Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Try As We May

 Truly touching articles in this latest issue of Rural Route!
Thank-you to everyone who allowed us a peek into your lives/hearts!
It really does remind us to remember those with heavy, daily crosses to bear!
Many of our other 'local heroes' are not featured in these articles and we remember you as well...
I was startled to realize within a five miles radius from our home are four husbands/dads living the remainder of their lives in wheel-chairs!
 (Wayne Martin, Doug Weber and Ralph Martin besides Robert who is the Front Cover photo)
...our hearts and prayers go out to them, their wives/families!

Below is part of the story from a young girl who is watching as her friends get driver's licenses. etc...
(Esp. touching to me as my niece is one of her faithful friends)
Warning; paragraph below may cause tear-flow💕

Some things we suffer will not go away
Nothing will alter it; try as we may
Still, not for nothing, the trouble life sends
This binds us nearer to fam’ly and friends
This shines the light of Love’s beam, true and dear
This ushers pity of God through each tear
This teaches us through the Yielding of Plan
 Of a Creator much greater than man

Who knows the mind of God? Not you or me
Who knows what trial is waiting to be?
But this we rest in; no matter the test
God, rich in mercy allows what is best
Man, poor in spirit will be Heaven-blessed
Man who is mourning will be comforted
Man who is meek will inherit the earth
Faith waits until fulfillment bares its Worth

Try as we may we are not in control
God is the Giver of body and soul
He, our Father loves us, one and all
Tender, the Mender of Man and The Fall
He, through His suffering and by His death
Brings to man’s suffering, hope in each breath
So we rejoice as we trust in the Lord
Heaven is waiting with sorrow’s reward

© Janet Martin

 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,
so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Cor.12:9

Simple Symbols....

Such simple symbols to remember the most sacred sacrifice ever!

Just a bit of broken bread, Lord
Just a solemn sip of wine
To remember what You suffered
For this sin-cursed soul of mine

To recall Your crucifixion
Where your sinless blood ran free
In a river of redemption
For the soul’s recovery

Just a couple simple symbols
Tasted in obedience
Lest forbid, we forget Jesus
Bearing death’s deliverance

Broken bread for broken body
Wine for His divine blood shed
This we do in awed remembrance
Until Bride with Groom is wed

© Janet Martin

Hello Again After An Unexpected Break!

Due to a power-surge a few days ago we were suddenly out of internet...
back on this morning after they figured out our router simply needs to be reset😊!
(reminded me if this 'chuckle')

This was the poem I was posting when the power-surge went through...

Early Morning Musing Whilst Dead-heading Flowers

Now the hour is a vendor and the flower is a sigh
As it scatters summer’s splendour where our footsteps hasten by
Stirring dust that softly settles leaving little to its name
Like the full bloom strews its petals and returns from whence it came

Now the moment metes the tempo in time’s unchained melody
Touch releases the memento that composes Memory
Love and longing compose lyrics for an audience of one
Vain to entertain hysterics for what cannot be undone

Now new day raises the curtain to earth’s awesome theater
Where nobody knows for certain what is about to occur
For this fling with fragile beauty kindles ire in a beast
Challenging the charge of Duty with fires of dreamer’s feast

Now the willing garden beckons like a poem without page
And the tiller of it reckons with the war before the wage
And the craving for sweet summer cannot satisfy its tooth
Where each twilight is a bummer where each blossom is a booth

Now the box that holds the presents we wished for on winter’s day
Unlocks a breath-stealing essence; Death stalking its primal prey
And the rose we hinged our hopes on startles us with thorny socks
Darling, so it goes, each season has both caress and hard knocks

Now the hour is a vendor, we, contenders of its stock
Born to become seasoned spenders on the circle of the clock
Where the Bud unfolds its pinion in a fugitive salute
Then falls prey to the Dominion that nobody can refute

© Janet Martin

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Concerning This Salvation Then...

This is a poem for we who believe to persevere with joy
for once we were lost!
...and for those who choose to live without Hope, to count the cost! 

Faith feels its way along the grace
That leads us to hope’s resting place
The battleground of righteousness
Is plagued with enemy’s 'success'
Yet hedged in by One who sustains
And counts earth’s loss for heaven’s gains
Do not despair where cynics lie
God hears our prayer and heeds our cry

And He for Whom we hope and hurt
For whom we sacrifice and work
For whom we know we have believed
Is able; victory achieved
Therefore, armed with triumph foretold
We are called to be strong and bold
For we serve, not some Unsure Thing
We serve a risen Lord and King

And without it, how could we cope
How could we bear care’s dust-to-dust
If man was all man had to trust
Then hope would be a cheerless tryst
For godless hope cannot exist
And life would be Death’s dreadful toll
Without Hope’s Lord that saves the soul

Concerning this salvation then
Exalt the Living Hope of men
Where Time cannot undo the Truth
As we wait for hope’s living proof
As faith beholds The Proven Word
Upon the throne of Christ the Lord

© Janet Martin

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! 
In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope 
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  
 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 
This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,  
 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation
 that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while 
you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  
 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—
of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—
may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  
 Though you have not seen him, you love him; 
and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him 
and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,  
 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
 Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, 
searched intently and with the greatest care...
1 Peter 1:3-10

Thursday, July 4, 2019


We learn from little ones to mine for moment-gold!

None can afford to make less than the most of what we hold
The secret to true happiness is found in moment-gold
Through time’s incessant change we find some things remain intact
The more that we are thankful for, the less we seem to lack

The season after planting and before harvest runs rife
With that which appears common but becomes the best of life  
Where we, merchants of moment-gold are on a spending spree
…a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity

Futile to fret about the Yet that begets come-what-may
These little girls with pretty curls soon up and fly away
And curious boys so full of noise and wonder’s joys grow tall
Honing a mother’s hunger in the hurry of it all

So much to learn in the return of what time tries to teach
Where wisdom that we earn comes from lessons long out of reach
Where happiness we find must still be mined from moment-gold
Where it is not too late to make the most of what we hold

(last verse optional)
(the pitter-patter of bare feet soon paves a lost highway
futile to gaze down airborne streets through haze of yesterday
futile to pine for prizes pressed in morrow's mystic mold
better to make the most of today's precious moment-gold)

© Janet Martin

  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,
 because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”