Friday, November 8, 2013

Supreme Satisfaction

Writer's Digest PAD challenge, day 8
For today’s prompt, write an inanimate object poem. Obviously, you could write an objective poem about an inanimate object, or you can write from the perspective of the inanimate object. If you can think of a third option, have at it.

But for the pounding hoof of
race horse in her chest
But for the salty silver
trickling silent down her face
she is as inanimate
as the mat that bore the action
Where now she pauses
for thirty seconds
of supreme satisfaction 


Thursday, November 7, 2013

White Night

White is an ether belvedere
Soft, swirling poetry
Of snowflake sparkle on the air
And earth a starry sea

White wraps the night in opulence
A quilted quietude
Of downy soft deliverance
And sacred solitude

White is the color of a sigh
When every prayer is spent
A spiraling soliloquy
Of laughter and lament

White falls not quite unlike the leaf
That drifted soundlessly
To rest within the frozen sheaf
Of sun-spun history

© Janet Martin

It is white tonight...

Keep Me, Gentle Shepherd


Lead me, gentle Shepherd, lead me
This old world is stark and harsh
If I trust in my vain senses
I will perish in its marsh

Help me, Gentle Shepherd, help me
Such a fumbling fool am I
When my feet would follow sinners
Point me to Heaven’s sweet sky

Feed me, gentle Shepherd, feed me
Fill the hunger in my soul
Be my Living Bread and Water
For none else can make me whole

Hold me, gentle Shepherd, hold me
Lest by pride I am deceived
And persuaded thus to wander
From the Promise I believed

Keep me, gentle Shepherd keep me
Place Your peace within my fear
Then, when demons try and test me
I will feel Your presence near

© Janet Martin

I searched out this verse today...

He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young. Isa. 40:11

Of Hardships and Hope

Writer's Digest PAD challenge; Day 7
For today’s prompt, write a hardship poem. The hardship could be moving forward after a tragic loss, having to work through a difficult problem, or even just showing up to work. It can be serious, funny, or complicated.

Hardships harbored in the heart
are heavy, borne alone
The window to the soul downcast
and all its shutters drawn
But there is One who knows and cares
He holds us close within our prayers

Hardships hone and prove our faith
by how we learn to cope
And they are never greater
Than Love's anchoring of Hope
The One who suffered every grief
Helps us in our unbelief

Hope holds the cup that hardship drains
Faith fills it with our tears
We cannot see but yet we trust
One greater than our fears
This is the day the Lord has made
God, help us trust; not be afraid


Autumn Aria (an autumn alliteration)

Harvester humming an autumn aria
Maple tree muting midnight’s melody
Laying the lilt of last lyrics beneath it
Before blizzard blankets each branch on the tree
Fall flings its farewell song into the sky
Free-fall of laughter and leaf-lullaby

Silver-soft silk of milkweed sigh meanders
Over fall’s fallow it floats fancy-free
Gone is the gold-gilded garment of glory
Scattered with scarlet across sod and sea
Apples are gathered; baked, broiled, battered; dipped
Gardens are gleaned; vineyards, orchards stripped

Wild wind is bullying, begging and brawling
Shaking the shivering poplar and pine
Tossing the tresses where farewell is falling
Fast, furious frenzy of fruit from the vine
Heavy hearts hunger for happier hope
But summer is slumbering over the slope

© Janet Martin

WOW! It gets dark early on a rainy afternoon!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

When I Dreamed You...

When I dreamed you
You laughed
And played
Into my fantasy
But now you’re here
Those phantoms years
Morphed to Reality
There isn’t much about you
That I can quite recall
But simply this;
You’re nothing like
I pictured you at all

© Janet Martin

Yesterday something suddenly sparked words of a wise friend.
Janet, she murmured, ‘the future is never like we pictured it, is it?

A Word on a Page...

A word on a page spawns an infinite stage
Beckoning to the believer of ink
Curved curious creatures, a semblance of letters
Dares to reveal what we dream; what we think
Each author hears a different diction
Fiction or memoir; fantasy, fact
Groaning within us until we deliver
Heartache and hope in a word’s glorious pact
Its invitation evokes inspiration
Juxtaposed union of sorrow and joy
Keening our senses with fire and frustration
Love, loss and longing their legions deploy
Muting the minute hand; muzzling mere moments
Nothing can null the intent of their will
Oceans of thought swirl in ink-drop deliverance
Passion and poetry savagely spill
Quickening pulses or quieting worry
Raging like rivers or melting like mist
Skimming a surface of plain parchment paper
Torment and tiralee; loneliness kissed
Unearthing thought with the twist of a letter
Vexing, perplexing, then wildly set free
Word; are there any more beautiful; better?
X-ray of heart revealed in your melee
You seem inconspicuous; wee word on a page
Zenith of thought fills your infinite stage

© Janet Martin

Our home-work assignment in our Writer’s Group is to write an ‘alphabetical order piece’ starting with the phrase ‘a word on a page’. Our next meeting isn’t until January so I decided to play with the prompt this morning.

Antique Shopper...

Time's tiny tick and tock turns pages forward, not back...

 Writer's Digest PAD Challenge: Day 6.
For today’s prompt, write a poem from the perspective of a person who either works at and/or visits a place you like to visit (that’s not yourself).

What is it that brings us here
To walk among the stands
and touch old books and crocks and such
or wonder at the hands
that shaped with sweat, callous and skill
the things that yet remain
to remind us of bygone days
covered wagons, trains,
tubs with no running water,
hand-made tools and bowls,
...the echo of our fantasy
to fill Time's modern holes.
We've never met
Anywhere else
But here in this old store
Where we come
To catch a glimpse
Of days that are no more.
