Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Reflection's of The Reason For The Season

Snagged some writing time (between dishes) while these munchkins napped...

 (Blurred to respect privacy of non-family members)

This poem was written to refocus on what's important
instead of on what's not done yet!

Let the love of Jesus kindle kindness to each one we meet
Let the joy of Jesus anchor us where cares and prayers compete
Let the hope of Jesus shield our hearts and minds from despair’s woe
Let the peace of Jesus keep us from returning blow for blow
Let the light of Jesus banish doom and gloom with mercy's grace
Let the truth of Jesus vanquish doubt without a shadow's trace
Let the remembrance of Jesus birth in us a song renewed
As the Reason for the season fills our hearts with gratitude

© Janet Martin

Monday, December 2, 2019

Masterpiece of Master Peace

 Last night the wheels fell off the peace-and-goodwill bus for a little...
in a blur of lost tempers and misunderstood personalities that
might never be fully understood this side of Heaven😐 
(aren't you humbly thankful if we confess our sins 
He is faithful and just to forgive our sin
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness?!(1 John 1:9)
As we let those words sink and sink in 
meek gratitude renders
hope renewed

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble.
 But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

In this world where fear and sorrow
Molds a masterpiece of care
What is our hope for tomorrow
To defend us from despair

In this world where toil and trouble
Unfurls hobbles of dismay
What buoys and cups time’s bubble
Bobbing toward Judgement Day

In this world where want and waiting
Tries the fealty of us all
What crushes the taunting, hating
Head of evil’s dreadful gall

In this masterpiece of mayhem
In this world of sin and strife
What in the midst of confusion
Is the bulwark in our life

What keeps our eyes fixed on heaven
In this world of blame and shame
Ah this! Knowing we are forgiven
Is the Master Peace we claim

Knowing that nothing can ever
Overthrow Salvation’s Name
Yesterday today forever
Jesus Christ abides the same

Knowing, glorious, victorious
Waves the banner of release
In the cleansing blood of Jesus
All will find love’s Master Peace

© Janet Martin

 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just 
to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 NKJV

Gifts Beyond My Reach to Give...

There are some gifts beyond our power to give...
No matter how much we wish we could
our part is but to pray we would all seek and find!

My dear, this Christmas if I could my gift to you would be
The assurance that comes from trust in more than we can see
The peace that passes understanding in this world of woe
Or joy unspeakable grounded in grace whereby we go

I’d like if you could unwrap hope to carry in your heart
To help you cope no matter what, its priceless work of art
Would draw you like a brilliant star when life is dark and cold
To seek and follow from afar like the wise men of old

My dear, I’d find the Perfect Gift and we would call it Love
And then no matter what life brings this gift would be enough
When disappointment dashes dreams or scars you in the fight
This love would minister to you like an angel of light

My dear, this Christmas if I could I’d bring these gifts to you
And pray that they would cheer life's way with courage kind and true
But these are gifts that you must seek and never can receive
Until your faith has made you whole with two words, I believe

© Janet Martin

 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--
and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--
Ephesians 2:8

Monday, October 14, 2019

For This Roller-coaster of Experience and Emotion...

 What a roller-coaster weekend this was...
funeral, wedding, wonderful worship service, family thanksgiving dinner/ celebrations
where hearts grief-tender sought and found comfort 
in the unfailing kindness of fellow believers and God's Word.

 The verse below was shared yesterday morning at our worship service 
by a mother whose daughter donated one of her kidneys to a little boy this week.
Ron Seabrooke (whose funeral was on Saturday) was also a dear friend of their family...

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--
how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:32

...and then this verse by our dear brother Richard Haverkamp 
who reminded us we did not lose 'our pastor'! 
We lost 'one of our dear pastors'. 
We thankfully have a team who will by God's direction and grace carry on!

Someone shared this verse of comfort and exhortation;
 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. 
Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

What glorious reminders to give thanks in spite of all we do not understand.

Yes, you know how it is…the ups and downs of love and life
Can lead us into temptation to live in doubt or fear
The could and might of Possibility that wields its knife
Would be too hard to bear without God’s promises to cheer

How could we face tomorrow and the sorrow that yet waits
Without the Hope of He who was, is and ever will be
The faithfulness of God who swings wide morning’s gleaming gates
Will not leave or forsake we who need Him so desperately

…then we press on, though reason leaves our answers full of holes
In the how-why of He whose thoughts and ways test mortal trust
Still, we know He who gave His only Son to save our souls
Will never leave us comfortless in come what may and must

…and we are filled with humble, hopeful, joyful gratitude
Although we cannot see the way, His mercies never cease
Where we would fall prey to despair our courage is renewed
As surrender’s great mystery bestows strength, hope and peace

Yes, you know how it is …the highs and lows, high-fives and blows
Unfurls a roller-coaster ride of both pleasure and pain
Where heart-broken farewells are hinged to handshakes and hellos
To fill us with hope’s thankfulness that words cannot explain

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Holding Faith

Thomas Aquinas Quote:
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.
 To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

The cares of life could kill us without faith’s kind confidence
Though ‘substance of things hoped for’ wears no concrete evidence
And cannot satisfy the eye with tactile clarity
Still, truth abides, a steadfast guide faith feels but cannot see

Nothing is greater than our God from whence all blessings pour
Though elephants of Unbelief are too large to ignore
Still, faith clings to The Evidence Unseen that none can steal
While prodigals stoke sorrows that this old world cannot heal

Life’s skein of joy and grief threads longing’s loom with prayer-scarred strings
They weave through parts that tug at hearts and hugs and tear-stained things
To comfort us when words and touch are like salt in a cut
And love alone is not enough to rectify Doubt’s ‘but’…

Where we would all be lost but for the faith to Just Believe
And let the Holy Spirit His profound purpose achieve
And we would all need evidence to prove what none can see
Without repentance and a heart of meek humility

Where care of life would kill us without God’s kind confidence
For ‘substance of things hoped for’ grants no concrete evidence
It will not satisfy the doubting eye with clarity
But waits until faith holds fast to what only God can see

© Janet Martin