Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Once Upon a Tree

Once upon a tree a lad climbed up to see the world
Once upon a tree an apple grew from bud unfurled
  Once upon a green-leaf tree its tune turned gold and fell
 Where winter, like a lonesome minstrel strums its citadel

Once upon a tree wee birdie learned to sing and fly
 Once upon a tree a swing, a wind-song lullaby
Once upon a tree, a pantry filled with nuts and such
Nature’s wildlife castles clothed and stripped beneath her touch

Once upon a tree redemption’s misery ran red
Once upon a tree salvation’s sacrifice was bled
Once upon a tree a king laid down his life and then
Became, for all humanity the Way into heaven

© Janet Martin

Quite a Friend

The luxury of you, my dear
Teasing my mouth, tickling my ear
With pictures waiting to be penned
Has turned you into quite a friend

The way you almost kiss my lips
And kindle flames in fingertips
Restless to snare the air you stir
Has turned you into quite a Sir

I cannot clutch the skin of thrill
Or touch your faerie blueness, still
Your whitewashed, star-splashed wherewithal
Has turned you into quite a pal

You never leave, yet never stay
But wander through this wish-worn clay
Footloose, your phantom whispering
Has turned you into quite a king

You lord your longing in my sigh
I drink the wink of common sky
I think your tug-of-ink-and-heart
Has turned you into quite an art

You please me with the want of you
And taunt me with frost-font and dew
The way you weave yourself through me
Has turned you into poetry

© Janet Martin

Monday, February 20, 2017

Thank-you God, For Families

It is Family Day in Ontario...
 We are looking forward to spending it with our family's newest member,
Brantley James Curry (grandson born on Jan. 4)

We thank-you God, for families
They turn a house into a home
And make a life of memories
With people we can call our own

We thank-you God, for families
And pray we never fail to find
The gift in what soon slips with ease
To art-galleries of the mind

We thank-you God, for families
The fuss and mess whereby we learn
To give and help, say thank-you, please
And remember to wait our turn

We thank-you God, for families
And hope that we never forget
To cherish mercies such as these;
Life’s silver cords not broken yet

© Janet Martin


We enjoyed our annual February get-away to Toronto,
remarking, as always, the quickness with which this week-end returns each year.
Generally we battle biting, cold gales but this year we joined strolling throngs along the waterfront,
drinking in the gold and blue delight of a February thaw...

It is quite natural, they say
The way we find our way somehow
From far and foreign yesterday
Into a new yet older Now

The turbulence of tick and tock
Walks through us without much ado
Deriving from offspring of Clock
A new, yet older me and you

For as we learn to acclimate
Life’s 'wait-and-see' with 'my-time-flies'
We realize and ruminate
With new, yet ever older eyes

On common ground of Now and Here
We peer into time’s changing face
The balance beam of year-to-year
A new, yet ever older grace

© Janet Martin

We stopped for a mid-afternoon coffee break at Bob's Coffee Bar
(first week-end open!)where our daughter Melissa works.