Friday, May 6, 2011

Little Moments

Moments seem small and meaningless
When isolated, one by one
But together they make a lifetime
And the person we become
Moment by little moment
We touch and mold or break
God, teach me in those moments
How to give more than I take



Work, laugh, love
Sleep, eat, pray
And so the moments
Slip away
Always preparing
For winter…
…and eternity


I am washing and putting the screens
back into the windows today.
It feels like I just took them out
in preparation for winter
and a thought occurred to me…

Is life not mostly a routine of preparation?
Planting, toiling gathering…
Working, buying, using…
Sleeping, planning, hoping…
…for what?


If ever……. through the million peep-holes
In the navy vaulted dome
Like a grand door full of key-holes
If ever God said, "Come"
And He would give us one wee glimpse
Through the key-hole of the Earth
And we would see the vastness of
The entire universe
And far beyond there stood ajar
A glorious shining gate
Where all eternal glories are
Where God and Heaven wait………
Then if He gently turned our head
For just the briefest glance
At what will be our doom instead
If we deny His chance
If ever we saw…..
how transformed our logic then would be
As we stand in awe of Him
……….and eternity



Maelstrom of emotion
Rising in me
Storm on an ocean
Of melancholy

Time may steal moments
Hours and such
But cannot tear from me
The want of your touch

Sadness and laughter
Weep on the same breeze
These are the essence
Of memories

Milk-white blossoms
Laden with dew
Are soon withered petals
On time’s avenue

Maelstrom of emotion
Gleams in my eye
I brush its ocean
And you, from my sigh


Thursday, May 5, 2011


Stalwart outlines pivot towards the western sky
Smoky brush-strokes rivet the upward eye
While whispers gather in the thickening air
Tugging at my heart-strings like a prayer

Under tattered remnants of the noon
I see the pale, white crescent of the moon
I study the path that flows toward the sea
I stand betwixt what was and what will be

Still-life painting wafts above the day
Its aching splendor soothes our cares away
Silence claims the restlessness inside
I revel in spring’s glorious eventide


I really wished I had my camera on my way home tonight…
The sky was a constantly evolving panorama.

Above the Law

If there were laws in poetry
I would not write
If there were perimeters
To bind me
I would fight
For poetry is a whisper of the soul
A well-spring of passion
Which law cannot control
And rules would steal
The freedom
Of the floundering pen
Poetry would thus be
Stilted expectations
Conformed to laws of men
If there were rules to follow
I would not be
A lover of the art
Of poetry



You spread over me
as a robe of flesh
As close as your heart-beat
Raging agony,
You and I enmeshed
In every way
but one; bitter-sweet
Distance fills the air
For I am here
and you are there


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Why, at the change of seasons
Do I feel a sense of loss?
In words there are no reasons
Just an aching without cause
As over phantom ridges
Another season slips
Rushing under bridges
Beyond my finger-tips
A-kin to that gray feeling
As I see you walk away
With moments glibly stealing
Twixt today and yesterday
You fade into the distance
I watch you walk into the blue
While a wave of moody dissonance
Wraps me in thoughts of you
Why, at the turn of seasons
Do I hear the breezes weeping?
Could it be they know the reasons
Held in vaults beyond my keeping?
