Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Strumming the Harpstrings of Heaven from Earth...

Slowly the night dies and dissolves from sight
Holy, the heavens reply with daylight
Lowly, we shoulder the tools for the fight
Knowing we know not what waits to unfold
Darling, the way to the grave is a thorn
Sparkling with rose from the bud of the morn
Carving from naught that for which we are born
Future to present to Past’s heart-shaped mold

Gently the dark takes its leave star by star
Deftly the day breaks on earth’s eastward bar
Grant us, Lord; grant us the will for its war
Subtle, the battles of heart, soul and mind
Gently the fingers of time strum the spheres
Deftly our inhale, exhale becomes years
Grant us, Lord grant us the strength for its tears
Strewed in the wake of daybreaks left behind

Once more the door to faith’s freeway flings wide
Over the indigo-kissed countryside
Over the clover and nettle-toned tide
Wafts the extension of grace-granted scrim
Softly the loft of our oft-dreamy stares
Offers new backdrops to old-fashioned prayers
Grafting their courtship to daily affairs
Where moments meter in stairs back to Him

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hope Incarnate Because...

We could not hope for better days
Or marvel at spring’s green-spun ways
Or sing in spite of sorrow’s tear
Or bear life’s care with heart of cheer
Or know beyond that which we see
Or love beyond mortality
Or forgive without grudge or strife
Or believe in more than this life
Or be set free from fear, guilt, dread
If Jesus had not risen from the dead

© Janet Martin

And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.

But now Christ has been raised from the dead...

Manifestation of Thought

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Thought begets deed
Deed begets fruit
Fruit begets seed
Seed begets root
© Janet Martin

Your feet and your hands
will travel
Where your mind has already been.
(from the above message)

Ways of Days

Trees shed glass leaves and wait for green of spring.

The ways of moments toss
Their fortunes to the air
Futility mourns for the loss
Of days no longer there

The bitter and the sweet
Compete then coalesce
The silent sorrow of defeat
Mingles with happiness

There is no going back
To retrace Bygone’s path
We search for what we love or lack
Here, in its aftermath

…as ways of moments spill
Fresh opportunity
Into the air where want and will
Turn it to memory

© Janet Martin

Today's moments plan to include the laying to rest of hubby's Aunt Verna. 
The Lord has taken her out of her suffering at last!

We are not living in the Day of Judgement
We are living in the days of grace.
Lord, pray that we repent, recieve
Thy gift before it is too late!

Monday, March 28, 2016

For The Sake of Thorn and Rose, Poetry and Prose...

Why and How We Are Able...

Could we, without a God of grace
Be brave enough to face the foe
Or bear to drink life’s cup of woe
Or surrender when God says ‘no’?

Could we without a God of hope
Dare to embark on a new day
Where none but He can see the way
And we could not know what to pray?

Could we, without a God of love
Suffer life’s sorrows or its joy?
Or teach the tender girl or boy?
Or trust in what none can destroy?

Could we without a God of life
Begin to live or breathe at all?
How would we rise after we fall?
Or time be more than death’s dread pall?

Could we know grace, hope, love below
Without this One true God? No, no!

© Janet Martin

No Feckless Freefall...

© Janet Martin

 Psalm 139:16
Your eyes saw my unformed body; 
all the days ordained for me were written in your book 
before one of them came to be.