Thursday, January 31, 2019

For Old Man Winter's Shining Hour

 I found the above old book a few months ago, 
a chapter for each month written by a woman (after my own heart) in Connecticut...
but very relatable in Canada as well!
Weather certainly has come in capital letters this week!
Hubby is in Winnipeg with a brand new truck and frozen fuel!

Fellow, famous for your grit
For our love or hate of it
You don’t seem to mind a bit
Owning center stage
Seething in each crease and crook
Stirring love for tea and book
Making home the sweetest nook
While your tempers rage

While you tweak cheeks, nose and toes
While you shake Nature’s repose
While you make yourself at home
Right outside each door
Tumbling, rumbling, reeling g-r-r-r
Big, burly, breath-stealing b-r-r-r
Sparkling stillness, starred silver
Want and wonder war

Season of quilted desires
Frozen water-pipes, home-fires
Icicles like crystal spires
Fringe each rooftop’s edge
Where earth’s frozen floorboards creak
Where our hasty footsteps squeak
Where the birdie fills its beak
With God’s seeded pledge

Shovels, skates, skis and snow-shoes
Landscapes draped in hoary hues
Vantage filled with varied views
Of you, foe or friend
Old Man Winter, shine your hour
Flaunt your frigid super-pow’r
For with each day you devour
You hasten your end

While you leap with cold, bold stride
Fling your fortune far and wide
We smile at your foolish pride
Knowing one sure thing
With each flurry that you flail
With each fierce frost bitten gale
Slowly, surely you unveil
Earth’s rebirth, sweet spring

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Like Quaint Quilt Patches

On Sunday a few friends and I marveled at the artistry
 in the quilts on display at a local restaurant (Crossroads:) 
A quilt is a one-of-a-kind-work-of-art!
A little like each of our lives; bits and pieces stitched together!
Today's moments would make quite the patch-work quilt,
 I thought as I 'arranged' some of its colors while others spilled, splashed and crumbled into place...
I love snowy kitchen-days and the tots didn't seem to mind either!

A few today-quilt-patches...

Good to be busy and thoughtful and thankful
Good to be glad in Time’s tête-à-tête verge
Good to be helpful and happy and humble
Making the most of mere moments that merge
Like quaint quilt-patches into the big picture
Drawing us oft to a soft, surreal cast
To marvel at the fine stitches and tincture
That turned from everyday life into Past

Good to be gentle while tuned to a spindle
Holding a wheel that unravels the thread
Weaving a fabric of freckle and brindle
Pink, periwinkle, gold, green, sapphire, red
Gold and gray shimmers of dirt-floor and rafter
Pastel and neon frays of hand and heart
Turning the colors of yearning and laughter
Into a one-of-a-kind-work-art

© Janet Martin

On the other side of the window B-R-R!!
On this side, COZY!
Thank-you, Lord

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

With Whisper and Heave-ho or On The Bright Side

Well, on the bright side, I said to myself, after some recent turn-of-events,
At this point I will never be tempted as in the parable of the rich fool, to say
"Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years;
take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry"

 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
 and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. 
Are you not much more valuable than they? 
 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Time is a troubadour etching its verses
Into the fabric of wish-weathered strife
His hearty hunger never reimburses
That which becomes the sum of love and life

We choose the attitudes whereby we carry
Worship or worry into dawn’s domain
While with each whisper and heave-ho we bury
That which will never pass this way again

Change is a constant but so is God’s mercy
Trust is a prayer-warrior oft put to test
Hearts are both battle-grounds and humble havens
Cherishing comforts, accepting the rest

© Janet Martin

Monday, January 28, 2019

Break of Day

 This Time of year we have front-row seats to break of day!

We rouse to watch dawn draw away
Dark, vaulted, velvet hold of stars
To splay on earth’s east fringe, flushed bars
That ushers in the break of day

Through far-off floodgates pours God’s might
That none can dam, detain or thwart
Across shorelines of hope and hurt
Proceeds a tidal wave of Light

Through streets of snow the workers go
Where through much change much stays the same
In ups and downs, smiles, frowns, praise, blame
In more-we-learn-the-less-we-know

Til this; the kiss-and-tell of time
Takes everybody by surprise
While we marvel at death’s disguise
Rose-ribboned dust of rhythm and rhyme

…oft jolted by matters of fact
Borne in hands work-worn, eyes tear-starred
Where aftermath, toil-soiled, hurt-scarred
Still leaves God’s promises intact

© Janet Martin

Shameless Confession is a glimpse of 'him' and all before noon... on a Monday!!!
Mind you there were some messier, not photo-ed shots as well, like
'let's shake my sippy cup til its empty while Grandma's on the phone trying to solve some of the world's problems, then let's splash! 
and, let's see how many marbles fit in my mouth
(also while Grandma was on the phone, round two, dealing with round one 'reason'😐)
(yes, grandma should know better than giving a toddler marbles but we had great fun with them til I turned my back and he climbed up to where Grandma had set the jar, she thought, safely,
so a think-twice lesson for her/me!)

Still, I'm shamelessly in love with a 'guy' that does not let me down easy,
does not save me from my choices 
but grants lots of second-dances and new-day romances, 
mostly with messes without roses

so, you might be thinking this poem is going to be about my grandson, but it's not really...
he, along with everyone/everything else I love is part of this poem!

Oh, you win me over somewhat like a lover
Woos his beloved, the belle of his dreams
For I am a maiden easily betaken
With the love-language of meadows and streams

Oh, write me a river that winds ‘neath the shiver
Of poplar-quiver, silver in the sun
Play me an evening of long shadows leaning
Against the hill where the wild geldings run

Strum me a serenade better than Mozart played
Simple seduction of wind-tousled trees
Darling, I am betrothed to your melody clothed
In common threads of almost-memories

Oh, you win be over with pom-poms of clover
Tassels of goldenrod, star-veneered snow
Let’s take the long way home through the lines of a poem
Let’s linger longer and not hurry so

Oh, there is no Mundane Monday with you, honey
Money can't purchase what you and I have
You will be faithful and I will be grateful
You will be truthful and I will (try to) be brave

Amiable Romeo, my, but I love you, oh
Your touch tells me more than ‘much words’ can say
Father Time, what a fool I’d be to play it cool
I’ll fall in love with you every day

© Janet Martin