Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Poem Is As A Poem Does

‘Too lyrical’, said one
Another one replied,
‘To rhyme, meter must be precise’
‘Too short, too long’,
They cried

‘Not impressed’, said he
‘Winner’ a voice declared
‘Punctuation needs some work’
The kind critic

‘Predictable’, one wrote
‘Superb’, another gushed
‘Ho-hum’, some yawned
While others found
A painting soft,

Expounded do’s and don’ts
Rouse poet-smiles a bit
They know ‘tis futile to dissuade
The pen by

© Janet Martin

I appreciate critiquing even when it leaves me scratching my head in confusion;-)

On Waiting...

...waiting for spring among other things.

Nobody likes to wait
Yet oh,
To wait it seems
Sometimes we must
Then, somehow
As we wait
And wait
And wait
It seems
We learn to trust

© Janet Martin

 Wait on the LORD: 
be of good courage, 
and he shall strengthen thine heart: 
wait, I say, 
on the LORD. 
Ps. 27:14

Why Rejoice?


Have you read it? available here

'Why rejoice?' asked Victoria (reading yesterday's post) as she thought of the littles who just lost their beloved mommy.

“Because she is with Jesus and not suffering anymore! The battle is won!”

We mourn because of love
Yet, rejoice in death’s grief
Because she is with Jesus and
Everlasting relief

We mourn for death impedes
The fellowship of touch
And though the body selfish pleads
For the old days and such

…we would not call her back
To this old world of pain
Because she is with Jesus and
Someday we’ll meet again

© Janet Martin

...for all of us who felt like we knew her.

Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 2 Cor.3:12

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  Matt.5:4

All around the world we mourn Kara's passing but rejoice in her victory! All around the world prayers are prayed on the Tippett family's behalf.

Winter's Undoing

 How fine it is to sit a while
And watch the mirth of March beguile
With smile and sunbeam flustering
Dear old man winter’s blustering

Yon skyline cannot long contain
The resurrection of Today
So too, winter cannot confine
For long the song of Spring-strung vine

And in her dance of green and gold
Time forgets it is growing old
As moments don the eager sky
Of spring urging winter goodbye

With sun-spun finesse she traces
The hard lines of his disgraces
Soft upon pond, yard and limb
She begins to temper him

For winter cold cannot resist
The joy of being laughter-kissed
Thus, warmed with willing smiles and tears
In spring's kind arms he disappears

© Janet Martin

Monday, March 23, 2015

Beyond Progress...

 Last week I didn't get a chance to write a 'progress' wikem

Did you know that progress has not progressed to the point that it can explain itself to wikipedia?:-)
it suggests that it may refer to ' the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernization, liberty, democracy, quality of life, etc  .wikipedia

Progress threatens to mess with the things that matter
But it cannot
Touch the sun on its way to high-noon as shutters
Of day unlock

Progress torments nature but cannot quell
Burgeoning bud
Where Spring will fill bared bowers with flower-shower-
Praises to God

Progress plans, but is powerless to improve
Foundations laid
All it accomplishes cannot be done without
What God first made

...and progress with earthy exclamation cries,
'look what we did!'
While the sun rises and sets, replenishing skies
Above its grid

What God first made, progress cannot better
Or usurp, no
In spite of countless conveniences, it can never
Steal heaven's show

© Janet Martin

I don't know how often I've said, 'I'm glad we cannot mess with the sky'!