Saturday, August 31, 2024

I Loved You Well

Today's poem is inspired by farewells
The bittersweet farewell to August
The bittersweet (Niagara Falls) tears of my grandchildren as they bid
Nova Scotia Mimi and cousin farewell
and could not, would not be comforted
(until I reminded them aunty Mel is coming home for the weekend
and there will be birthday cake!!!
 and that helped a little if not totally.)

I was reminded of how precious time is
as I chatted with my parents last night and was so touched 
as mom expressed how she sometimes longs so dearly
to talk to her mother again, who passed away 
around this time of year over 40 years ago!
and by my dad as he shared how deeply he misses his 
oldest brother who passed away in January of this year at age 85,
 But in their grief remains the calm joy as they look forward to seeing them again!
And therein is the comfort of farewell-what lies beyond it...
always the hope of hello again 💖 

Today, whether we have birthday celebrations or not,
is full of reasons to celebrate loving well!
(I am seeing 3 'birthday girls' today
My friend's mother turns 75
My little neighbour turns 3
and my sister (Carolyn) turns 54 💝

Yes, there will be cake tomorrow although it looked doubtful for a bit
after the first Lemon Poppy seed  Bundt cake broke beyond repair
when I pried it from the pan because I forgot to take it out while it was warm.
 The broken cake was soon 'rescued' by my daughter leaving for a camping weekend! 😅

Here's wishing to one and all, a weekend of loving well while we may!
Farewell August...


I loved you well, without regret; to wrangle with relinquishment
Is like bearing a beggar's debt no want or wish can circumvent
The way of days no thought can thwart; no force can faze Time's tolling bell
Each season like a love to court; each dawn a dance to dusk's farewell  

I knew it when we met, my dear; no longer blinded by hello
Without reserve, I held you near, suave harbinger of letting go 
And how we danced, while memories fell from ballads of such-and-such  
From bitter-sweetest harmonies of brutal strength and tender touch

Because I knew full well, my love, that time does not cater to 'stop!'
That days are never long enough for love to drain every last drop 
Thus, I avowed, with heart so true, before the hour of farewell
To cherish every part of you, so I could say 'I loved you well

And so I marveled at the rose and suffered the prick of its thorns
While tripping t'ward the curtain-close of summer's dew-bedazzled morns
I laughed, I wept, I hoisted sails; some that stood strong and some that fell 
Determined, that if all else fails I did my best to love you well 

My dear, today is all we have to weave what soon we leave behind 
Let's hope the echoes we engrave are beautiful, gentle and kind
For life is a fleet hug-and-kiss; dawn grants no twilight guarantee
Thus the best we can make is this-an 'I loved you well' legacy 

Janet Martin 

Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, 
let us do good unto all men
especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Were There No God (or, Glad Forevermore)

Today's poem was inspired in part by a birthday card for my dad who turns 83 today!

Also in part by a passage of Scripture I read this morning entitled Heirs of Grace
Titus 3: 1-7
Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities,
 to obey, to be ready for every good work, 
2 to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.
3 For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, 
serving various lusts and pleasures, 
living in malice and envy, 
hateful and hating one another. 
4 But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared,
 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, 
but according to His mercy He saved us, 
through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 
6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior,
 7 that having been justified by His grace 
we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

I am so thankful to God that thankfulness is more than
 delight's noise disappearing into deaf air!!
My heart overflows with joy, for without God 
there would be no goodness and mercy to follow us 
all the days of our life till we dwell in his house forever!!
I am so thankful to the Giver of every good and perfect gift
which includes days like yesterday's
very precious moments with two little girls
who used to be in my childcare...

"this is me and you holding hands" explained artist

Were there no God our gladness would depend on fleeting thrills
Our brokenness would be a hopeless state of disrepair/deep despair
Were there no God, what Great Physician would heal hurts and ills
Of both body and soul or who would heed our earnest prayer?

Were there no God, no grace would kindle purpose, kind and true
Death and hell never overthrown, would crush all joy with woe
No author of salvation, no ‘greater is He in you’
No hope would anchor; we would be like ships tossed to and fro
No love of God, our Saviour who suffered death’s cross, so grim
To justify all who repent and put their faith in Him

Were there no God our would-be thanks/praise would have nowhere to go
Worship would be idolatry; darkness devoid of Light
Ah, who with renewed mercy would help us to face the foe
The armour of the world inept to fit us for the fight
Where faith and hope without their Cornerstone, are not enough
Were there no God to breathe in us, the greatest of these; Love

Were there no God, no ‘ought’ would be able to guide and keep
The law would dictate; hate would rule with agonizing fears
There would be no Good Shepherd for a world of wand’ring sheep
No Fold, no Path of righteousness, no Comforter for tears
No peace in the valley, no one to set sin’s captives free
From the dread of impending hell for all eternity

Were there no God no good would/could be, no beauty to behold
Want would gape in futility, nothing would satisfy
Were there no God to shower wondrous blessings, manifold
To we who cannot comprehend love’s unfailing supply
As joy transcends death’s cold façade, as like eagles we soar
For all who put their hope in God are glad forevermore

© Janet Martin

The LORD hath done great things for us, Whereof we are glad.

but those who hope in the LORD 
will renew their strength.
 They will soar on wings like eagles; 
they will run and not grow weary, 
they will walk and not be faint.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Praise God From Whom All Blessing Grows...

This poem has been percolating in my soul for some time 💓🙏
Life is unceasingly busy with beauty/bounty of harvest among other things...

(including, much to our relief, the recovery of our pickup truck,
on Sat. night, after it was stolen from our back yard 
two weeks ago during a family reunion!
It will (happily) be returned in due time.
Thank-you to all who prayed and please continue to pray
 for the poor soul who stole it 😢💔)

Praise God from Whom all blessings grow as earthen wellsprings overflow...

The seed is rent with plume and root,

 the bough is bent with gleaming fruit...

The land, a patchwork counterpane of lush corn fields and gathered grain...

And gold-green sheen of soybean field aflutter with impending yield...

And in yon once-upon-spring-brooks, wild flowers beckon second-looks...
A rambling rush, where sight is awed by aster, teasel, goldenrod

Praise God from Whom all blessings grow as earthen wellsprings overflow
The seed is rent with plume and root, the bough is bent with gleaming fruit
The land, a patchwork counterpane of lush corn fields and gathered grain
And gold-green sheen of soybean field aflutter with impending yield
And in yon once-upon-spring-brooks, wild flowers beckon second-looks
A rambling rush, where sight is awed by aster, teasel, goldenrod

Praise God from Whom all bounty brims; happiness is hope’s harvest hymns
The creature’s quick complaint subdued by unmerited gratitude
As God, rich in mercy and love runs goodness through sod’s treasure trove
For needy likes of you and I whose worship lifts up glad reply
To He who gives us strength for toil as we gather seed’s sumptuous spoil
Or when praise is unlearned, still He pours unearned blessing lavishly

Praise God from Whom all blessings peal. Before whose throne we humbly kneel
To offer soulful stutters to the One who cares for me and you
Who loves to stun our ardent prose with the perfection of the rose
Who challenges the showman’s noise with dripping peachy-sweetest joys
Who strums the hidden parts of earth and orchestrates the art of birth
Who sees our hearts, knows how we are, yet still upends His blessing-jar

Praise God from Whom all blessing grows in reds, pinks, purples, greens, yellows
Each garden plot, (after the heat) a paradisiacal retreat
Each tree-tress like a mandolin breeze-balladeers get tangled in
Each woodland dark and whispering before fall’s stark unraveling
Each bower like a temple where we cannot help but bow in prayer
Each flower a masterpiece, oh, praise God from Whom all blessings grow

Each fruit and veg a five-star score of possibility galore
Each by God wondrously designed; each perfect after their own kind
Praise Him for healthy appetite and praise Him for each tasty bite
Of blessing only He can grant where our duty is to plant
Then trust Him for the compliments of sun and raindrop providence
Content to join the hymn that flows, ‘praise God from whom all blessing grows’

© Janet Martin

Praise God from Whom all blessing grows in reds, pinks, purples, greens, yellows
Each garden plot, (after the heat) a paradisiacal retreat...

Each tree-tress like a mandolin breeze-balladeers get tangled in

Each woodland dark and whispering before fall’s stark unraveling
Each bower like a temple where we cannot help but bow in prayer
Each flower a masterpiece, oh, praise God from Whom all blessings grow


Make a joyful noise to God,
all the earth!
2Sing the glory of His name;
make His praise glorious.
3Say to God, “How awesome are Your deeds!
So great is Your power
that Your enemies cower before You.
4All the earth bows down to You;
they sing praise to You;
they sing praise to Your name.”

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Because God Is Not a Far-off Father

Sharing some sweet reassurance today,
(because it's so easy to slip into walking by sight!)

Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path of life; 
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Cast your burden on the Lord,
And He shall sustain you;
He shall never permit the righteous to be [b]moved.

I couldn't decide on any particular photos to share today
 so I am sharing some recent twilight garden tranquility...

Do the unknowns of tomorrow rob you of peace for today
Does love's joy, laden with sorrow, take a sad, triumphant toll 
Faith, the substance of things hoped for, does it cheer you when you pray
Does it grant God's strength for labor and His comfort for your soul
Or, is dread a thief of laughter, fear, a dark and rolling sea 
God is not a far-off Father; He bids us 'come unto Me'

Do you long for lasting pleasure and delight's true happiness  
Or does this world's fleeting treasure consume worship's mad pursuit 
Do you find sweet consolation in God's steadfast promises 
Does His gift of soul's salvation produce heaven-flavored fruit 
Or is trouble a dictator stealing humble hymns of praise
God is no distant Creator, but a Helper all our days 

In the process of Becoming, are you losing heart, pray tell
Is the noise of progress numbing you to truths that never change  
Although the spirit is willing, does the flesh resist, rebel
Or, is One greater instilling what no rival can estrange 
For, though life is heartbreak-tainted, our prayers are held secure 
Because God is well acquainted with all suff'rings we endure 

In the valley of death's shadow He unfurls the path of life
His word is a Lamp to follow, and a Light to show the Way 
Does the hope of Heaven fill you with courage to face earth's strife
Does the thought of Seeing thrill you as you walk by faith today
Do you face faith's certain danger at the ready to defend
Because God is not stranger; but a very present Friend   

Janet Martin
Psalm 145:17-21

The LORD is righteous in all His ways

and kind in all His deeds.

18The LORD is near to all who call on Him,

to all who call out to Him in truth.

19He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;

He hears their cry and saves them.

20The LORD preserves all who love Him,

but all the wicked He will destroy.

21My mouth will declare the praise of the LORD;

let every creature bless His holy name

forever and ever.

Deuteronomy 4:7
For what nation is great enough to have a god as near to them

 as the LORD our God is to us whenever we call on Him?

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted; 

He saves the contrite in spirit.

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength,

 an ever-present help in times of trouble.

I know I have shared these songs before

but I longed to hear them this morning...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Love's Rare Romance

Life is full of trouble and sorrow; joy's startling sweetener!

Sometimes when asked what my favourite Bible verse is
I hardly know which to choose but without a doubt
the verses below (first taught to me as a child by my mother)
rank near the top;
whispered many times as I encounter life's
The first part of Prov.3
but esp. verses 5-6 and in my older age also verse 7

Without trouble we would never learn trust.
Without trust we never know true joy and peace

Taste the fervor of the hour
Make the most of every flow’r...

Life runs rife with highs and lows
Joy and strife of thorn and rose
Bow before its Lord and pray
Then rise up and seize the day

Taste the fervor of the hour
Make the most of every flow’r
Bear the brunt of fading grass
Everything comes, but to pass

Trace the tender timbre of
Every splendor, every love
Linger where the waning light
Tucks the day beneath goodnight

…cradled in the keeping of
Unfailing goodness and love
While the days-to-years run rife
With laughter and tears of life

Darling, with so much amiss
In the thick of that and this
It takes more than we possess
To muster/master true happiness/holiness

While season to season flows
While reason staggers 'neath blows
While change is a constant rod
Bow before life’s changeless God

Trust in Him with all your heart
Dust to dust sees but in part
But God never leads astray
Bow before him oft, and pray

For the likes of me and you
Have so much to learn, tis true
Pray, we find love's rare romance
Only trust in the Lord grants

Pray we find faith's treasured Must
Sorrow's/trouble's silver lining; trust 
Pray before we start each day
We bow before God and pray

© Janet Martin