Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Of What Lies Ahead...

 On the weekend something about the swiftness of Time was talked about
(the way people fast moving past the middle stage of middle age are apt to do)
and hubby remarked how it seems wise to think much more about the magnitude of
what lies ahead rather than focus on how much time has left behind 
because there is far, far more ahead than behind no matter how far back we look!

2 Peter 3:8-9
‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends:
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
 He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,
but everyone to come to repentance.’

 Isaiah 40:6
A voice says, "Cry out!" And I asked, "What should I cry out?"
 "All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flowers of the field.

Psalm 103:14-16
 …For He knows our frame; He is mindful that we are dust.
when the wind passes over, it vanishes, and its place remembers it no more.…

Much more ahead than behind
The ash of ages spent
Is like a whisp of mist or wind
To bit-of-Being lent

A bloom that flares and fades
Then falls…to Bygone wed
As moment unto moment trades
All but what lies ahead

Where thought, with all its might
Cannot begin to grasp
What lies ahead as Soul takes flight
After this life is past

The magnitude of days
Since Time began to be
Is but a sparkle on a maze
Of brief mortality

…when weighed against A Deep
We ought to keep in mind
Where always much more lies ahead
Than all we leave behind

© Janet Martin

A few message-excerpts from the book by Catherine Marshall...
 A Man Called Peter 

...continued from above photo

(...continued from above photo)

Monday, July 15, 2019

On Taking Fear Captive So We are Not Its Slave...

We demolish arguments and every pretension
 that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
 and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ ...
2 Cor.10:5

Every so often I need to listen to this song 
because there are a LOT of 'what if's/fears that could hound/torment us!

Fear can be a hounding beast
Blinds us to God’s mercy-feast
Binds us to a yoke of dread
Makes hope feel heavy as lead

Keeps us from faith’s flying leap
Shackles us with doubt’s defeat
Cumbers us with load of care
Numbs us to the peace of prayer

Takes us captive lest we know
Faithful Words whereby we go
Makes us slaves, a faithless fraud
Instead of servants to God

Hold the hand that wears Love's Scars
Touch the hem that heals our hearts
When fear's hounding hellions rile
Turn the other cheek, (faith) and smile

© Janet Martin

 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Tim.1:7


Silver breeze cobbles blue seas to the dock
Bumblebee bobbles in pink hollyhock
As the spark flies, July follows its clime
Heaven-lent glimpses to season-bent Time

Shimmer of shadow on glimmer of wheat
Summer-sweet tempo tapped out in bare feet
Wildflower wanders wherever it will
Dreamer drinks wonder while standing stalk-still

Wanderlust dangles from towering trees
Duty’s Must tangles with flowering pleas
Moments unravel like petal-primed stave
Beneath the gavel of cradle-to-grave

Look, July’s garden, a free-for-all show
Look, how the hill glistens with summer-snow
Look, mallow, yarrow, mullein and milkweed
Where swallow, sparrow and finch sowed its seed

Creek slithers, sleek like a snake through the reeds
Week withers, swift like a gift full of needs
Clock is a pocket full of heart-shaped holes
Heart is a locket full of star-draped shoals

Tug-of-Tide hobbles the soul to the sea
March of Time cobbles streets with memory
Tall grasses tickle twilight’s crimson bars
As July passes in a splash of stars

© Janet Martin

Forging Forward..'Monday Morning Rouse for Soldiers of the Cross"

 Thanks to a little boy who always picked this song in grade school the words are etched in my mind,
 but I sure didn't appreciate the depth of the writer's heart then as I do now!


Exodus 14:14
 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."
The LORD your God, who goes before you,
will fight for you, just as you saw Him do for you in Egypt

Forging forward through unknown
Feeling for faith’s stepping stone
Thankful we are not alone
As we face each day
God is greater than man’s fears
Mediates and commandeers
Hoist Hope’s banner with three-cheers
Trust His Word and pray

Grace makes triumph possible
Spans a chasm filled with hell
Live each day and live it well
Though we suffer loss
Still with honest footsteps forge
Through the rock of Unknown’s gorge
Heart filled with hope’s sacred words
Eyes fixed on the cross

Some day in a better land
We will touch Love’s nail-scarred hand
Awed as we witness firsthand
The Author of True Light  
Until then, forge through the hour
With the strength of higher pow’r
This the stem, but then the Flow’r
As faith turns to sight

© Janet Martin


Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Saturday Morning Soldier's/Servant's Song

Discouragement can hit any day of the week, any season of the year...
we must battle it, but not alone!

Sing to the one who precedes us in battle
He who has called us to trust and obey
Will not forsake us ; our Father is faithful
The God of the old is the God of today

Praise Him; Mercy still withholds Judgement’s vengeance
Grace still presides over mankind’s ado
Forgiveness flows from the Rose of redemption
The God of the old is the God of the new

Worship HE, with whom all things are possible
Enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise
Fear He whose power can cast the soul into hell
Fear not the fool who scorns His holy ways

Confirm your sacred calling and election
Approach His throne where groan and joy are wed
Bow before He, the Lord of earth and Heaven
For He is the God of both living and dead

Shout to the Lord all ye earth and its people
With one accord let awe’s melody blend
Sing to He whose love and law is eternal
Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End

Sing to the one who precedes us in battle
He who has called us to trust and obey
Will not forsake us ; our Father is faithful
The God of the old is the God of today

© Janet Martin

Psalm 98:4-9  (NLT)

Shout to the Lord, all the earth;
    break out in praise and sing for joy!
Sing your praise to the Lord with the harp,
    with the harp and melodious song,
with trumpets and the sound of the ram’s horn.
    Make a joyful symphony before the Lord, the King!
Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise!
    Let the earth and all living things join in.
Let the rivers clap their hands in glee!
    Let the hills sing out their songs of joy
before the Lord,
    for he is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with justice,
    and the nations with fairness.