Friday, January 29, 2016

No Compromise

 No matter how badly we would like to hit 'rewind' on moments and change our response we cannot. Still, mistakes are not in vain unless we refuse to learn from them.
Sometimes we score...

 ...but more often it's slip-trip-get-up and try again.

This firm apprenticeship of Life,
This ever-learning, yearning strife
From its commencement wields a knife
Bent on shaping and making us
And with the brush of Night and Day
The Artist paints time’s gold and gray
Around us while we learn to pray
And say and do what becomes us

These appointments of rise and shine
Drawing us to Life’s Finish Line
Are ordered by a Hand Divine
Though we may argue, fret and fuss
The ebb and flow of dark to light
Holds more than time within its rite
Where hold-let-go arrangements cite
Lessons of life becoming us

…and thus, by our mistakes we learn
Through touch and tasting’s No Return
And our response to it; we earn
The right to try again, because
Though experience makes us wise
Still, its apprenticeship applies
To one and all; no compromise
In the art of becoming us

© Janet Martin

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Moonlight Lullaby

Golden moon o’er yonder hill
Soft your tune of slumber spill
Like a cello aria
Play a mellow Kumbaya

Blue on blue back-drop exhales
Soulful lullaby regales
Where the throw of night is spread
With soft starlight overhead

Hard-edged noise and workday rush
Melds into the solemn hush
Of a lamp-lit lullaby
From a cello in the sky

© Janet Martin

Thursday Thoughts on Money, Money, Money

Money, for all it may posses
Can never buy us happiness


Money, for all that it may boast
Can’t buy the things that matter most


I’ve yet to see a shopping spree
That satisfies our Want
Money, the root of evil wields
And endless, endless taunt


We cannot serve God and mammon too
We are either servant or slave
Our life, the mirror we look into
That reflects what we crave


A diller, a dollar, on hill er in holler
A teacher or scholar are we
A pocket of penny-like moments to spend
Before eternity


Stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff
Tell me, when is it enough?!


It is not the amount we give
To coffers of earth
But the heart we give it with
That decides its worth


Come, let us reason together
If money is the idol of greed
We should not be so bent to keep
More of it than we need


Money and Time, We never have enough, or so it seems
Yet it is the giving of both of these that our Lord esteems


The only things of worth
That surpass these few days we live
Are not the treasures we stockpile on earth
But only what we give


We all should learn to take
We all should learn to give
For both have much to teach about
The way we ought to live


Pray, that our goals are not controlled
By the dollars we crave
The rich man and the beggar
Are equal within the grave


If we would be wealthy in what matters most
Then we would be wise to seek God’s Kingdom first
What good is vanity’s asset and boast
Where Time’s Soul-goal cannot be reimbursed


Lord, you perceive the heart of us
Where skin does not reveal
Full truth, yet those who love you first
Cannot Your love conceal


So let us consider
To what end we amount
…a most important matter
Of giving account

© Janet Martin

Humble-Pie, Anyone?

When I slip-stumble and my not-so-humble side is vexed
When plans I made are rearranged and My Loud Word is spurned
Then I concede when all is said and done, that it was best
Not because it was pleasant but because of what I learned

Life’s teacher is a creature of wise and surprising ways
How is it, my embarrassment will often teach me more
Than perches upon pedestals while kind applauders praise
And we forget what manner of person we really are

…for in the slip and stumble when our not-so-humble side
Confronts us for The Thing It Is we blush as we admit
That in spite of denying it, we are creatures of pride
Then sometimes Life’s Teacher steps in and sets us down a bit

© Janet Martin

Last night at our Study on Grace a few of us shared incidences when our 'righteous indignation' after it was spent, proved that we were the one who needed to apologize and ask to be forgiven.
Ouch with a blush-red piece of humble-pie;-)
It tastes so bad but works so well!
Still, I've never heard anyone ask for seconds...

Before the Induction

This morsel of being wide-eyed for a while
With wonder of beauty and purpose of life
Labors through our bearings in fear and delight
While carving a path for those who come behind
Like Modern-day pioneers we find our place
Settling midst the mayhem of human race
To find here a neighbor and win there a friend
While we with life’s laughter and sorrow contend

As leader and follower onward we climb
Both student and teacher in the School of Time
Blessed by a grace we cannot take credit for
This morsel of being woos us to a Door
From which there is no turning back; only this
A long compensation for that which now is
...a morsel of being wide-eyed for a bit
Before the induction to the sum of it

© Janet Martin

What are we leaving behind for those who follow?

My memories of a man whose funeral visitation I am attending today, are of a kind, patient husband in the garden with his wife. who, crippled at a young age by a disease, leaned on her cane as they weeded their vegetables...