Wednesday, April 26, 2017

For Time I Didn't Take...

PAD Challenge day 26; For today’s prompt, write a regret poem. 

For time I didn’t take
For what I didn’t do
Here is a thank-you prayer, my Lord
For today, fresh and new

A beaming ‘try again’
Of mercy-misted hue
To take the time I didn’t take
For what I didn’t do

Then, pray when day is done
When its beacon has set
I’ll know I did the best I could
With humble ‘no regret’

© Janet Martin


Tuesday, April 25, 2017


 The final two-for-Tuesday prompt in April @Poetics Aside poem-a-day challenge is always: 

Write a love poem. Write an anti-love poem

Love roars through us like thunder; beauty and beast undeterred
It steals our breath with wonder and the hunger of mere word
It makes us happy, oh so happy, whispered from the heart
It makes us sad, so sad when we are far, too far apart

Love runs through us like roses; fragile petal loveliness
It pricks us to the quick with thorns of selfish thoughtlessness
It fills our gaze with sheer amazement; spills in laughter-gold
It startles us with sorrow when its vim turns dim and cold

Love slips through us; a smile-sigh-sacrifice miracle wrought
A ripple of redemption for all things that life is not
The very mention of its gift delights dust’s mortal clod
And makes us humbly thankful for its glory-glimpse of God

© Janet Martin

Ah Me, How Sweet Is Spring!

PAD Challenge day 25: The final two-for-Tuesday prompt in April @Poetics Aside poem-a-day challenge is always: 
Write a love poem. Write an anti-love poem

 Ah, always without beck and bid
You come with purple flower-sheen
And thrum in grasses, giddy-green
Where long the clasp of Jack Frost hid
Your finest songs in silent sod
…like fractured harp-string healed by God

With detail-oriented touch
You fringe fence lines with daffodils
And fling your autograph to hills
In ink of hyacinth and such
Your Casanova-colored gaze
The coldest of rivals betrays

The idle cares that once we nursed
Are borne away on bloom-breathed breeze
Above spring’s heaven-tinted leas
The heart with harp-song is immersed
And earth is like a maiden’s smiles
Where Romeo’s ardor beguiles

 Ah, always, always, you return
And bring with you spring’s ageless joys
The world laughs, filled with girls and boys
Eager to drink from Time’s tipped urn
Where kiss of sun and mist of rain
Makes everything old, young again

© Janet Martin

A Blue Look At Love

PAD Challenge day 25: The final two-for-Tuesday prompt in April @Poetics Aside poem-a-day challenge is always: 
Write a love poem. Write an anti-love poem

Sometimes I hate you, Love
The way you leave me blue
And render me inept to prove
The magnitude of you

The greatest joy of you
Prepares my deepest woe
And sometimes I am torn in two
Betwixt your high and low

Sometimes I hate your touch
A knife with double-edge
I never did care for pain much
But without it 
You're dead

© Janet Martin