Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

This Masterpiece of Joy

 Wearying? Yes!

Wonderful? Oh. Yes.💖

It rhymes with miss and kiss; this, masterpiece of joy
That can wear patience paper thin as we train girl and boy
This grin of have and hold always love’s primed prelude
To letting go, as seasons flow through prayers of gratitude

This visioning ahead soon turned to looking back
Time’s hand unraveling a thread that no hand can retract
This thrumming of bare feet and laughter-tickled soul
As innocence tries childhood’s skies until it finds a hole

This best of busyness; this test of push and pull
Of messy Mostly Happiness and Weary Wonderful
This yearning to preserve, from precious girl and boy
A remnant of the days that wove This Masterpiece of Joy

© Janet Martin



Monday, August 8, 2022


Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray at all times 
and not lose heart:

What weight of woe could crush my heart
The cross of creature care
(Where oft love groans beneath the smart
Of faith’s ongoing prayer)
Would be too heavy to endure
Without the joy of He
Who died my pardon to secure
And set my doomed soul free
Thus, I will keep on singing through my tears of joy and grief
While I cry ‘Jesus, I believe, Help thou mine unbelief

…Or else discouragement’s despair
Would hopelessly succeed
And I would find no solace where
Both joy and sorrow bleed
But for the One who calms the storm
According to His will
And tunes me to love’s cruciform
And whispers ‘peace, be still’
Thus, I will keep on praying through my tears of want and need
While I cry, Jesus, hold me closer, while You intercede

…or else the dark of fear and dread
Could never be subdued
No eagle wings of hope to spread
As faith’s strength is renewed
But, because I believe, you pull
Doubt’s blinders from faith’s eyes
With joy unspeakable and full
Of glory’s tear-stained prize
Thus, I will keep on trusting, even though heart-cries increase
While I cry, Jesus, help me, you reply with perfect peace

© Janet Martin

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; 
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, 
They shall run and not be weary, 
They shall walk and not faint.

Friday, June 24, 2022

When We Find The Key To Favor

Yesterday's 'favor' was juicy and sweet!

Not all fruit for our labor seems quite as visible and flavorful as fresh strawberries
but is every bit as sweet if we find the key to God's favor...
Then, what an indescribable treat, to savor joy!

Not in vain is noble effort
Though no ovations resound
Not for nothing is the labor
Though no compliments abound

What a diadem of honor
Crowns what appears commonplace
What pure purpose bids us onward
Though no eager crowds give chase

Though the push and pull of duty
Seems a thankless exercise
What a boon of hidden beauty
Tunes the struggle to the Prize

...when we find the key to favor
When from the moment we wake
Our joy is but to labor
For the name of our Lord’s sake

...when to labor is the favor
When love is its own reward
When work is worship, we savor
Joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord

© Janet Martin

Psalm 5:11-12
But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because You [f]defend them;
Let those also who love Your name
Be joyful in You.
For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous;
With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

For whoever finds me finds life,
And obtains favor from the LORD;

And whatever you do, do it heartily,
as to the Lord and not to men,

Luke 11:27-28
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out
, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Flower-Fountain of Joy

Praise God from whom all flowers flow;
from whom all bloom-bells peal...

From woodland founts and garden-dirt gushes earth’s lushest green
The miracle of birth restores vistas where death had been
We who are captured by the woo where beauty’s fountain brims
Are overcome with joy renewed by age-old petal-hymns

A gala fit for kings and queens unfolds before our gaze
Inviting beggars to partake of lily-laden trays
We do. With hearts agape with praise for nature’s flower-fount
As joy marvels at masterpieces too profuse to count

Praise God from whom all flowers flow; from whom all bloom-bells peal
He threads bud-looms with periwinkle, rose, Solomon’s seal
The beauty of creation from unnumbered fountains spills
Joy bows in adoration to the One who clothes the hills

The tall grass sways and plays a shimmer-soft arpeggio
How long we waited for the lays of wispy ebb and flow
For curlicues of rainbow hues from umber vaults of sod
Joy knows no bounds but turns into exaltation to God

© Janet Martin

The tall grass sways and plays a shimmer-soft arpeggio...


And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto [a]the measure of his life?
28 And why are ye anxious concerning raiment?
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;
they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 yet I say unto you,
that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is,
and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you,
O ye of little faith?
31 Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat?
or, What shall we drink?
or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 For after all these things do the Gentiles seek;
for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow:
for the morrow will be anxious for itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Like a Fresh-baked Loaf of Bread


I took the above video yesterday morning!
(I saw a flash of orange from the Baltimore Oriole-chorister)
He sang and sang and sang!!
It cheered my heart so, where tears could wash away all joy!
SO much sorrow in this sinful, broken world.
But, The Living Bread sustains when nothing else can...

(full chapter below)

Today begs to be tasted like a fresh-baked loaf of bread
Still warm from welkin ovens wafting somewhere overhead 
To savor wholesome/holy flavors of fresh favors, mercy-wrought
To break it gently, bite by bite, not scarfed down without thought 

To recognize with meek surprise, our place, then to give thanks
Where we, the subjects of God's grace ought never to pull ranks
But take and eat with humble recognition of Enough
And not to grumble at the greatest mission of all; love

The loaf that sits before us at daybreak soon disappears
The platter is so full of hands seizing laughter and tears
Where always without fail, morning's freshly-baked loaf becomes
An empty plate where pray, we stay to linger over crumbs

...oho, we rise each morning to Mercy's refurbished tray
Today begs to be tasted like a fresh-baked Bread-buffet...

Janet Martin

lingering over breakfast crumbs💓

Smile of satisfaction! 
(what a challenge for us older 'children' to respond like this!)

Full chapter Psalm 66

Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer
nor his mercy from me
Psalm 66:20

He hears our prayers!
What a wonder.


Monday, May 9, 2022

Wonder-joy or Joy-wonder...

This poem was sparked by the caption above the first photo from Saturday's post.

Thank God for joy's wonder in life's changeless things
like laughter and love as a child's childhood wings...

(*grandkiddos tucked in with 'great-gramma quilts'
Quilts/comforters made by my mom)
They both graduated to bigger beds and new blankets last week because
we are waiting for new sibling to arrive!!!

This poem is a thankful medley of corralled recent joys...

Thank God for joy's wonder in life's changeless things
Like love’s many splendors as Child's childhood wings bedtime sunshine from radiant smiles spilt
As youngsters are tucked beneath *'great-gramma-quilts'/warm handmade quilts
For four-season favour’s tender metaphors
For sweet satisfaction from completed chores
For spring gardens not pestilence-riddled yet
For doors flung and fettered by sunrise and set
For floors freshly polished with pastures of green
For hello, farewell and love’s points in between
For each ‘what’s for supper’s’ God-granted reply
From panful to plateful to stomach-full sigh
For hugs, hearty handshakes and ‘long-time-no-sees’
That turn, in a twinkle, to fond memories
For mischievous puppies and children to scold
For babies and bouquets and bushels to hold
For tables to gather around, for a chair
High on a hilltop, with wind tousling our hair
For spring birds returning after winter spent
For blue heavens crowning earth’s dust-covenant
Of seedtime and harvest, cold, heat, night and day
For brook-song that sparkles on its merry away
For each friendly flower that brightens life’s path
Through trouble’s dark hour and its aftermath
For gratitude deepened because of a Cross
For thankfulness sweetened not by gain, but loss
For courage refurbished by kind word or smile
For laughter to lighten the weight/wait of The While
For wishes recanted that never came true
Where God’s mercy granted a wiser ‘thank-you’
For holy appointments like ‘right here, right now’
Of ‘nose to the grindstone’ and ‘hand to the plow’
For life’s simple bests that money cannot buy
…cloud-frigates a-float in an ocean of sky
Orchard-wicks rekindled with pink blossom-frill
Final flurries swindled of bluster and chill
For pleasures made possible because of ink
Like poetry-treasures and good books to drink
Like lingering over a page-stunning tableau
Mesmerized by the sheer surprise of the show
Like finding a friend when we least expect it
So, then we just sit and enjoy for a bit
Before paper-thin farewells, page-turned appease
Dictional echoes and deferred fantasies
As we turn to tangible matters of fact
Like laundry-mountains and dirty dishes stacked
Like love-letters penned by those still near and dear
We thank God for joy’s wonders right now, right here

© Janet Martin

For pleasures made possible because of ink
Like poetry-treasures and good books to drink
Like lingering over a page-stunning tableau...

For spring birds returning after winter spent...

For blue heavens crowning earth’s dust-covenant
Of seedtime and harvest, cold, heat, night and day...

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Beholding Beauty (or its Prelude)

I originally entitled this poem
This Broken World Could Drown Joy
then, just after posting it something like a bud
broke inside of me
resulting in adding the photo below,
another verse as the ending
and changing the title.

The beautiful words of this hymn are so fitting for the days we are in

Sometimes I struggle with a sense of insecurity
(no longer guilt, because I have committed to embracing my calling)
but still, in a world war-ravaged and hurting...Poetry?!!
Yes, by the grace of God, yes!
Because worship is beautiful 
and timely, always!
And Poetry is the culmination of
beauty and worship
when pursued with passion to
glorify its Giver!

"This is the law of being
That links the threefold chain:
The life we give to beauty
Returns to us again."

by Bliss Carmen

Many are the woes of the wicked,
but the Lord’s unfailing love
surrounds the one who trusts in him.
Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous;
sing, all you who are upright in heart!
Psalm 32:10-11

This broken world could drown joy
Beneath dread’s sullen wave
Despair could be an envoy
That bears us to the grave

Beauty could go unheeded
Beneath brute, crushing blows
And worship’s fount depleted
By glaring needs and woes

We could fall prey to reasons
To hate rather than love
And stumble/grumble through time’s seasons
Without ever enough

But beauty is not cheated
By evil’s intercourse
And joy is undefeated
If we have found its Source

That nothing overthrows
The thorns that pierced our Saviour
Bloom with redemption’s rose

This world would turn us dour
And drown all hope of joy
If it could overpower
What nothing can destroy

It cannot bring forth fruit’
Praise God, joy is the token
As faith and love take root

After the darkness, morning
After bud-breakers part
Joy beholds God adorning
The thorn-scars of the heart

© Janet Martin

Brenda's post 
helped me corral today's thoughts into poem.
And caused me to open my book
Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson

To God be all the glory!

Below are a few excerpts  from Adorning the Dark
that spoke to me personally...

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Until Open Doors Close...

Still struggling to feel top-notch
but still, so much to delight in!

Thankfulness brings to simple things a wellspring of delight...
A few delights from yesterday and today.

Keepsake kindnesses ...

Bushes a-bloom with birdies

Just chillin' whilst snoozin' in the sunshine


I'm thankful that, in spite of strife this life runs rife with cheer
Love’s font consoles and fills want’s holes with goals beyond this world
It authors hope and helps us cope with words like ‘nope’ and ‘fear’
Love snuffs the noise of bluff's/stuff's decoys with joy’s glad hymns unfurled

Thankfulness brings to simple things a wellspring of delight
The pleasure of the treasure of the measure of God's grace
Always enough, no matter what, Love fits us for the fight
And turns our eyes toward a Prize beyond the whys we face

I’m thankful for the open door that each new morning metes
Where faith is wrought and trust is taught by what we cannot see
But surely know, come high or low, no want or woe defeats
The kindness of the Giver’s/Father’s love, enough eternally

How lovely Is the gift of This, His mercy new each morn
A fount that spills four-season-thrills as hills and hollows brim
With flawless laud to gracious God where awed hearts, weary-worn
Join nature’s throng in joyful song; all praise belongs to Him

This blunder-full, heave-ho, push-pull is wonder-full because
We recognize with each sunrise grace undisguised; it flows
In molten ink across earth’s brink in pink and gold applause
To cheer us on from dawn to dawn until open doors close

© Janet Martin

1 Chronicles 16:34 (ESV)
Oh give thanks to the LORD, 
for He is good;
 for His steadfast love endures forever!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

For Wonder-seekers

Not recovering quite as quickly from whatever I have
(not even worth the mention compared to people with really hard hardships,
but still enough to knock the wind from my sails this past week+)
has challenged me to treasure-hunt/wonder-seek! 

It also seems to be the time of year I have to dig/drill a little deeper
to find poem-oil/ink

This Feathered Friend, Red-bellied Wood-pecker, though very bashful
delights us on a daily basis right now!

Thank-you God for daily wonders...
we will find them if we seek!

Songs of joy are not depleted, sustained by the One who made
Beauty’s birthplace, undefeated by time’s four-seasoned parade
From founts faithfully replenished earth and heavens overflow
With His wonders undiminished in a world of want and woe

What a friend we have in He who does not weary of our prayers
Constant confidante for we who oft must suffer creature cares
He abides, steadfast and righteous, in spite of calamities
Oft His handiwork delights us, oft His promises appease

Earth and sky showcase creation’s masterpieces without pause
In the face of altercations Mercy does not cease its cause
But brings to the due of duties, nature’s gifts to thrill our gaze
Where each season brims with beauties to surprise us into praise

© Janet Martin

Psalm 65:8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; 
where morning dawns, 
where evening fades, 
you call forth songs of joy.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Aren't you Glad Too?

Yahoo! I just had another baby!
but sometimes that's kinda what it feel like 
when another poem is born;
Oh, the joy after the labor and the delivery💖💖💖

And no matter what composes picture-shows of 'life we’ve had'
On dawn’s skyline beams Beginning of a new day, aren’t you glad?

Sometimes Jim (husband) teases me over the plethora of sunrise pictures shared here,
but in my defense, 
I never want to get so jaded that I am no longer awed by The Utterly Awesome!
(and Jim agrees)

Aren’t you glad today is never replayed from dusk’s low’ring door?
That each bud of bloom delivers beauty not beheld before
That the glorious hope of Heaven waits at death if we believe
Not the cradle to be given one more lifetime to achieve

Aren’t you glad we start as babies; not yet set in our ways
That God’s mercy new each morning never His goodness betrays
That His Word is everlasting, not keeping pace with the times
Not like shifting cast of shadows, but steadfast as mountain climes

Aren’t you glad that we are never too old to learn something new
That the seasons keep their order, spring-summer-fall-winter through
That sunrise and set are always out of reach of fingertips
Set before our gaze to author praise from amazed hearts and lips

Aren’t you glad for cuppa something steaming, books and cozy nooks
For chatter and laughter brimming from sparkling children and brooks
That as we are growing older God surprises us with joy
Impossible to discover as a younger girl or boy

Aren’t you glad for socks and mittens, kitten-puppy happiness
For delight when the response to our ‘please’ replies with ‘yes’
For tap-dancers made of raindrops, shoeless freedom of bare feet
For the fervor of the vision and thrill of mission complete

For a table set for dinner for two, or for company
For redemption for the sinner; aren’t you glad God sets us free
For the poetry of wonder making ordinary Grand
For the feeling of belonging when we traverse hand in hand

Aren’t you glad today is never replayed; yesterday unbound
Even best days wouldn’t be as sweet the second time around
And no matter what composes picture-shows of 'life we’ve had'
On dawn’s skyline beams Beginning of a New Day, aren’t you glad?

© Janet Martin

And below
a glorious Glad Song

Psalm 113

Give praise, O servants of the LORD;
praise the name of the LORD.

Blessed be the name of the LORD
both now and forevermore.

From where the sun rises to where it sets,
the name of the LORD is praised.

The LORD is exalted over all the nations,
His glory above the heavens.

Who is like the LORD our God,
the One enthroned on high?

He humbles Himself to behold
the heavens and the earth.

He raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the dump
to seat them with nobles,
with the princes of His people.

He settles the barren woman in her home
as a joyful mother to her children.


Aren't you glad too,
That sunrise and set are always out of reach of fingertips
Set before our gaze to author praise from amazed hearts and lips

Notice how the sun no longer rises across the field
like it did a month ago?!
A sure sign that winter is trundling toward spring!

And last but not least,
did you know you are one of the rare people who pauses on this porch?
I would like to tell you thank-you!
I am so glad you do because as George MacDonald once penned...

A poet is a man (or woman) who is glad of something
and tries to make other people glad of it too!
George MacDonald~

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Details of a Frown (and other quirks of joy-art)

 Where color worlds of wonder wane, 

a thousand shades of green are felled

And swirled into a mute terrain 

as past, present and future meld


Life’s pedestal of joy is set on stomping grounds of grief and pain
Where shining hours pirouette with gray and brown then gold again
We all are artists of a kind; bound to the brush of circumstance
Where seasons soon scatter behind like scenes in a bizarre romance
Darling, sometimes your lips touch mine; sometimes we flounder, fume and fuss
Sometimes we choose hue and design, and oh, sometimes it chooses us

Life’s pedestal of joy is perched in dirt of hurt and hopes and dreams
How often tears and laughter merge, how brighter then, sheer gladness gleams
Where we are takers, not the Giver of the colours on the tray
Ahoy, both joy and sorrow quiver on the brush we call Today
Darling, sometimes we miss the choir when we try to snare the notes
Sometimes the song spills like wild fire; sometimes its sticks in our throats

Life’s pedestal of joy is pressed into the soil of test and toil
Fond hellos happily caressed become fodder for farewell’s spoil
Where color worlds of wonder wane, a thousand shades of green are felled
And swirled into a mute terrain as past, present and future meld
Darling, sometimes our taste and touch are far too rushed; let’s slow it down
Because sometimes we waste too much paint on the details of a frown

© Janet Martin