Thursday, October 17, 2024

While God Works Together For Good...

Lucy's love for bikes is evident in her home décor...

Wall print 



And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.

The above reference is printed on a chalk board in my sister's Lucy's kitchen,
in the wake of her death;
 a chalkboard that always held a favourite quote, 
bible verse or nugget of wisdom...

Today marks one month since her passing 💔🙏
The break turned out shorter than I thought it would.
I guess poetry is how I process life...and death

Yesterday our church family, along with extended family and friends
laid to rest a dear brother, age 60, 
our care pastor, as well as a husband, dad and grandpa 
who, only a few weeks previously, was diagnosed with cancer...
'life seems a blur of tears, prayers and indescribable comfort'
I texted my sister this morning as we remembered the one month mark
of Lucy's sudden departure!
(my brother-in-law/ her husband, said,
 'it feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago')

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matt. 5:4 
Through the truth in the above verse, 
we are being incomprehensibly blessed

We do not understand the good that oft wears grief’s disguise
Lord, help us trust Thy hand that could have stayed the test that tries
But did not; help us yield our heart with ‘not my will but Thine’
While we behold the bitter part logic cannot define

While You work together for good the brokenness of dreams
And wills, and love misunderstood where mercy’s tide still streams
And works in ways foreign to us, oft ruled by what we see
Oh Lord, our God help us to trust the hope we have in Thee

…while you work together for good beyond most noble thought
Thy purpose, when Thy Hand that could have spared Thee, but did not
You loved, obedient to death (even death on a cross)
Then, help us, with each gifted breath to humbly suffer loss

While You work together for good this life’s troubles, oh God
Help us to not despise the rude appearance of Thy rod
But help us trust in Thee, without explanation’s demands
As we surrender every doubt into Thy nail-scarred hands

While You work together for good that which seems cruelty
While through the power of Your blood, hope abides faithfully
Through every circumstance unkind, while love and mercy pour/roar
Help us, with heart, soul, strength and mind to trust you more and more

© Janet Martin

I spend one day a week with my mother-in-law.
This afternoon while she snoozed I read through
the memories shared in this book by Lucy's friends and family,
(so touching and precious)

Until today, I just couldn't collect my thoughts enough to attempt writing anything
Today I tried...this is the last bit.
'Oh, how I miss her'

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Guiltless My-My-My

Ps. 31:24
Be of good courage, 
And He shall strengthen your heart,
 All you who hope in the LORD.

I'm so thankful the above verse ministered to me yesterday
when I needed it desperately!
I'm so thankful for the constant reminders
that God will never leave me or forsake me,
but He comes to me sometimes through 
the care and compassion of fellowman,
and sometimes through His Word whispered to me!
Oh, pray we may seek to hide his Word in our hearts
to equip us for whatever today brings

I am so thankful that 'I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me'

I was torn between writing in first person 'my'
or for every believer 'our'
I decided to make it tenderly, vulnerably and joyfully personal 
but the word 'our' can be easily substituted for 'my' as well
so we can 'rejoice in the Lord' together!



Because God is my help, my strength, the Savior of my soul
My Anchor, my Assurance when grief and dread’s billows roll
My Hope and my Salvation, my kind Comforter and Friend
My Cherished Consolation, my Beginning and my End
My dear Heavenly Father, my Healer when my heart breaks
My Closer-than-a-brother who never leaves or forsakes
My Light to pierce the darkness and my Wonder-fullest Praise
For His mercy and goodness that will follow, all my days

My Shepherd, my Defender, my Hunger and my Enough
My God, both fierce and tender in His everlasting love
My Courage, my Commander, my Confidence to endure
My Fortress, and my Armor and my Victory secure
My Excellent Creator, my faith’s Steadfast Cornerstone
My Faithful Mediator, my Interpreter of groan
My Heaven-intercession in my earthly-temporal
My Pardon for transgression, Love Incomprehensible

My Author and Perfecter as I walk by faith, not sight
My trustworthy Protector, my Confidante, my delight
My heart’s Ruthless Inspector, ere pride’s ruin masquerades
My all-knowing Director as each season blooms and fades
My All-in-all, All-seeing and my All-wise Counselor
The Reason for my being, my Peace in the midst of war
My Holiness, Jehovah, my Shelter, my Resting Place
My Glory-hallelujah for His all-sufficient grace

My Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow-and-Forevermore
My Joy, even in sorrow, my Captain who goes before
My Refuge, my Redeemer, my Escort through highs and lows
My Perfect Plan-frustrater, my Orchestrator of woes
My Greater-He-in-me than he that is in, of this world
He is my Might, my Majesty, my Eagle Wings unfurled
Because God IS, He sets me free from fear of death and hell
Because of His power in me I can do all things well

© Janet Martin

Monday, October 14, 2024

Thankful (to God For All Eternity)

Therefore by Him (Jesus) 
let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, 
that is, the fruit of our lips, [d]
giving thanks to His name.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Day!
Above all I am thankful for the precious promises
from God for us!
Yesterday morning's Sunday School lesson included these verses
Also included in the links in the poem below

God is not human, that he should lie,
    not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?

1 Cor.1:9
 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship 
with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

 For chickens scratching in the yard...

For dawn, pretty as a postcard...

For fresh brewed cuppa joe or tea...

For autumn’s awe-evoking hues;...

For gardens, bent with granted spoil...

For health and strength to tend its Toil...

For gourd-shaped miracles we glean...

Then turn into supper cuisine...

For chickens scratching in the yard
For dawn, pretty as a postcard
Perched on earth’s eastward window ledge
Man's witness to God's honored pledge

For glimpses of God through a glass
For ways we are able to cope
Because of one little word, ‘Hope

For seasons, as they grin and groan
Through carriages of skin and bone
For oceanic undertows
As joy and sorrow ebbs and flows

For fresh brewed cuppa joe or tea
For love of friends and family
For faith’s unrivaled happiness

For utter grief, because of love
For knowing God is strong enough

By what we see rather than know

For autumn’s awe-evoking hues;
Crimsons, yellows, bronze, greens and blues
Cheering the crooks where petals fell
In summer-long songs of farewell

For book-comrade’s fine company
Acquainting likes of you and me
With fellow-compadres, long gone
Yet, through ink-legacies, live on

For gardens, bent with granted spoil
For health and strength to tend its Toil
For gourd-shaped miracles we glean
And turn into supper cuisine

For so much beauty to behold
For wonder’s worship, bona fide
For tots who slow oft hurried stride

For bliss of heartthrob, humbly stirred
By gifts of butterfly-bloom-bird
By treetops tossing glossy manes
Not yet undone by autumn rains 

For heartfelt hugs as love's tears fall
For firm handshakes that say is all 
For peace beyond description's pow'r
God reserves for grief's rawest hour  

For comfort from handwritten art
Notes and verses to cheer the heart
And splash the sunshine of God's smiles
Through people to brighten dark miles 
While The Foolish, who deny God
Throng thoroughfares, in vain pursuit
Of this world’s unfulfilling fruit

For the kinship of Common Task
For food to eat and clothes to wear
And hands to hold/fold in thankful prayer

For all the ‘laugh lines’ that we earn
In the classroom of live-and-learn

As faith’s cornucopia brims

Holds Hope’s storm-battered bark secure
By Sight, no longer darkly glassed

Then face to face we will adore
As all we wondered at before
To God, for all eternity

© Janet Martin

For bliss of heartthrob, humbly stirred
By gifts of butterfly-bloom-bird...

For comfort from handwritten art
Notes and verses to cheer the heart
And splash the sunshine of God's smiles
Through people to brighten dark miles 

Just a few of a myriad of 'heart art' 💖🙏
(and to think that not so long ago I thought it was 'just a card'!!)
I'm so sorry for all the 'just a card's I never sent!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Plea For Perseverance

To list all the ways today's poem was inspired, is difficult to encapsulate...
But it is a corralling of wonder wakened while pondering Heb.11 &12:1&2
By the showering of love, of sympathy,
from so many caring people, 
of comfort and encouragement shared from God's Word,
By devotions penned for such a time as this...

By the indescribable joy in sorrow 
through the Presence of peace God has promised if/as we trust Him,
through both the physical and spiritual storms and battles of faith/life! 

Let me not balk against faith’s test that I would never choose
Let me not fear what God deems best, nor His request refuse
Behold faith’s cloud of witnesses still surrounds you and me
The riches of God’s promises worth every wait-and-see

Let me not wallow in the why that tries the ties of love
But rather winnow my reply till worship is enough
As faith is drawn from shallows to the deeps of grief and loss
Let me be wholly hallowed by the power of the cross

Though the threshing fork pains me, may it drive away the chaff
Till only God sustains me, as I lean upon hope’s staff
For he who suffered in my stead, the uttermost of Grief
Will accomplish all He has said; ‘Lord, help mine unbelief’

For you have borne the bitter blows that prove who we most love
You grant the test faith undergoes to expose lack thereof
Then, help me not to falter beneath full surrender’s price
But let love be an altar laid with living sacrifice

Willing to suffer present loss for joy waiting to be
Counting it joy to bear the cross to faith’s maturity
Obedient, till Death’s Last Strife, that draws ajar the Door
That leads to everlasting life and joy forevermore

© Janet Martin

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,
 whenever you face trials of many kinds,
3 because you know that the testing of your faith 
produces perseverance.
4 Let perseverance finish its work 
so that you may be mature and complete, 
not lacking anything.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Like a Butterfly...(or, Beneath a Beaming Breadth of Sky)

How sacredly grief keens awareness 
to the preciousness of 
what we sometimes call Ordinary.
How it stuns us, as we realize 
it is Love!
and, what we once considered 'little things' 
are in reality the big things;
the hymn of touch, 
a smile, a hug, a card, a bloom,
a handshake, 'hello', a child, a chick,
an autumn afternoon,
a cup of tea, a meal and 'small-talk' shared, 
a breath-prayer, a holy pause
to marvel at God's infinite supply of mercies 
and then to thank Him, because
no matter what was or will be
He loves and cares for you and me 

It's so hard to accurately describe the beauty
of compassion from family, neighbors and friends;
 how your/their tender love strangely sweetens 
sorrow's most bitter parts
Thank-you to each and every one of you
as you remind/teach me anew
 1 Cor. 13:13
And now these three remain: 
faith, hope and love. 
But the greatest of these is love.


Love never fails;
it turns heart-wrenching loss
into a startling gift
we would never choose
or know;
a gift, God-breathed to heal
grief's brutal wounds
as love's tears flow...


He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

How beautiful on the mountains (or in a barnyard) 
are the feet of those who bring good news, 
who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, 
who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 
“Your God reigns!”

These youngsters (blurred to protect privacy)
 overflowed with sympathy, questions and conversation
at the farm where I buy our fresh-as-they-come eggs
(often they run to gather them, still warm with the touch of God!)

SO many gentle moments to cherish...

Beneath a beaming breadth of sky
Life feels like a cheek, kissed
As Time wafts, like a butterfly
To bygone’s croft of mist
As joy and sorrow’s interplay
Composes Bittersweet
Arrangements, strewn like petal-fray
That flutters to the street
Where Fleeting Footfalls thrum and fade
Through seasons come, to pass
Like subtle arpeggios played
On keys of breeze and grass
Where children romp, their innocence
Cradles oblivion
To the brute strength of mere moments
Ever-so-deftly spun
Like threads, into a work of art
As tears and laughter meld
Love’s precious glints of heart-to-heart
That we so briefly held
Beneath a beaming breadth of sky
Where Today/lifetimes seem/s so small
As we waft like a butterfly
Toward Dusk’s shadow fall

Beneath a beaming breadth of sky
By faith we humbly hear
God, kindly whisper, 'here am I
To catch each falling tear'

© Janet Martin

My neighbour, walking from her house to mine, bringing last night's supper 💝

and last but not least
this morning's kind reminder devotion from the book
Springs in the Valley by Mrs. Chas E. Cowman

Monday, October 7, 2024

Stayed on Thee

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee

'Now what? Now how?',
my heart seemed to cry this morning
as I thought of Les and his family,
 post-wedding-prep flurry and distraction
Pre-everything that yet remains to be...
(for all of us)
'Now What? Now how?!' I cried
for everyone suffering ongoing sorrow
...and the verse above ministered to my cry
and comforted me 
May it comfort you too.

‘Mind stayed on Thee’ what confidence hope’s careworn courage finds
What peace anoints grief’s wounds, that God, so rich in mercy binds
What comfort cheers life’s ups and downs, where this world’s troubles groan
What joy (in spite of Sorrow) crowns the gape of the Unknown

‘Mind stayed on Thee’ Thy word is truth; faith’s footing held secure
Trustworthy for both aged and youth, armour for rich and poor
Though generations rise and fall like waves upon a sea
Thy Word abides through all of time and all eternity

‘Mind stayed on Thee’ no substitute can console or appease
No mortal merit can compute what God alone decrees
Ah, Heaven’s earthly ordinance nothing can overthrow
Able, in every circumstance to conquer every foe

‘Mind stayed on Thee’, hope’s sure anchor where tempests roar and toss
How trustworthy is He who bore the horror of the cross
Who knew no sin but became sin, each sinner to atone
Savior and Redeemer, amen. Death and hell overthrown

‘Mind stayed on Thee’, no sweeter solace can our spirits find
No purer peace, God’s purpose is compassionate and kind
Though oft misunderstood, until with humble mind renewed
We yield and trust Love’s perfect will with awestruck gratitude

© Janet Martin

And I will pray the Father, 
and he shall give you another Comforter, 
that he may abide with you for ever;
John 14:16

I have told you these things,
 so that in me you may have peace.
 In this world you will have trouble.
 But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Through Every Prayer

1 Cor.1:18
For the [a]message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,
but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

In the past few weeks I am learning anew
the most beautiful and powerful words in the world
'I am praying for you'

Through every trial of this life where Reason’s reach confounds
God’s goodness and mercy run rife; His providence abounds
How dearer then hope undergirds; His promises are true
How nearer He draws through these words ‘I am praying for you’

Through every up and down we bear we are never alone
God’s power flows through every prayer to comfort sorrow’s groan
For surely, He has borne love’s grief and suffered seeming loss
The price that purchased our peace, He paid upon a cross

Through every valley we pass through we follow where He trod
We trace the blood and tear-stained woo that draws us back to God
He, ever rich in mercy knows each heartache that we bear
He awes/helps us as His power flows through us, through every prayer

Through every test that trouble brings He keeps us in His care
Enfolding us beneath His wings through every earnest prayer
For nothing is too hard for He by Whom all things were made
Through every faith-anointed plea His power is displayed 

© Janet Martin

Surely He has borne our griefs 
 carried our sorrows;
 Yet we esteemed Him stricken, 
Smitten by God, 
and afflicted...

He will cover you with his feathers, 
and under his wings you will find refuge; 
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Don't Wait (until it is too late)


His basket of peppers spilled over and over...
but he wanted to carry it,
so we picked them up, over and over
 and finally, with exhausted triumph
we made it to the goal!!!

SO, whatever our load happens to be today, peppers or otherwise, keep on!

Don't give up in despair...

Love 's care is worth every tear, every prayer
Someday (it could be as soon as today!)
We too with exhausted triumph will reach the goal! 

Our community has suffered a number of reminders
this year of the uncertainty of what a day may hold!
Don't wait to want what today still offers!!


Don’t wait to do the best you can
To love God first, then fellowman
To give thanks to the One who grants
His grace in every circumstance

Don’t wait to make the most of life
But, bury the hatchet of strife
Before we meet The Righteous Judge
Don’t nurse the wounds of bitter grudge

Don’t harbor anger in your heart
But with each breath, let’s do our part
Before today is history
To make a treasured memory

Don’t wait until it is too late
To linger at the soldered gate
Of a thousand longings untold
Thy lips still smile, thy arms still hold

Life is a gift, its curtain close
Only the Giver of it knows
Then do not wait to love, to pray
To wish for what God grants today

Take up love’s yoke of joy and grief
Plead God to turn blind unbelief
To faith, then trust love's nail-scarred Hand
With all we do not understand

Then live as if today could be
The gateway to eternity
Love God and fellowman, don't wait
Till it is forever too late

© Janet Martin

2 Cor.6:1-2

As God’s fellow workers,a then, 
we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.
  2For He says:
“In the time of favor I heard you,
and in the day of salvation I helped you.”b
Behold, now is the time of favor;
 now is the day of salvation!