Showing posts with label May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Redemption's Second Best Hue...

Happy Ascension Day!

Acts 1:9-11
After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, 
and a cloud hid Him from their sight. 
10They were looking intently into the sky as He was going, 
when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.
 11“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky?
 This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, 
will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.”

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; 
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, 
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Celebrating green, among other colors in today's post;
sharing a few shots from an excursion yesterday, with a friend and
kindred spirit, we oohed and aahed and squealed and sighed to our heart's content
at details we didn't need to explain...

Redemption’s flood is red that flowed/flows for all at Calvary
So that we who are/were dead in sin might live eternally
For, all who repent and believe by faith have been made whole
The grace of God through Christ achieves hope’s anchor for the soul

But, for the earth reborn in spring, redemption’s flood is green
A death-defying deluge thundering from founts unseen
A tidal wave of emerald as hallelujahs peal
Through fields and woodlands heralding their Orchestrator’s zeal

Trees clap their hands, grass-cushioned grandstands beckon everyone
The river’s wrinkled sashes twinkle silver in the sun
Tulips in bold profusion bloom, as bud after bud pops
On verdant, velvet banks are strewn pools of forget-me-nots

Fair nature celebrates redemption’s second-best hue; green
Regaling trees with melodies where bare branches had been
Unfettering a plush, lush splurge, surging from east to west
While rabbit hops from bush to bush, a nibble-happy guest/pest

© Janet Martin

Monday, May 6, 2024

It's May

A montage of glimpses that helped inspire today's poem...
a poem that ended up being an all-day-long doggerel
as lines were snagged between a rather dizzying dash of to-do-ness

Treetop’s translucent flickers wink; its first fanned flame is brief
Soon every bit of blue-sky chink will be filled in with leaf...

At dusk frayed half-leaf shadows sprawl beneath a pastel sky...

And everywhere we look green ambience haloes the land
Unraveled in skein after skein from the Creator’s hand...

Time’s wheel of seasons spins; it’s the beginning of Sweet May
The Belle of Blossoms wins; Old Man Winter is tucked away
Contagious rapture seizes outstretched arms of heart and soul
Hope trembles on warm breezes like a celestial drum roll

Below the hill the winding brook meanders between reeds
It curls its gurgling lay through nooks where the blue heron feeds
And everywhere we look green ambience haloes the land
Unraveled in skein after skein from the Creator’s hand

Treetop’s translucent flickers wink; its first fanned flame is brief
Soon every bit of blue-sky chink will be filled in with leaf
Soon every wooden wick will brim with hymns of nature’s praise
Kindling the giddy glance and glim of glorious summer days

Forget-me-nots dazzle the dell with periwinkle whiff
Regal tulip-chalice compels us to draw near and sniff
To peer deep into petal-souls and be completely awed
At each iconic detail extolling the eye of God

The slope is strewn with sunbeams; yellow dappled luxury
I wonder, was the dandelion post-Eden or pre?
The robin entertains, with earnest tug-for-dinner fight
The grosbeaks and orioles return, to Birdwatcher’s delight

Time’s wheel of seasons spins. It’s May, and the glad gardener cheers
The perky pansy grins, the bleeding heart bursts into tears
The fallow furrow beckons and the chipping sparrow trills
The brooding bloom plot reconciles and smiles in daffodils

The worry-wart forgets to fret, as beauty tames the Beast
As joy, once set before us sets a sumptuous splendor-feast
And worship overflows, in hearts susceptible to bliss
Of blush-blue-green-gold works of art, as earth yields to spring’s kiss

May turns our spirits younger in a bare foot happy-dance
May satisfies the hunger for a soil-and-soul romance
May grants a glimpse of Heaven in earth’s air of welcome hugs
Past garden-woes forgiven; (yes, even potato bugs)

May is a lithesome minstrel, piping luring melodies
May sprinkles blossom tinsel like confetti beneath trees
May makes us feel like royalty in palaces of dirt
And we become more carefree, in spite of life’s shares of hurt

May makes us very merry, imbibed with draughts of fresh air
May wears apple and cherry orchards like boughs/bows in Her hair
May unfolds frilly parasols that money cannot buy
At dusk frayed half-leaf shadows sprawl beneath a pastel sky

The farmer whistles, faith-refueled between fall and spring
Em’rald frond glistens, rain-bejeweled, bees buzz and birds sing
It’s May. Mourning doves bicker in soft-flick’ring filigree
*The frisky calf kicks up its heels, quicker than you or me

© Janet Martin

*the last line is inspired by a calf-chase I engaged in last week,
and a heads up from another neighbor this morning,
to be on the lookout for a frisky, brown calf that out ran its owners!

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Dear May, a Farewell Love-letter

 Happy last Day of May!

Dear May, somehow you always exceed eager expectation
As you begin to nurture nature’s treed rejuvenation
As gardens start to thrill our gaze with petal-punctuation
And overhead a minstrel plays leaf-lays in celebration

Dear May, you always rouse anew, rekindled planting pleasure
As you run wooing whispers through buds bursting with bloom treasure
As you, beneath young and old feet, unfurl your finest measure
Where beauty and duty compete with lures of toil and leisure

Dear May, the way you always spill with April’s remnant showers
Makes worth the while it takes until you reward faith with flowers
Tulip chalices, bleeding hearts, allium, lilac-bowers
Always, your floral drumroll kickstarts summer’s fleeting hours

Dear May, your dust is sacred, stirred by farmer’s urgent labor
Your prudent lease sublimely blurred by your lime-coloured saber
Waving a welkin wand that welcomes home the long-lost neighbor
As nests are built and filled with featherdown and fledgling caper

Dear May, it always feels as if you leave us way too soon-oh
Medley of march-and-meander through days, dandeli’n-strewn-oh
We could not bear the fare-thee-well of your sweet afternoon-oh
But for the tolling of a bell that always brings us June-oh

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Perfect Fit...

When the backdrop of day is green
Because the bud has borne its sheen...

And when the crown of it is blue...

And when the dawn of it is new
And when its gown is lilac-starred
And its breeze like soft seas unbarred...

And when its flowers smile and nod
And when its Gardener is God...

Is it not enough just to fit
Into a teeny bit of it...

When the backdrop of day is green
Because the bud has borne its sheen
And when the crown of it is blue
And when the dawn of it is new
And when its gown is lilac-starred
And its breeze like soft seas unbarred
And when its flowers smile and nod
And when its Gardener is God
Is it not enough just to fit
Into a teeny bit of it...

And make the most of it because
Soon it will be the Day That Was

© Janet Martin

1 Chron. 29:11
Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, 
The power and the glory, 
The victory and the majesty; 
For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; 
Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, 
And You are exalted as head over all.