Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Love's Sense of Humour

 I often find myself using the first two lines in this song;
"I don't mind the thought of growing old,
I just don't want to lose my sense of humor"
(because He's and She's seem to retain ageless quirks and quaint idiosyncrasies;-))

This bowing and curtsying cuddle and fuss
First started by He and She and Her and Him
Vexes, befuddles and oh, muddles us
Perplexing word’s wittiest acronym

These Habits of Him and These Fancies of Her
Startles the finest of Mr. and Miss
Time's silly, common strangeness of humor
Is sometimes a sucker-punch, sometimes a kiss

Kindly distract Her, kind sir, with your laughter
Blindly attract Him, dear Her with your smile
Time forgets days; twixt its before and after
Starry-eyed dreamers and Life reconcile

…teaching the reach of touch-greedy young lovers
Of He and She, Him and Her, Ma’am and Sir
Since Time’s beginning how yet to recover
From love’s sense of humor birthed by Him and Her

© Janet Martin

September's Farewell Note

I rose this morning to witness the dawning
Of September’s farewell regaled
With wishes and kisses, but all that I found
Was a freight-train of flowers derailed

© Janet Martin

The Blue of Time's Candor

(click on images to enlarge)

The blue of Time’s candor, like moody fall splendor
Sweeps in from without yet seeps out from within
It courts hurried hours and flings wide-eyed flowers
Into bygone’s bowers of gossamer skin

The blue of Time’s candor compels us to wander
Where summer-set settles, three seasons away
Each leaf, like a pencil, each stem like a poised quill
Spills sun-tattered verses of death and decay

The blue of time’s candor rolls through gated pasture
Its waves washing heart-ward with echo and whim
An ethereal ocean rises in slow-motion
It ravages laughter and landscape and limb

Time’s blue traipses over rose-rivers of clover
It unravels rainbows; blue will have its way
As sun-warm reflection dons cooler complexion
And blue of time’s candor turns gold silver-gray

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


You toss Her tress with wind-song
You strum Her air-borne spheres
You tug Her hug of lowered sky
And break it into tears

You dazzle noon with kisses
You frazzle frond and flow’r
And by the hill you fill the rill
With remnants of Her hour

You thrum in thought and yonder
Upon the blue-skimmed slope
You thrill eye-cups with wonder
They spill in renewed Hope

You frame the day with longings
Too sacred to be tamed
Reminding us that Some Things
Remain ever unnamed

…while trees turn leaves to lamplight
Shedding joy’s haloed grief
You wean Her from Time's orbit
Into each drifting leaf

© Janet Martin

...the speckles in the photo below are leaves from the walnut trees.

The Beautiful Blessing of Friends...

They help us to handle
Whatever life sends
A flesh-and-blood candle
We simply call Friends

How sad would be sorrow
How biting its tear
How dreary tomorrow
Without friends to cheer

They gladden Time’s ages
Peasants feel like kings
As friends smooth the pages
Of trouble life brings

Friends fill heart-shaped fountains
That swell with pure laughter
Friends ring out the joy-bells
Hung from Heaven's rafter

How harsh would be heartache
How colder the cold
If there was no handshake
Of friendship to hold

They keen with compassion
Whatever life sends
This beautiful blessing
We simply call Friends

© Janet Martin

Who’s that? asked the little guy I babysit, as I waved at a lady walking her dog. Oh, that’s my friend, I replied and found myself slowly cherishing the word ‘friend’ and how little the word of the largeness it holds.... We were in a nearby town to pick up some ingredients to make a birthday supper tonight for another friend.

   Friend is a small 
   word with a big

Some friends we meet on a regular basis
Others are friends met through words, not faces
But no matter how or where we 'meetest'
Of all of life's blessings
friendship is sweetest .

Thank-you to all my friends who pause on this porch.
Blessings to you and yours.