Monday, November 3, 2014


Sometimes the heart spills inside out
With love and hurt and hope and doubt
We ache to turn its outside in
But cannot reach to deeps within

And what we thought we knew was true
Is more true than we ever knew
Before the tide of morn to night
Spilled oceans of grief and delight

And that heart-cup beneath our bones
Is all filled up; it moans and groans
As expectations are reversed
And joy’s elation moment-cursed

The ebb and flow of come and go
Perplexes everything we know
The heart must be an acrobat
A punching bag, an alley cat

…a howling gale, a teddy-bear
A fort, a ship, a sailor where
Life is a sea and a tight-rope
We cling to faith’s guard-rails of hope

…for oft the heart pours inside out
With love and laughter, fear and doubt
But with each sucker-punching thrust
The heart is learning what it must
…the heart is learning how to trust

© Janet Martin

Because We Cannot Be in Two Places at Once...

Because we cannot be
In two places at once
The part of me
That used to be
With you misses
You, hon

Because we cannot be
In two places at once
We fill the air
Twixt us with prayer
And leave the rest
To God

Because we cannot be
In two places the same
The blanket of
Memories, love
Warms every
Picture frame

© Janet Martin

PAD Challenge day 3: write a blanket poem

Our daughter and son-in-law just returned home after visiting his family in Nova Scotia. Good-byes are hard at both ends because one simply cannot be in two places at once!


 Last night the moon was up before the sun was down and now the moon has gone down and the sun is up!

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Pet.3:9

PAD Challenge day 3:For today’s prompt, write a blanket poem.

Hope does not bow its head
to slip like seasons do
into the blue; it smiles instead
across Time's ever new

The blanket of the sky
in sundry shades; sun, rain
throws back the colors of the night
then draws them up again

...and tucks beneath earth's chin
with faithful loving care
the hope of Time's begin-again
for hope does not despair

But lifts its yearning eye
The comfort of God's scope
blankets the morning-noon-night sky
with everlasting hope


Here He is again, pulling back the night with pink and gold delight...  


Friday, October 31, 2014


 When she saw tomorrow's forecast Victoria squealed and did a happy dance; November plus snow can mean only one thing...the beginning of Christmas music in the Martin-house;)

October frets from eaves cold, gray
It sets in leaves of golden fray
To slumber where we used to lie
Beneath blue blankets of the sky
Before earth’s tent was dull and torn
And lowered to a land forlorn

October slips into the hush
Of stricken wood and underbrush
Pungent its tattered chatter lies
Cradled in summer’s lullabies
As silence strums night’s frostiness
And numbs our noses with its kiss

October sets in gold and red
Lavishing trails where dreamers tread
A sodden, trodden aftermath
On nature’s endless garden path
Where we hear in Time’s undertow
The dance of feet waiting for snow

© Janet Martin

Death...In Memory of Troy

Death gives no reason when it comes
And often without warning
It chooses one still far too young
To turn our hearts to mourning

Death does not regard prominence
As its appointment severs
Mortal ties of family, friends
And changes lives forever

Death, who can tell how near or far
Our own appointment hovers?
Pray we choose then to live each day
As though life soon is over

© Janet Martin

I did not know Troy personally but...
...suddenly he is every parent’s son as every parent mourns. A horrific crash on the week-end involving three local youth claims the life of one.

So Alike, Yet oh So Different

Approx. 40 years later...

As we sit here recalling years that long have come and gone
And as we reminisce of childhood’s happy hours spent
Where kindred memories abound, some shared, some saved by one
I smile; because we’re so alike yet oh, so different

One remembers something that sparks someone else’s thought
And suddenly we are transported back; laughter is bent
Around the kitchen sink perhaps where life was learned and taught
While we grew up so much alike yet oh, so different

For a brief morning we relinquish bonds of mother-toll
As we become the little girls around our mother’s knee
And mother smiles as if she too returns to years time stole
Of having everyone at home the way it used to be

For things we cannot change, for afternoons lost and replaced
We tend time’s tender echoes with a reverent lament
As we exchange fond pictures framed where footsteps are retraced
In memories so much alike yet oh, so different

© Janet Martin

We were together on the old home farm yesterday to celebrate my mom’s birthday with our annual tea-party.Everyone brings food to enjoy with fellowship:)

It’s sweet and strange, the things the mind retains and so interesting to hear what one sister remembers that others have long forgotten! 

At this sink many an hour was spent chattering, arguing, being extremely silly, singing four-part harmony, watching the world from this window while doing dishes. A family with 10 kids always makes lots of laundry, lots of dishes and lots of precious memories.
My brother and his family live here on the home farm.