell of sorrow snuffs the sparkle from the splash
Lest a holy Heaven-hunger does not keen hope’s humble cheer
Lest no more than what we had and held comforts the mourner’s tear
Lest the dread of death is greater than life’s hearty appetite
Lest the weight of worry suffocates what wonder would delight
(Plant a garden)

Lest the Reason for the season seems as futile as the wind
Lacking passion for the ration of what no one can rescind
Lest we lose, not merely moments, but the gaping gate it grants
Let’s keep eyes and ears wide open to the music of the dance
Let’s choose love and glad thanksgiving over hours set adrift
Lest we overlook the Present and the Giver of its gift
(Like a garden)

© Janet Martin

I added the 'garden' bit as a personal joy-bell-ringer😊. 
Feel free to change that line to whatever rings yours.
other option for me besides 'plant a garden' would be (in purely random order)
'pour a coffee'
'write/read a poem'
'hold a baby or toddler'
'ride a bike'
'read a book/Book'
'find a brook'
...and so on, lest we let a spent season snuff the melody from the moment at hand!
For some, believe it or not, their joy-bell ringer is a tractor-pull!