Thursday, November 2, 2017

Of New Throughway

November PAD Challenge begins! For today’s prompt, write a new day poem.
okay, I wrote the above line yesterday but
 its New joined to age-old throngs, before I could get to the prompt!
So, a day later a new, New Today offers up its page of grace, 
 ...for some it will be a stage for celebration

...for others a page bearing tears of disappointment
(no words needed)

Ah, laid beneath delinquent feet
Yon sweep of star-deep pales until
Redemption’s carpet gilds the street
And tints colorless field and hill

We, bonded to the old turn to
The New Today that time deploys
Where time insists upon its due
And runs it through with sorrow-joys

Earth’s boulevard, starred with the tears
Of grief and laughter’s testament
Hinges to scads of yester-years
A sphere of unmarred filament

Ah, here and now offers a dance
On tides where heavens ebb and flow
And dark relents to grant new chance
To prove the gratitude we owe

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Thursday Thoughts on A Wednesday

Thursday Thoughts (little verses)
 started when I had Thursdays off...
Now they happen more or less where ever they land:)
The ladies were teasing me that my mind is likely composing a poem
as we conversed etc. this morning but it just does not work like that...

I often sit down, not planning on the words that come!
They often take a direction all their own
even when the hunger was for a poem of an entirely other nature.
All said, it was a fun, far too fast few hours!

In time we begin to appreciate Appreciation
Valuing the simple celebration
Of what is


As the years go by we learn to re-learn
How, what we thought we knew
Was a stepping-stone
To what we think we know
For now


It is not enough
To spout love-poems
Love is a second-mile language
Often in plain, sometimes painful


To know when to speak
And when to be quiet
Now, there is a woman!


It all goes by so fast
We should remember
Not to forget
To remember this


The will to be willing
Is a battle half-won
But the battle to be willing
Is never quite done


 We should give today all we can
No more
But no less


Let’s admit it
We should quit it
All this keeping score
*If we have each other
We have so much
To be thankful for

© Janet Martin

*This community is mourning the sudden loss of my niece's class-mate
whose dad is my nephew's gym teacher. 

with family-ties to this community!

Let's commit to cherishing each other with gentle kindness while we may!

Happy 75th Birthday, Mother

 In a few minutes this room will be filled with her daughters and daughter-in-laws for our annual Mom's-birthday-tea!
My turn to host!

On this very special Day, dear mom
We wish for you life’s best
That by the grace and love of God
Your year will be joy-blessed

On this, your seventy-fifth birthday
Mother, we want to tell you
How very dearly loved you are
Each day the whole year through

So, on this very special day,
We pray a special prayer
And thank God for the blessing of
Your love, sweet mother dear

We pray the Lord His face to shine
On you and give you peace
On this, your very special day
And until life will cease


...and a nice devotional out of an antique gem of a book!

...see you on the other side of tea and treats.
(Everybody brings a yummy something to enjoy with out coffee and tea)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

It's Halloween

Someone requested a Halloween poem and I realized I have never written a single one,
partly because Halloween in rural Ontario is a little quieter than town-Halloween.
We didn't go trick-or-treating as youngsters but sometimes we would sneak up to the attic and take clothes from mother's 'younger days box', stuff pillows into dresses til they fit, find funny hats and shoes, then we would knock at our own door and see if we could trick them into a treat...
or we would dash about the yard scaring siblings because everything seemed so deliciously-spooky!
 There was always a few neighbors who came in their costumes and I think we were almost as excited to see them as they were to 'be' them:)
I still remember staring at a boy who we played with all the time
but he was wearing a sad clown mask and laughing under it oh, how I hated it!!
I have approx. 10 treat bags ready just in case because my kids from daycare sometimes come.

The trees that laughed all afternoon moan, menacing and black
They claw the air where wide-eyed witches venture through the towns
Consorting with strange creatures each sporting a pail or sack
Fairies, black cats and princesses, robots, jail-birds and clowns

Mickey Mouse with a lady-bug, a vampire and a cow
Pumpkins with feet, a skeleton, gorillas, monsters, oh
Their quest for treats makes streets not quite as sinister somehow
While along jack-o-lanterened walks, white ghosts and goblins go

Wild shadows leap and lunge, toss trees, they screech and scratch and wail
Or so it seems; the wind, it screams and gives us good goose-bumps
Where dry leaves rattle like the bones of summer up for sale
The whole world is a haunted house full of hisses and thumps

…and it would be too scary to knock and say ‘trick or treat’  
(But mom or dad stands not too far away with watchful eye)
And soon flat sacks grow fat with loot sticky, salty and sweet
While overhead a host of phantom ghosts and witches fly

© Janet Martin

Monday, October 30, 2017

This Flight of Night and Day...

from Here in the Real WorldChasin' that Neon Rainbow  etc,to this one, The Older I Get
Interesting how an artist's writing and song choices change with the years:)
The older we get the more, not less, we start thinking about what's ahead
and what's important!!

This flight that leads to heights unfathomed grants another rung
Our senses tuned more meekly to It than when we were young
Thought’s scope of bold imagination turns a keener ken
To hope and soul salvation and mortality of men

It is a holy-fear-riled Thing; this breath-by-breath approach
Toward the Lord, where severing of skin and soul encroach
…and there is no escaping what will come and never pass
Love’s ultimatum shaping so much more than days of grass

No, no, don’t turn your head away and say it isn’t so
Our personal appointment date with God, ah, who can know?!
Don’t turn your heart from Him yet somehow think it will be well
Or slap each other’s backs and laugh and say ‘see you in hell’

Love does not leave us grasping blindly at some shrine engraved
Look at the cross, repent, believe and cursed soul will be saved
How awful is the thought of death and then The Judgement Day
If Unbelief, with final breath let’s heaven slip away

This flight of night and day is like a staircase through the stars
But laid beneath man’s bumbling breach on cradle-to-grave bars
And only by the grace of He who suffered Calvary
Are we prepared to not run scared when Mercy’s face we see

Holy, holy, someday we all will see Him, Love Sublime
From Righteous Wrath of He who bled on their behalf and died

How is it hope and dread are so intricately entwined
Souls clothed in blips of dust-to-dust will soon leave earth behind
As daily grind, heave-ho, yes-no slips through an Awesome Door
This flight of night and day folded into Forevermore

© Janet Martin