Monday, November 18, 2013


To harvest joy we must employ
Not tools of iron, steel or wood
But firmly wield in every field
A humble heart of gratitude

To harvest joy giddy like boy
With puppy or wee girl with dream
We must aspire in meek desire
To regard ‘small’ with high esteem

To harvest joy; mystic alloy
Of standing strong and bowing low
We must entrust our begging dust
To One True God who loves us so

To harvest joy is not to cloy
Vain expectation’s bloated yen
But to embrace God’s gift of grace
In breath-by-breath betrothed ‘amen’

Ultimate joy is no decoy
Of painted plastic, stone or wood
It is the thrill of  broken will
Filling a heart of gratitude

© Janet Martin

I Woke to Hear November's Wind...

I woke to hear November’s wind
Where night-scape sprawled silent and still
Yet noise tore at each leafless limb
With violent and unbending will petal- leaves were ushered, rushed
Beneath a giant, obscure broom
Like children by a mother, shushed
Toward an invisible room

…and how can sound, like a freight-train
Rumble with no distinctive source?
Rattling at every window-pane
A formless brute of fearsome force

It screams; a wild relentless wail
And no one can escape its wrath
Except the moon, round-faced and pale
Beaming to earth a silver path

© Janet Martin

We have had more power-outages in the past 8 months than we have in the past 8 years! Last night I stood in the dark and gazed out at the surreal-ness of shrieking wind over moonlit calm. The trees are bare and nothing seemed to move yet the house shook and rattled in its relentless force. 

Our hydro was restored this afternoon.:)

November Is...

Long lies the shadow, ‘cross the globe
Snuffed soon by twilight’s chastening
Earth-scape has donned the deeper robe
Of Time’s insistent hastening
The breaker crashes on the cove
There are no stragglers on the beach
 Summer has fallen from the grove
Once heady with plum bloom and peach
November is a sparring poem
Of letting go and holding on

The separation of tick-tock
Shapes, first the present then the past
Time touts a subtle half-breath lock
Stealing, sealing its pulsing cast
November is a strange ghost-town
Of crumpled leaf and wand’ring wind
As we stroll streets, barren and brown
Seeking a song we cannot find
Yet here and there we glimpse a trace
Of moments spilled to Time’s embrace

Life’s mortal stakes are vanity
November is the solemn steward
Reminding us that what we see
Is but a temporal vineyard
And we, the servants of its spoil
Are at the mercy of tick-tock
Its proof pants in our weary toil
Or leaf-song snared against the rock
November is a broken road
Leading to spring and Heav’n-abode

© Janet Martin


PAD Challenge, day 18

For today’s prompt, write a “forget what I said earlier” poem. This poem could be a response to a poem you wrote earlier in the challenge (or just earlier in general). Or it could cover one of those moments–I have them all the time–when you say something that ends up proving wrong or that you wish you’d taken back.

Forget what I said about daylight
Washing those thoughts away
Where did you come from and how, love?
Here in the middle of day
Before the blue night-cloud diminished
Before the sun drank up the dew
I am compelled to admit it it...
Night-thoughts can be day-thoughts too...


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life-gift or Hollow Token

 Writer's Digest PAD challenge: Day 17

For today’s prompt, write an element poem. Maybe an element from the periodic table (hydrogen, oxygen, etc.). Maybe an element of surprise?!? Or a missing element, which could refer to a person, tool, or poem. Run wild with it.

...yes, run wild with  it!
Tear the wrapping from this gift
Touch, taste, treasure its fine measure
Let its mercy-morsels sift
Through our bearing, reaching, sharing
Never daring to be slack
For this is a one-time wonder 
We can never have it back
 ...But remember, precious children
Without God we waste this dance
Empty as the hollow token
In a one-night stand romance


Saturday, November 16, 2013

How Swift the Sparkling Day...

Wow, this day flew by...I was sure I was going to have some 'spare' time today,to get out and 'play' but the blue dusk fell too quickly.

How swift the day, the sparkling day
Has borne its rife ration away
And now the stars come out to play
In night’s ebony field
How soft the hour, the grappling hour
Returns to earth the dewy flow’r
And man can sense a potent pow’r
Within the clock concealed

The night, the stealthy night descends
And wraps the land in ether blends
Of blue on blue until it ends
In darkness, star-pinned black
A man, a man travels the span
Of dust to dust beneath the fan
Of dark to light to dark again
…there is no turning back

How soon, how soon the vanity
Of have and holding’s venery
Will still, like leaf beneath the tree
Or snowflake’s silent sleep
How swift the day and darkness fade
How quickly Time’s pittance is paid
The measure of its moments weighed
In that supernal deep

© Janet Martin

Of Half-things

'We are over half-way to Christmas!' announces Victoria as she counts down the days with beads...

Writer's Digest PAD Challenge 16

For today’s prompt, write a half-way poem. The poem might deal with a half-way point in time. Or perhaps, a place in the dead center of here and there–in a physical sense. Even a compromise on terms in a negotiation can work.

Who knows the home-stretch or that ether crux where
we can proclaim, we are half-way there?

Who can tell his half-number of days?
Or judge half a man simply by his age...

In half an hour we will be
closer to a finish-line we cannot see

Half-cups of coffee, half-smile, half-kiss
spawns desire to see what the other half is...

A half-poem crumpled on the floor
tells of an author looking for more...

Time is an intangible winnowing of air
Its half-breath whisper silvers the hair...

We must pursue life, not with half a heart
But taste every moment to its fullest part

Joy, sorrow, laughter, pain
The other half of sun is rain

Half-parted waters, half-answered prayer
Sometimes the waiting is a hard half to bear

Life is the door-way to eternity
where there is no 'half-accountability'...

Darling, let's be hungry for each other
like we can never get enough
because who is ever satisfied
with  'half-of-making-love'?


an old proverb that I grew up on...

What your hand finds to do
Do with your might
Things done by halves
Are never done right

Friday, November 15, 2013

These are Night-thoughts...


Image Source

"These are night-thoughts; the daylight will wash them away".
 ~From Lark-rise to Candleford~

Charmed, I suppose by blue and rose
Of morning, noon and twilight brush
A cage of bone can hold its own
The heart a Brave in living’s rush
But then, oh then the midnight pen
Reveals what daylight washes far
When I am sage with age again
And never wondering where you are…

Spoiled, I guess, by love’s caress
I could ask for nothing more
The heart can hold both gray and gold
As daylight seals that private door
But oh, the night, when all is quiet
Unbars the gate of good intent
Before the day when soft I say
I never wonder where you went…

Yes, yes, I know, the ebb and flow
Of dawn to dusk to dawn must be
The thoughts that ride its moment-tide
Are at the mercy of its sea
And I am just a girl at heart
The night has no respect for years
Thought spills unhindered in the dark
That in the daylight disappears…
