Sunday, April 24, 2016

April Aria

 I took this video a few nights ago, but as soon as I tried to get closer to the source the song stopped...

Spring’s flood-and-bud beginnings lilt
With dreams of days to come
The sky, like a blue carafe spilt
In blush and emerald sum

How fair its flock of sheep heaped soft
Upon cerulean hill
How rare its palette wafts aloft
Spring’s awesome art to spill

The snows of winter's b-r-r-r are past
Its dirge in purged hearts sighs
Where showers stir a flower-cast
Of petal-storm replies

With violet kiss earth’s drowsing span
Shakes off its last repose
To shoulder, since the curse of man
Both nettle and red rose

The woodland rings with newborn things
The peeper in the pond
The robin and the thrasher sings
Where green-spun strings respond

Bare vault shivers, expectancy
Quivers in every limb
Time’s bow slides slow across earth’s lea
And April is its hymn

© Janet Martin

Fresh Try...

PAD Challenge day 24:For today’s prompt, write a poem in which something is lost and then regained.

I felt so bad, the chance I had 
To do that Thing was gone
Or so I thought, then loving God
Gentled the dark with dawn

Across the loss of days gone by
From sea to shining sea
He filled the sky with a fresh 'try'
And opportunity

Janet Martin

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Ps. 118:24 

Wishing you a most blessed day of rest.

Birthday Gift

A birthday is a gift from God
To which none can compare
Because it proves above all else
His kind, unfailing care

This freefall from time’s tick-tock fount
For all its discontent
Sends us one special day to count
The blessings God has lent

Then we become most humbly glad
For this, our gift of days
And what a blessed year we had
To give God all the praise

~Janet Martin

Every day people all around the world celebrate this wonderful gift...a birthday! 
If today is your special day I hope it is a truly blessed one.
Last night we attended our first ever 60th birthday party and Time it seems, for all of us is a slippery thing we can never quite grasp!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

This Is No Paradise...

( excerpt from the book The Wind That Shakes the Barley)

This is no paradise
Where we press prayers and tears
And humble home-made heaven-bits
To time’s fretwork of years

This is no trial run
Where once-a-lifetime pours
With nothing more than mere moments
Time’s path to heaven’s doors

This is no small matter
This kiss of mist that peers
Into time’s cup, a little breath
And then it disappears

…not into stone-cold graves
Nor into nought’s abyss
But into Vast Eternity
Where only God IS

© Janet Martin

Take Off Your Shoes, This is Holy Ground

Writer's Digest PAD Challenge 23:For today’s prompt, write a footwear poem. A poem about shoes,or
  If you’d prefer not to dedicate a poem to your footwear, just mention footwear somewhere in the poem.

Glimmer on a fence-post
Shimmer on a leaf
Hint of pastel tint upon
Orion’s star-spun sheaf

Winnowing of silence
Aria of lark
Stirs glass air, a perfect prayer
Pierces dreamlands dark

Deft, God-breath of mercy
Lengthening of grace
Dawn's first gold undoing
Sod and sky’s embrace

Faint, the waking hour
Paints earth with a sigh
Forgiveness, hope's flower
Filling up the sky

Murmur of mist melting
Drawing hills and homes
Upon halcyon countryside
So the morning comes

© Janet Martin

Above quote from this book...

Of 'Miss-this' Replay

Writer's Digest PAD Challenge day 23:For today’s prompt, write a footwear poem.

I know someday I'll miss this:
These days that hear me say
'Make your beds,
clean up your rooms
and put your shoes away'

I'll miss this common heaven
Of mundane disarray
'hang up your coat
and back-pack, oh,
and put your shoes away

Etched on fond memory
When I am old and gray
I'll play those days
When I could say,
Please, put your shoes away

...hang up wet towels,
don't leave your spills
for me to wipe, and pray
please, when you come in take a sec
and put your shoes away...

I wonder if, someday perchance
They'll hear me as they say
To their teen-sters,
Dream deaf and blind
 'please, put your shoes away' 

Janet Martin~

Friday, April 22, 2016

The World Woke Green Today

 I stared and stared when I got up...what is different? oh, the world woke green!

The world woke green today
Freed from dull garb it wore
See how the earth its Lord obeys
The world woke, green once more

Its tattered underlay
Is overcome with spring
The imminence of blooming days
Saturates everything

We forgive winter’s chill
And the ill winds that blew
Because after they’ve had their fill
The world wakes green and new

© Janet Martin