Friday, October 21, 2016

Then Wail, oh Gale

Sometimes when the poem-well feels a little parched I flip open a book to see if anything stirs.
The first poem I came upon was a perfect springboard on this rain-wind-tossed morn...
Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Then wail, oh gale
that flings the rain
that flails the shuttered window-pane
that frames the seasons of the earth
that cradles fronds of death and birth
that from the swaddled seed will wing
the nuances of morrow’s spring
that feeds the hope that else would fail
within the lope of autumn’s gale

Then flicker, flame
that warms the chill
that charms fall's fame from stricken hill
that wore a gown of orange and red
before rogue-gales winnowed the thread
that cannot keep its virile vim
but falls asleep beneath the limb
that once upon a summer day
would tune the noon with crooning lay

Then weep, yon cloud
that shrouds the chaise
that hoards the leaf of ancients days
that cups within its muddy keep
the ruddy tatters, fast asleep
that beds the nucleus of flow’rs
that weds with red and gold-belled hours
the tides that tune the blinding gale
that soon the boon of bloom will pale

© Janet Martin

Thursday, October 20, 2016

How About Now?

Click on collage, then right-click on view image to enlarge and re-live the memories:)

Looking back for all its lessons
Cannot, will not alter Now
Live and learning’s effervescence
Runs through Present's curtsy-bow

Wish and wanting does no planting
Looking does not push the plow
We can only work, my darling
With all we ever have; Now

Time, for all our bellyaching
Balances its Where-When-How
Always giving, with its taking
A new and unbroken Now

© Janet Martin dear Bluejays, though Now may seem bittersweet we say Thank-you!
 for giving us post-season pleasure two years in a row.
What fun it was!
See you in the spring.

Always on the Fringe...

 Autumn grandstands wave wildly while waning hillside Hurrahs
Already winds of change are draining its gaudy applause

The aptitude and fortitude and solitude of Past
Is like a landscape after summer’s blooming cape is cast
Aside; the tide of tick and tock, with unrelenting force
Dominates earth and all therein subject to its discourse

…and nothing can evade the Thing that seasons Seasons, oh,
The Past is like an echo-land brindled with letting go
Where we are ever on the fringe of it but never There
Though always moments in our grip slip to its thoroughfare

…while we grapple to learn to love what Present deems our lot
Then twilight takes and tenders to the trove of Afterthought
And we, betrothed it seems, to Becoming, cannot afford
To stand too long and gaze at vistas that once we adored

…or else we miss The Very Thing that waits to splash its ilk
In gray and gold upon the ether Hold of molded silk
Where aptitude and fortitude and solitude of Yore
Is always on the fringe of what we touch and where we are

© Janet Martin

 Here are the thoughts leading up to Anne's summation...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Two Rispettos or One Autumn Poem Entitled Silk-Thread Toll

Today Poetic Bloomings invites us to a write a Rispetto.
A Rispetto, an Italian form of poetry, (Italian:: “respect,” – plural rispetti, a Tuscan folk verse form) is a complete poem of two rhyme quatrains. The meter is usually iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abab ccdd. A Heroic Rispetto is written in Iambic pentameter, usually featuring the same rhyme scheme.

Fretwork of farmer’s field is felled
And fruit from laden leaf-looms culled
Spring’s framework to filled fathoms meld
Bud-promises plucked, pulled and hulled

Mist-trysts on frost-kissed climes amass
Like gilded glints of shattered glass
As glitter of forgotten wars
Bedecks earth’s heath in breath-wreathed stars


Time’s rubric is resolute, fixed
Season-ilk spirals, silk-thread toll
Of Birth, then death; a life betwixt
Its quantum woven through with Soul

Nothing new waits where Now, newborn
Baits gated brogue of morrow’s morn
Where wonder-lust and laughter-tears
Stirs soldered dust of yesteryears

© Janet Martin

Another Chance!

Today dawned like a black and white postcard...
 ...until the sun broke through its mist-mantled bar...
 ...and washed the world with gold!

Another day to find a way
To make the best of where we are
As from the place of hope and grace
God wills light from His mercy-jar

Another dawn to build upon
And do the best with what we have
Before the Hand of due demand
Writes twilight's tender epitaph

Another chance as dark recants
To be the best that we can be
Not for acclaim of fleeting fame
But in thankful humility

Another day to sing and pray
And love always, our fellowman
As God’s love grants another chance
To make-do-be the best we can

© Janet Martin

 Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men,