Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The First Time...........

There never can be another
first time...........
It's intriguing thrill and mystery
cannot be re-captured by returning
and again.

We remember some 'first times'
as if they were yesterday...
for others, too many tomorrows
seem to be in the way..........

The words of a song wash over me
in heart-wrenching ecstasy
for there can never be
another 'first time'.......

The sun still rises.....
The moon and stars have returned
to their designated stations....
and we
continue on to pre-ordained destinations.....

There will be other firsts........
some forgotten, some never remembered....
The first time............
There shall never be
another 'first'
to replace the one
we know..........


I’m thankful that we are not lost ships
Sailing on a sea
In some coincidental, cosmic galaxy

I’m thankful that we are born
Already part of a greater plan
Known by He who creates man

I’m thankful that for every sin there is forgiveness
And in every dawn
There is mercy and compassion

I’m thankful for hands
Those I hold or have held
Reminding me we live in an ever-changing world

I’m thankful for the One who remains
In spite of life’s ever-changing panorama
Always and forever, the same


I love to send the kids off with a kiss and a prayer
And on some days, a verse…
This morning the verse was Isaiah 41:13

For I am the
Lord your God, who takes
Hold of your right hand
And says to you,
‘Do not fear; I will help you.’

….and I remembered, in spite of all
My fear and uncertainty
‘All the days ordained for me were written in a book
Before one of them came to be’ Psalm 139:16

…that, ‘because of the Lord’s great love
We are not consumed,
For His compassions never fail,
They are new every morning:
Great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

…and that ‘He is the same,
Yesterday, today, forever!! Heb.13:8

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

To Dar......

Those tears in our eyes
The faltering of a weary hand
The darkened skies
They are not the end
But simply the reminder
Of our need for a higher Power
The Great Designer
He produces the flower
As we, the created
Adhere to our Creator
Knowing full well
He is Mediator
Twixt seen and unseen
Of what is to be
And what has been…..

Once she combed your hair
Helped you
Loved you and
Taught you to fly
Now, you return her
Gifts of love
One day at a time……
Those tears in your eye
The faltering hand
The wistful sigh
Because you do not understand
These are love’s pictures
A paradigm
Strength sent in whispers
Because of Him……..

The landscape sweeps
Beyond our view
But He who keeps
It; keeps us too
He sends those blue hills
We must climb
But holds us,
One step at a time
Though greener pastures
Draw the eye
We know that winter
Will pass by
And someday
You’ll look back and say
What a day that was

Hang in there, friend,
Love, Janet~

Poets Write Words..........

Poets write words
Of joy and sorrow
Ambitions, hurts
But as they leave
The tip of the pen
They are no longer her words
Or his, but then
The reader paints the images…..
Scattered on a floor
Shadow of a yester-year
The wind-swept shore
The lips that smiled
Or breathed a sigh
Hands held for a little while
Before good-bye
Poets write words
But on walls
Of dimly-lit corridors
Are drawings and sketches
Viewed only by he
Who paints the picture
With the words
Of poetry…………..


Monday, January 10, 2011


Can't stop the rain from falling
Can't force the snow to the sea
Can't change the scene on the sky-line
Or hurry the past back to me
Can't become any day younger
Nor older a moment too soon
Can't see beyond the horizon
Or walk on the cusp of the moon
Can't dim a slow-burning memory
Can't stop the wisp of a sigh
Can't fill the feeling of empty
Can't pluck one star from the sky
Can't forget what I want to
Can't remember the same
Can't become me without you
Can't stop hearing your name……….


Soon I'll Dance.....

Snowflakes performing
Their perfunctory swivel to the earth
Winds tossing them in
Thoughtless gleeful mirth
The deep dark blue
Of midnight’s throat
Amplifies earth’s
Dazzling over-coat
The silence creeps
Across the sky
I gaze upon
Its vaulted eye
And offer no
Caustic rebuff
To this colder
Side of love
I return its
Sullen glance…….
Soon, on fields
Of spring I’ll dance


Perfect Silence.....

What? Is there no silence on this earth?
For e’en the silence I would find
Is broken by my very breath
Though I have sought with wearied mind
The solace of sweet solitude
Far beyond the plebian crowd
And nearly found it by the wood
But my heart was beating loud
And in the deep dark shadow-land
Still I heard soft vespers moan
Heedless of my minds command
It breathed in muted under-tone
But in the palm of argent field
Glistening in the winter sun
When my pounding heart had stilled
And all the wind had come and gone
I heard; for just one mille-sigh
The sound of not a thing at all
But sunshine, sparkling from the sky
In perfect soundless madrigal


Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Missed You Last Night.....

I missed you last night……
Friends come…then they go
Laughing into the dark sky…
Their footprints scattered on the snow…..

I missed you last night
Babies come….and then they grow
Hands waving, waving good-bye
People to see and places to go

I missed you last night
The darkness comes……too soon
Choices return to sing their songs
In raucous, off-key tune

I missed you last night
You come…..then you go
It’s so quiet; all I hear
Is the glitter of the snow……….


Friday, January 7, 2011

Tiny Hands Joining.....

Tiny hands joining, slipping one into the next
So are days…..
One slipping over the other,
In subtle ways
Becoming weeks, months …
And years
Baby becomes little child,
Child who seems all arms and legs
Suddenly stands tall…
And there appears
A young man or woman…….
While daddy and mother work and play
The raven lock is turning gray
The smooth brow bears
A line or three
And days become
A lifetime……
Little minutes slipping
One over the other,
Becoming hours,
Days and years,
Little children grow up
And become fathers and mothers….

What have you done today,
Before your little moment slips away?
Tiny hands joining.......
Becoming the story
Of a life…….
