Saturday, November 26, 2011

Good Old Days...

Yesterday, when you were mine
And all the world was ours
When dreams, like grapes upon a vine
And hope like budding flowers
Adorned the humble lintel
Like soft unspoken prayers
And words were kind and gentle
As we bore each others cares
Yesterday, before we blamed
Each other for our grief
Before our hearts, sad and ashamed
Revealed our unbelief
Before the leaves of summer’s trees
Lay heavy on the grass
And harbored tears stretched into years
Within an hour-glass
Yesterday, before the truth
Revealed itself in history
And all the untried dreams of youth
Were life’s most pleasant mystery
Yesterday, before the morrows
Fell away into the past
To a field of chosen sorrows
In a silence, iron-cast


Today's Prompt: Good, old days...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Mirror Images...or Mere images

Perception; a reflection of inspection or deception

Realization; an invasion of undressed deception

Honesty; untwisting twisted logic

Action: beginning with the face in the mirror

Reaction; Love.



On Consumption...


So many insightful words of wisdom at the the above link today...
So easy to consume and carry on...

So hard to teach the meaning of true love in words...
So easy to make lists.

So easy to consume words...
So hard to consume The Word.

There is no pretty color for greed.

Words without action are nothing but a fickle breeze.

Why am I content to be a victim of my own pathetic excuses?

I have much less than 'they'
That must mean I'm okay...

If we learn the true meaning of Love
the rest will fall into place.

Prayer; Dear God, teach us to Love...

Logical Thinking...

After a trip to the local dump
And a yard-sale
We finally had some room...
...for more stuff

Every morning I pass the sub-division
Full of signs
Protesting a new land-fill sight

On garbage day
the curb is decorated
With glistening yellow and black
Blue-boxes filled to the brim
Trade-marks of success

I saw a picture of hungry children...
but they live in Ecuador
Come to think of it, I need groceries

The micro-wave broke...

Time's are tough...
I guess we'll need to skip the offering-plate today



Hunger is a word for those less deserving
Than we who rub our well-stuffed paunches
God is a sixty or a two inch screen
Depending on what gadget Samsung launches
‘Gaining the world’; an unattainable quest
But has become so imperative that
We have forfeited a day of rest
To worship the fatted calf
Need and greed have become thoroughly confused
‘To consider the lilies’; a contradiction
Matthew five, six and seven; ancient, out-dated views
We are the techno-generation
With micro-waves, dish-washers, instant mashed potatoes
We rush about, gasping for breath
As churches stand empty; for we are much too busy
Gathering things left behind at death


Today's Prompt: Consumerism

In Search of Christmas Day

Twas Christmas Eve and all through town the lights blinked red and green,
Snow was softly falling down where naked worlds had been,
Last minute shoppers rushed on home, discarding final lists,
While others packed up and left town to see dear folk they’d missed

Then, as I gazed on up the street I spied a form alone,
He wandered as if searching for something a long time gone,
He paused to view the festive scenes in windows twinkling bright,
Where ‘Merry Xmas’ signs were strung in honor of this night

Then up the silent street He trod, his steps were sad and slow,
Unlike the rush these walks had known a few short hours ago,
Past Santa’s smiling face he walked, past a twinkling Christmas tree,
Up to a window brightly lit where he could stand and see

Inside each person rushed about dreaming of Christmas day,
Dressing up the turkey or tucking last gifts away,
Dreaming of feasts, laughter and gifts, tables o’er-flowing with food
Trees laden down with presents for all, oh, what a holiday mood

Stockings were hung at the fireplace, everything was complete,
The table was set with cookies and milk for Santa’s special treat,
While folk all sang the Christmas carols and talked of Christmas cheer,
The stranger outside the window turned away and wiped a tear

Tis true, he cried, tis awful truth, I see it all too well,
The reason why they choose to cross out that first syllable,
Tis Merry Xmas, that is sure, the baby and Bethlehem’s star
Are simply vague traditions from the past, so faint and far

They’ve forgotten the ‘Christ’ is what this day is really all about,
That the true meaning is all gone if they choose to cross Him out,
They’ve forgotten, it is Christ, not Santa, that represents Christmas Day,
And in truth it is Merry Xmas if they choose to put him away

He wiped his tears and whispered, I’m sorry but I cannot stay here,
I simply do not feel at home amidst this festive cheer,
I watched him turn with broken heart and slowly walk away,
Twas then I saw the Man was Christ in search of Christmas Day

Janet Martin

Today's Topic: consumerism

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Inadequate Sufficiency

Because you are Lord
You hear beyond
Our humble two-syllable word
How, for the wonder of
Sunsets and seasons
And family and love
How, for earth’s beauty
And the gift of redemption
How, for your endless mercy
And the promise of heaven
All that we can offer you
Is thank-you
Thank-you, thank-you
But, because you are Lord
And you are Love
This inadequate,
Two-syllable word
Is enough

Janet Martin

I was going to stop writing for today, but as I was reflecting
on the things in my immediate scope of vision and in my limited understanding
of Life, as I began touching the things that my toil consists of, as I began to think about how the temporal is bearable because of the Permanent
I tried to express to God how blown away I am, by Him...and all I could think of to say was Thank-you, thank-you...
the same word I use when you hold the door for me
is the same word I use to thank Him for Calvary...
But because He is God it is enough!

This picture captured my heart perfectly...
even as I bow to pray I am the mystified and astounded onlooker!

Gathered Here...

Gathered here…
Longing, love
Victory, defeat
Joy, sorrow
Hope, fear
Gathered here…
Ecstasy, anguish
Right, wrong
Pleasure, pain
The past, the unknown
Gathered here…
Hunger, contentment
Laughter, a sigh
Freedom, bondage
Hello, good-bye
Gathered here…
In a tear
