Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Like Fall's Scattered Leaf...

 We have not yet had a killer frost in this area! Quite unusual.
Enjoying its boon of bonus-bloom moments!

Time’s garrulous enterprise of exchange
Makes strangers of each moment it imparts
Where font of memory alone sustains
November embers glowing in our hearts

A riot in tree tresses tosses gold
Up in the air and down beneath the feet
That tattoo streets and lanes with tried-true old
Rigmarole of dust to dust retreat

Ah, sweet fleet of vermilion dashed on blue
Where autumn’s loudest laughter will soon die
Its corpse a stark, raven-ink sketched ado
As Brute and Beauty clash in lullaby

Don’t cry, my love, for Moment’s slick employ
It is their joy we mourn; be glad for grief
Life’s proof of love quickens Time’s Chief Decoy
Of moments strewn like autumn's scattered leaf

© Janet Martin

A Little Child Shall Lead Them...

This morning Little Girl arrived, expressing, in most unattractive sounds, 
her disapproval of a certain situation concerning a present, no less!!!
Strange, how chatting with a child can make one almost choke on one's own words;
 reminding her that we should be thankful with what we have,
and lots of 'boys and girls' don't,
and we name blessings and talk about how sad it must make God 
when we grumble instead of being happy with what He gives us,
and how we all sometimes forget and think someone else's 'gift'
is nicer than the one we got!
...and how we are often greedy instead of sharing.
Gives us soft hearts for the little one's just beginning their journeys 
of appreciation and contentment, doesn't it?!

Surely we deserve
A chastening rod
While we, juggling presents
Grumble at God

How often we act
Like an 'I-want-theirs' tot
Forgetting the fact
In the Matter we've got

Condemns selfish greed
But promises always
To fulfill need we should be thankful
and we would be cursed
But God, rich in mercy
Loved us first

Forgive us, blind gluttons
That seek to indulge
With 'wine, crepes and mutton'
Unflattering bulge

...and help us to hunger
For righteousness
And through it, find the secret
To happiness


Day in Hand

Waste not on what thou canst not know
The ardor of the hour at hand
Futile, those fat guesses we throw
Toward the ghosts of the unplanned

But thou, with what thou hast, do well
The bell that tolls with sleep or death
Is hung upon a citadel
That grants life’s offering, breath by breath

Fear’s borrowed grief, thou canst not ease
With buttered dread and promise-tea
Better the day in hand to please
With Utter Best’s humility

In vain to strain to scan the dip
Where the steep curve of morrow hides
The miles beyond This Present Blip
Of day in Hand where God abides

Then look to He and meekly ask
His love to undergird request
To be content with what thou hast
And give this day in hand thy best

© Janet Martin

 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 
and all these things will be added unto you.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Where We Are

Yesterday's Spectacular did not keep the Creator from a Whole New Awesome this morning!

Where whole new whorls of Awesome wait their colors to unfurl
Where woman-whisper blossoms from wee wisp of little girl
Where morning breathes a beacon to the berm of earth’s Far East
And sets before adoring eyes sun’s rising glory-feast

…where Lad and Lass have mom-dad-shoes to fill when they grow up
Where worth is not a money-grab but poured from Passion's Cup
Where we are all never too young or old to need love so
And learn from one another what the other does not know

Where Beauty is the token of nature’s unspoken word
Where each Today finds new ways to leave wonder’s vertex blurred
Where dark and light, lark and leaf-kite ally like balladeers
To compose Magnum Opuses to stun our eyes and ears

Where fear would steer us clear of fancy and its bitty dream
But God, so rich in mercy mentors us through Living Stream
And as we drink the Elixir from heaven-unfettered fount
Hope’s well-spring overflows with ‘ohs’ too bountiful to count

…where there is always something to be thankful for in spite
Of all the ways that we could name to buckle in the fight
Where we, seasoned heart-breakers, make amends and friends, for This
…for this is where we are and this is always where God IS

© Janet Martin

 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; 
he will never leave you nor forsake you. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

As We Say Yes And No

...And we say yes and no
And why and ‘oh
We cry and laugh, we leap and fly and fall
And all the while
Through groan and smile
God sees and hears, my dears, and cares for one and all

…and we pray, yes and no
And why and ‘oh
As we lie wide awake or fast asleep
Whether we worry
Or whether we trust
Nothing, my love, will tug us from our faithful Father’s keep

…so we bear yes and no
And why and ‘oh
Where hold-let-go wears holes through more than shoes
We break and eat
Both bitter and sweet
And hold to He who never lets go while love wills its dues

...and we cry yes and no
and why and 'oh'
While seasoned flow and ebb startles our sigh
Bloom breaks the bud
That soon strakes mud
And leaves us filled with leaf-like echo's begging lullaby

…as we taste yes and no
And why and ‘oh
Where hello and goodbye fills our eyes, lips and hearts
While Time tethers years
To the back of its peers
And draws us ever nearer to the grave grace where all life starts

© Janet Martin