Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Stage of Almost His'try

I wrote this earlier today when Little Girl was scheduled for morning nap, 
(because she arrives before sun-up) but she definitely didn't get that memo. 
Nap #2 was a no-go as well and poof, so much for another day!

This one sorta tumbled out 'cuz it was one of those mornings that begged to be skied or walked across
 but Duty handed me a more domestic Beauty, so we admired the Gift from windowed frames.

Precious page of almost hist'ry sets a stage beneath our touch
Breaks through bars of almost heaven to delight the likes of us
Strews the glitter of potential through the dimming of the stars
And invites us to be thankful in spite of life’s slights and scars

Precious poise of noise and nuance tries sighs of caged wanderlust
Hunger kicks beneath the ribs while duty ties hands to its Must
Urging us, from four-wall corrals to be tenderly surprised
By a beauty-full decanter if we open up our eyes

Windows frame the Wow of seasons slipping ‘cross the countryside
Granting us ten-thousand reasons to be humbly satisfied
For this page of almost His’try is a very short-lived place
Always sealing with each sundown that which no one can erase

Worship bows in adoration to the Giver of our days
Breath-taking evaluation stuns complaint with rev’rent praise
As dawn's Door swings gently open to time’s most imminent Yet
Prompting us to tread with awe where almost Hist’ry’s stage is set

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Part of the Purpose of Poetry

To touch that much-loved clime once more
Where soon morn's boon is borne away
To taunt us from a mist-kissed shore
Soft-sketched with scenes of yesterday

To trace the place beyond our reach
To feel its tender spiel once more
To wander down a silver beach
Washed with whisper-capped waves of yore

To pause because, caught on the air
We sense a flare of purple-gold
And petal snow soft-scattered where
Earth wears a garden white and cold

To smile a while because we learn
To realize the size of This
Is soon the Thing that fills the Urn
With ashes of what today is

To choose to make the most of now
And thank the poet with a pen
Because ink rhyme-and-verse somehow
Allows us to return again

© Janet Martin

Monday, January 7, 2019

Voice of Choice

 I started this poem early yesterday morning before being distracted by sunrise skies...

 before being moved by this message...
before Sunday dinner at my parents...
before not getting home til after dark
before beginning another week as soon as our feet hit home-turf last night

...and somehow it became a poem about choices 
because SO much has happened recently to
impress on me the long-term impact of choices!

This race of hopes and dreams we chase and replace year by year  
Is like game of guesses always veiled in Now and Here
Where mankind, always caught between what was and waits to be
Must choose to trust in God or wallow in fear’s misery

Choice is an awesome twinkle in the eye of centuries
Its impact, none can fathom as its slips from touch with ease
To endure the dynamics of a far and forward path
Where many feet will follow in its concrete aftermath

So subtle in its bearing, Choice sets out a vast buffet
And voices if the heart could talk the words that it would say
And like a spark can start a fire, Choice, cruel or kind
Can set a course in motion that never once crossed the mind

Time’s steadfast pace of change, while oft it rearranges plans
Can never thwart the channels that the mercy of God spans
Then, take heart, fellow-traveler, for the unknown road we face
Runs through and to the outstretched hands of everlasting grace

…so we may choose to trust or wallow in fear’s misery
And we may choose gods doomed to dust or Love’s Authority
And we may choose to lose our life in answer to God’s call
Or choose to turn our backs on Him and through this lose it all

© Janet Martin

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Oh, the things we do for house and home,
because a house is the box that holds family and friends
and all the nice winter book and tea memories (if one can stay awake)

Flood update; no concrete evidence as to 'why' but we have the best guys on the job

and they figured out what to do to keep it from ever happening again, hopefully!

and because of this 'event' something to enjoy this winter...
planning a complete over-haul of the west and south-side flower-gardens!


Its scenes enchant the heart and mind
To cheer our creature care
It fuels Duty’s daily grind
With humble, thankful prayer

It nurtures diligence and dreams
A haven, kind and warm
When life is harsh and cold it beams
Its Beacon through the storm

Far more than a four wall embrace
Enfolds its precious clan
Where progress will never replace
This kind solace for man

A modest box of brick-wood-stone
It frames life’s dearest joys
As we work fingers to the bone
For darling girls and boys

And mother plants a bloom or two
To smile upon the sill
And fills a bowl with supper stew
To ward off hunger’s chill

And finds within its scenes the lines
To living’s sweetest poem
Where family, not house defines
The happiness of home

(…and though its thrills oft come with bills
That keeps the cash-cow thin
Nothing else in the world fulfills
Like Home-sweet-home’s glad grin)

© Janet Martin

When we were traveling this fall I remarked to Jim as we were having the continental breakfast in the motel how everyone in the room has one thing in common; we are all away from home.
Home is always that sweet-solace-goal no matter where we are
and how much we love what we are doing!
The thought that home waits at the other end when we are done is what makes it so worthwhile.
A nice metaphor for Heaven, isn't it, as we travel through life.
Home is waiting when we are done!

This is one of my favourite hymns

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Treasure Hunt-Wealth Guaranteed

When our way is littered with the wealth of ‘having had’
And the wind turns bitter where the sun glittered, warm-gold
Then we look around us for new reasons to be glad
Hunting for the treasure that only the heart can hold

Life is like a teacher and a preacher and a thief
We are always not too old to master something new
Nobody outgrows the reaches of gladness or grief
As we dig for treasure where time’s dust and trust runs through

Happiness is not a goal, but takes us by surprise
Right in the middle of a little kerfuffle with ‘no’
It gobsmacks us on the back or startles hungry sighs
With treasures we trampled on until steps had to slow

Nothing is for nothing if we first choose hope and love
Opportunity is often dressed in common guise
We are all prospectors standing on a teeming trove
Where we will find treasure if we open up our eyes

© Janet Martin