Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Of Daily Grace

Memory and desire kindle
Hope and heartache's bittersweet
Even as those sky-clocks swindle
Moments from beneath our feet
Still we search, within each season
For the best of daily grace
Lest we lose sight of the reason
We are here in the first place

Future-present-past mute-mingle
Truth its changeless law imparts
 Where Life’s best will never jingle
In our pockets, but our hearts
The weigh-scale of choice is fool-proof
Night-skies with day-rise align
Ever changing on the changeless
Rudiments of Time’s design

The foothold of fame is fragile
Happiness, no one can buy
Daily grace is free; a God-smile
To the likes of you and I
Oh, for eyes to see the beauty
Not in some strange far-off place
But within love’s call of duty
And God's gift of daily grace

© Janet Martin

So, yesterday when one of the little guys I babysit (schools closed due to extreme cold temps)told us he heard its going to be an early spring, that called for hot-chocolate Cheers!

...and never mind the meteorologist this morning warning us it could be May before we feel any real spring warmth! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

It's Winter

Last summer I wrote It's Summer. 


This morning I needed to dig for the silver-lining in this long cold-snap...because It's Winter

It’s winter and the world that curled like kittens at our feet
Is wrapped in satin ribbon; chiaroscuro unmarred
The trees that sighed with summer-song lie silent on the street
Where each outline is still-life like a blue and white postcard

The lays that lush and languid fell in corridors plush green
As sparked imagination strummed the sun-sweet afternoons
Are b-r-r-r-ittle, b-r-r-r-usque and b-r-r-r-umal; minuets steel-tongued and keen
Its dancers bundled thick against astringent, surly tunes

That bivouac once laden with petal-perfume of flow’rs
Is sparse; a barren thoroughfare save for the gale that broods
Before it breaks the vault that holds a sea of sequin stars
They tumble to the outstretched arms of hill, hollow and woods

…and on the slope that holds our hope of daisy-dappled joys
Or picnics on the quilt that sleeps in closet-quietness
The air is drenched with shrieks as sleds spill jolly girls and boys
Where winter is a wonderland of snow-white happiness

© Janet Martin

The Grand Reason of the Clock

 Sometimes the bold exchange of day and night, of green to gold to white, vexes and stuns us in its undeterred assent...

 I couldn't sleep for a while last night, which is quite unusual, but for some reason the head was full of what the heart could not subdue...until I folded it into prayer after prayer and left it there.

Sometimes the head is full of what the heart cannot subdue
Where naked past is juxtaposed with veiled and vague unknown
A moment wrestles in our grip before it fades into
A labyrinth of consequence and echoes set in stone

Sometimes we fight the dark and light that interchanges where
We are not ready yet to taste the haste of past’s off-spring
And grace, for all its goodness does not vindicate our care
Or absolve nature’s order of harvest after planting

Sometimes the bold exchange of day and night, of green to gold
To white, vexes and stuns us in its undeterred assent
While words appeal, Time’s ether reel seals pictures in its hold
And will not return for undoing, one single moment

Sometimes we overlook the awesome charge of tick and tock
…the lowering of heaven and the rising of its sea
Can camouflage with seasons The Grand Reason of The Clock
Unlocking stepping-stones that lead to Immortality

© Janet Martin

Acts 17:24-31

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
“Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”

Here and Now

 ...seems we are always somewhat caught between holding on and letting go...

What was, we cannot change
What will be who can know?
The only thing we have and hold
Is this; the here and now

The here and now soon slips
Away, yet never does
A panoramic promenade
As is becomes what was

And in our looking back
We learn anew somehow
That all we ever really have
Is this; the here and now

Thus, because here and now
Is deftly interlaced
With what has passed and what will be
We have no time to waste

© Janet Martin

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Winter is a Little Time of Life

So, just in case we've forgotten...

The shawl that drapes white- soft on scraggly limb,
And lends its cape to cover field and hill
And locks the valley streams that lilt and brim
With silver song, beneath ice-soldered will

…the gale that wails across pale countryside
And roars, blue-lipped through brittle barrenness
Or lunges at each door and tries to find
Its way into our bones with brute caress

…the corpse-like timberland, where stiffly starched
Attendants observe, sergeant-steely-stern
Our creaking, squeaking footsteps bravely marched
Toward the hearth where dreams and fires burn

…the hunger for color and corridors
Alive with birdsong, where the air is rife
With everything that long we waited for
…is really but a little time of life

© Janet Martin

Hubby delivered cattle to a cheery, lithe-stepped farmer this morning. In a mischievous effort to derail this far-too-happy-for-a-raw-winter-morning farmer, hubby remarked about’ this too long too cold winter’ and Farmer quickly replied that “this cold is really but a little time of life when you stop to think about it, plus it is so good for the earth to rest in deep-freeze. We have snow blowers to move the snow. It’s not so bad”