Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Key/Path To True Happiness

Happiness is not listed with the fruits of the Spirit,
however, happiness is promised to those who trust in and obey the Lord.
( we just might need to take a closer look at what we define as happiness
and who our 'happiness' serves) ooh

Happy/blessed are the people whose God is the LORD!

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
And whose hope is the LORD.

Happiness is the the phoenix that rises
from the ashes on the altar of sacrifice/obedience

So Samuel said: “Has the LORD as great delight
 in burnt offerings and sacrifices, 
As in obeying the voice of the LORD? 
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
 And to heed than the fat of rams.
1 Sa.15:22

But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it,
and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work,
this one will be blessed in what he does.
James 1:25

The law of liberty is not freedom/permission to
do what we prefer, but rather to trust God (who) works all things for good
to those who love Him are called according to His purpose (not ours)

If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God,
but it is the doers of the law who will be declared righteous.

But He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.
“Do not fear what they fear; do not be shaken.”

Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.
Otherwise, you are deceiving yourselves.

The path to the house has been cleared so we can get to the front door!

The path of righteousness has been cleared too, not by a shovel
but by a Shepherd 🙏 

And acknowledge the selfishness, that hinders true humility
That frustrates full surrender to He who knows and supplies our need

He cannot keep in perfect peace, the mind that is not stayed on Him
Who prefers rather, to appease the ways of want with willful pride
And cater to the nature that justifies stubborn wish and whim
Rather than honour the Creator who is able/faithful to provide

The Way, The Truth, the Life is not a 'pick-your-flavour-of-the-day'
His commands are not optional, but He gives us freedom to choose
He, who authored salvation's plan and paid its price. Or to refuse

With God all things are possible; why are we so deceived by sight?
Making logic more credible than He who rules seas, tempest-tossed
And numbers stars; who through His word grants wisdom to know wrong from right
A Shepherd who is undeterred and leaves the fold to seek the lost

To walk in paths of righteousness we first must trust the Shepherd's lead
And recognize that selfishness approves the wayward ways of sin

So that all may find sweet rest for souls that once were lost, like sheep
So that we need not fear the vales that wind through Unknowns, dark and deep
The Shepherd, whose love never fails leads us till faith is turned to sight

© Janet Martin

Psalm 95:6-7
O come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
For He is our God,
and we are the people of His pasture,
the sheep under His care.

Monday, February 17, 2025

A Picture (Full of Pictures)

My current roles as a member of my family are daughter, sister, wife, mother,
grandmother, aunt, niece, sister-in-law, mother-in-law,
Those to whom I was granddaughter and daughter-in-law have passed on)

In Ontario we are celebrating Family Day!
My thankfulness for family has been refined
in 2024 like never before
and my heart wears an unutterable ache
for all whose family circles this year have a gap
where Loved One used to be.
In place of warmth and vitality, a precious picture...

A picture full of pictures!!

Our Family/Valentine's dinner planned for last night
 will hopefully happen next Sunday!
Postponed due to weather
Thankfully we had a few eager volunteers who 'ventured' out to help mom-dad, 
grandma-grandpa eat a big pan of stew and strawberry pie 😊😋💝

and one more, courtesy of Grandson

Each day God gives us a fresh start
To develop a work of art
That, when we go from whence we came
Will be the picture of our name
Will be the echo of our creed
The heirloom cast by word and deed
An everlasting legacy
 Of love for God and family

Each day we ought to bear in mind
The part of us we leave behind
The one thing that death cannot claim
The precious picture of a name
How humbly aware we should be
Of lovely little words like 'we'
And 'us' and 'family' and such
Before one slips beyond our touch

Each day bestows to all a brush
With daub and splash, with pull and push 
And often without second thought
The hues of love and life are wrought
Where we have none but self to blame
For the picture of our name
That will unveil ultimately
Our love for God and family

Each day lengthens and shortens life
...as sister, brother, husband, wife
As father, mother, daughter, son
Someday the picture will be done
A keepsake that we cannot see
But leave behind for family
A treasure that death cannot claim
The precious picture of a name

© Janet Martin 

Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name...

Sunday, February 16, 2025

All This And Heaven Too

Enjoying a Snowbound Sunday! 

Proverbs 3:19-20
The LORD founded the earth by wisdom 
and established the heavens by understanding. /
By His knowledge the watery depths were broken open, 
and the clouds dripped with dew. (or snow??)

Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities,
His eternal power and divine nature, 
have been clearly seen, 
being understood from His workmanship, 
that men are without excuse.

Colossians 1:16
For in Him all things were created, 
things in heaven and on earth,
 visible and invisible, 
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. 
things were created through Him and for Him.

Psalm 104:24
How many are Your works, O LORD! 
In wisdom You have made them all; 
the earth is full of Your creatures.

Jeremiah 10:12
The LORD made the earth by His power;
 He established the world by His wisdom 
and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.

Where every window frames a masterpiece by God unfurled...

And bids us find a cozy seat to marvel at the world...

Where every window frames a masterpiece by God unfurled
And bids us find a cozy seat to marvel at the world
Where the Creator fills the earth with galleries, snow-spun
And awestruck creature thrills in works of art second to none

Where every season brims with boundless beauty to behold
And humble hearts thunder with hymns as God's name is extolled
(Where we are all without excuse; God's qualities unfurled
In evidence unloosed since the creation of the world) Rom.1:18-20

Where to witness mankind's delight must bring God pleasure too
As we approach Faith Turned To Sight, when all will be made new
But, until then He grants a world of unplumbed majesty 
Gazillion autographs untwirled for everyone to see 

Where He maintains the matrix of four-season ebb and flow
 A collage of mosaics swirls blue sky, green grass, white snow 
Until it seems each season tries to boast the finest view
While, every heart a poet sighs, All this and Heaven too' 

Janet Martin


Saturday, February 15, 2025

A Poem About the Tempter and God's Everlasting Arms

Today's post kinda evolved as the morning dissolved...

It began with the passage below- today's Our Daily Bread Scripture reading...

12 For the word of God is living and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing
even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight,
but all things are naked and open to the eyes
of Him to whom we must give account.

14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
who has passed through the heavens,
Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

This morning my waking thoughts turned to today's young parents.
Sometimes my heart/prayer groans for those
who are training up future generations;
Teaching us(them) that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts,
 we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
Titus 2:12

Mankind's enemy since the beginning is the Tempter.
Now the serpenta was more crafty than any beast of the field
that the LORD God had made.
 And he said to the woman, “Did God really say,...?

He succeeded in deceiving Eve, and Adam also,
and sin entered into the previously perfect world.
where only a perfect sacrifice could wholly redeem sinful humanity, 
And so God, eternally perfect sent His Son/Himself!

'For when we were still without strength,
in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.
12But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become children of God—
John 1:11-12

I'm in a season of life where children no longer
climb into my lap in the morning, or snuggle up beside me.
In that season, young mothers often find morning devotion-time interrupted! 
I am in a season of life where I can be the child, in a sense,
climbing into my Heavenly Father's lap or snuggling at His side
as I wake up, for reassurance, attention, love and kind affection
 that every child needs!
But ho!! The Tempter is there as well, so it seems!
trying to draw me away from being still
 to ever present distractions and tasks!!

I sat down with a coffee to begin my 'devotions'
then decided I should start the fire first,

then I noticed I should rotate the dry laundry on wooden clothes dryer
with a wet load still waiting...

...then I thought I should fold the dry laundry immediately
 to avoid more wrinkles...

...then, I decided to start another load of laundry
then, I noticed my house plants in the laundry room
were infested with little white gnats that seemed
to be feasting on the insecticidal soap spray 
I treated the plants with a few days ago...

So I snipped off the heavily infested sprigs
 and sprayed the plants and covered them with bags 
to contain things
then I returned to 'my devotions'... 
only to realize as I sat down that
the bird feeders are empty again!!
so I waded through the snow to fill them 
because the hungry birds are fluttering 
in unceasing flocks these snowy days...

...now, back to devotions. oops!
I need to add a log to the fire before it gets too low!!
While downstairs I remember I should take some food out of the freezer
to thaw for tomorrow night's family dinner...

The washer has stopped.
I should switch loads!
'get thee behind me, Satan,

My coffee is cold...😑

The tempter still roams earth's summits; young and old, potential prey
Daring us to test truth's limits, taunting 'did God really say...?'

He, an unscrupulous charmer dared to tempt the Son of God
We, without God's word and armour cannot recognize a fraud

...cannot overthrow the liar, cannot discern right from wrong
Cannot purify desire, cannot be holy or strong 

But, greater is He within us who believe God hears our prayer
All who trust the name of Jesus can conquer the Tempter's dare

Can, when doubt and despair cower lean on God's eternal arms
Knowing none can overpower He who frees us from sin's charms  

How commonplace the appearance of love's sacred battlefield
Where God increases assurance/endurance the more that we trust and yield

How comforting is faith's solace; cradled in the arms of He
Who never leaves or forsakes us. What sweeter bliss can there be? 

© Janet Martin 


What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!

Leaning, leaning,
Safe and secure from all alarms;
Leaning, leaning,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!
I have peace complete with my Lord so near,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms!

Author: E. A. Hoffman

Elisha Hoffman (1839-1929) after graduating from Union Seminary in Pennsylvania was ordained in 1868. As a minister he was appointed to the circuit in Napoleon, Ohio in 1872. He worked with the Evangelical Association's publishing arm in Cleveland for eleven years. He served in many chapels and churches in Cleveland and in Grafton in the 1880s, among them Bethel Home for Sailors and Seamen, Chestnut Ridge Union Chapel, Grace Congregational Church and Rockport Congregational Church. In his lifetime he wrote more than 2,000 gospel songs including"Leaning on the everlasting arms" (1894). The fifty song books he edited include Pentecostal Hymns No. 1 and The Evergreen, 1873.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Be Prepared For Hugs and Kisses...

I borrowed this photo from a previous Valentine's Day post HERE 😅💞

My 'Valentine' is hoping to be home by Sunday
after spending a few days in frigid Fargo, N.D. due to
waiting on a part to repair his truck.
On the Homefront I am trying to decide
what to cook for hopefully
A Valentine and Family Day dinner on Sunday evening...

Be prepared for breath soft-stolen
For your heart to skip a beat
When That Very Special Someone
Sweetly sweeps you off your feet
Be prepared for hugs and kisses
For feeling rich as a king
Love between Mister and Missus
Is a very precious thing

Be prepared for laughter's joy-ride
While love dreams of dreams come true
But, lest we forget love's flipside
Be prepared for sorrow too
Because love's darling duration
No matter how long or brief
Cannot, in its culmination 
Escape its guerdon of grief

Be prepared for lots of learning
'I do' flings ajar a door
Through which there is no returning
To the way love was before
Now, begins a new love story
'We' rather than 'me' or 'my'
Be prepared to say 'I'm sorry'
Lest love's sacred fires die

Love, when loosed, can be a bully
When tempers spark verbal blows
Be prepared to forgive fully
For the sacred sake of vows
Then, to be more humbly grateful
To God, whose love never ends
But helps us be true and faithful
And the very best of friends 

Be prepared for constant changes
Nothing stays the same, my dear
All we hold, Time's Hand estranges
For fresh frames of Now and Here
While the heart weathers the thunder
Of what nevermore will be
Be prepared to weep with wonder
At love's echo-gallery  

Be prepared to help each other
Not frowning, but with a smile
Pity those who cannot bother
To suffer a second mile
Wanting only box of candy
Roses, compliments galore  
Be prepared to come in handy
In the middle of 'your chore' 

Be prepared to be confounded
 By love's bittersweet reward
Leaving utterance astounded
Save to whisper 'Thank-you, Lord
Be prepared for hugs and kisses
No matter how young or old
Love between Mister and Missus
Is a pleasure to behold 

So, do not withhold love's graces
Love is a treasure most rare
Not to display in showcases
But to prove with work and prayer
Be prepared for sun and shower
And, no matter come what may
Be prepared, for farewell's hour
With each hello of new day

© Janet Martin 

Be prepared to help each other 😂😁💖
(just for fun, sometimes)

Love (or the lack thereof)

The two little boys I care for on Wednesdays beamed with pleasure
the other morning as they came, bearing hearts for Miss Janet!
(there's a beautiful parable in the heart that was torn
much to Lad's disappointment, but then tenderly mended by his loving mother)

(We have much to learn from the pure, unprejudiced love of children, don't we?!!)

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Love,      or the
    lack thereof,     my dear, makes 
all the difference....   Love crowns
 the common task with cheer and gladdens
 diligence. The lack thereof rues thorns, unenthralled by
  the rose. It frets life's mercy-brimming morns that love alone bestows.
Love whets a holy song for living's simple things, and never keeps score
of the wrongs that being human brings, but is patient and kind; not proud
 greedy or rude. Love freely gives and does not mind the priceless cost
 accrued. But finds the favoured key to peace and happiness. Love
 fills the likes of you and me with humble gratefulness for what
will never fail, though tried by sorrow's rod. True love
withstands the gripping gale because love comes
 from God, who first loved us, thus joy
for all of life depends on Love;
 love or sad lack
thereof makes
all the diff-

© Janet Martin 


Traditional form...

Love, or the lack thereof, my dear, makes all the difference
Love crowns the common task with cheer and gladdens diligence.
The lack thereof rues thorns, unenthralled by the rose.
It frets life's mercy-brimming morns that love alone bestows.
Love whets a holy song for living's simple things,
and never keeps score of the wrongs that being human brings,
but is patient and kind; not proud, greedy or rude.
Love freely gives and does not mind the priceless cost accrued.
But finds the favoured key to peace and happiness.
Love fills the likes of you and me with humble gratefulness
for what will never fail, though tried by sorrow's rod.
True love withstands grief's gripping gale because love comes from God,
who first loved us, thus joy for all of life depends
on Love; love or sad lack thereof makes all the difference


Love, or the
lack thereof,
my dear...
makes all the
Love crowns
the common
task with
cheer and
diligence. The lack thereof rues thorns, unenthralled by the rose. It frets
life's mercy-brimming morns that love alone bestows. Love whets a holy song
for living's simple things, and never keeps score of the wrongs that being
human brings, but is patient and kind; not proud, greedy or rude. Love
freely gives and
does not mind
the priceless
cost accrued.
But finds the
favoured key
to peace and
Love fills the
likes of you
and me with
humble gratefulness
for what will
never fail,
though tried
by sorrow's rod.
True love with-
stands grief's
gripping gale
because love
comes from God,
who first loved us, thus joy for all of life depends
on Love; love or sad lack thereof makes all the difference


John 13:34-35
34 A new commandment I give to you, 
that you love one another; 
as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 
35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, 
if you have love for one another.”


Because God is love,
love helps us accomplish the seemingly impossible!
He helps us love the unlovable, 
forgive the unforgiveable
and be merciful and compassionate
 to the undeserving
just like God does for every one of us!
While we were still sinners, He died for us!
So there are no justifiable 'buts' to defend
bitterness, hatred, spite and unforgiveness.
Because of love's sacred 'buts' like these below
we are able to love one another!


But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.


But God, who is rich in mercy,
because of His great love with which He loved us,
5even when we were dead in trespasses,
made us alive together with Christ
(by grace you have been saved),
6and raised us up together,
and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
7that in the ages to come He might show
the exceeding riches of His grace
in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.


Matt 5:43-46
3“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor
and hate your enemy.’ 44[o]But I say to you, love your enemies,
bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven;
for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good,
and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?
Do not even the tax collectors do the same?


But to all who did receive Him,
to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become children of God—
children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of man,
but born of God.


He saved us, not by the righteous deeds we had done,
but according to His mercy,
through the washing of new birth
and renewal by the Holy Spirit.


Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult,
but with blessing, because to this you were called
so that you may inherit a blessing.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

With or Without (the Word of God)

We all have a most sacred choice to make;
who we will believe and seek to follow
all the days of our life.

I had almost completed today's post before I
read today's devotion from Streams in the Desert Vol.2
This devotion encapsulates today's post in a briefer,
and beautifully-eloquent read...


We all, without the Word of God
Would become wise in our own eyes
The truth suppressed by futile thought
Ignorance fostering demise 

Without the Word of God, mankind
Sifts through lesser philosophy 
A world of blind leading the blind
Not knowing that they cannot see 

Without the Word of God we err
Because we do not know the truth
Of He whose love beyond compare
Overflows earth and heav'ns with proof 

© Janet Martin 

Sometimes I shutter at statements made
by those who do not know what they do not know
because they do not know the Word of God 
so they invent their own gods.

At other times I shutter at all of us
who have free access to His Word,
who have been taught richly from His Word since childhood
yet have never personally found Him to be our greatest delight!
The Word of God is filled with praises and professions
for the excellence of His Word.

One of my favourite meditation 'pastures' is Ps.119 HERE
Below, a glimpse of its goodness

v. 33-40 NKJV
 ה HE
33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes,
And I shall keep it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law;
Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
36 [a]Incline my heart to Your testimonies,
And not to covetousness.
37 Turn[b] away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
And revive me in [c]Your way.
38 Establish Your word to Your servant,
Who is devoted to fearing You.
39 Turn away my reproach which I dread,
For Your judgments are good.
40 Behold, I long for Your precepts;
Revive me in Your righteousness.

And this

As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower 
and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
“For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;

The snow has certainly come down from the heavens
in abundance this winter!

So much for leaving the old wicker chair out there,
 thinking I would enjoy an occasional 
outdoor morning coffee this winter 😅

What confidence God's Word imparts
A light unto our path
To guide and shepherd stray-prone hearts
With mercy's rod and staff 

What timeless truth His Word defends
His promises endure
Love's perfect law that never ends
Keeps faith's foothold secure

What sustenance His Word bestows
What sacred Bread and Wine
 To quench our thirst and feed our souls
From love's life-giving Vine 

What joy and peace His Word provides
What Hope no dark can dim
For the Word that IS God abides
With all who trust in Him

How incomparable, God's Word
 Eternal wellsprings pour
As page by page, pray hearts are stirred
To love Him more and more

© Janet Martin 

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, 
and the Word was with God, 
and the Word was God.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

On Learning Love's Darling Price

Last week love's privileges and duties pressed to the forefront
 so much so that poetry needed to take a quiet break. 
Part of me softly mourned the loss of a sister who checked in most days 
to see what was happening on my 'porch' and on a week like last week,
 most surely she would send a text. something like 'is everything okay? missing your posts'. 
At church on Sunday morning a friend mentioned that it was a quiet week on my blog?? 
and I told her why and also how special her checking in was.💝🙏
 Later another friend also encouraged me, not to fret about writing,
 but to be content when time does not permit! 
It means a lot when someone cares about what is going on in our little worlds, doesn't it?!
 A reminder for me to look around to see who I could/should be checking in on.

Whatever our 'little worlds' hold, of good or ill,
true joy and peace begin with surrender to God 
who loved us so much He gave His only begotten Son, 
 that whosoever believes in Him
will not perish but have everlasting life.
 John 3:16

On Sat. night when I returned home
a loving friend had left a thoughtful gift at my door!
Thoughtfulness and kindness are gifts
money cannot buy, but sometimes
money purchases very touching and precious mementos
like this....

Here's to a new day of learning love's darling price...

True love is like a priceless gift we need to give to find
Love's Greatest Gift, God gave to save the souls of humankind
To give us an example we should learn/yearn to imitate
To teach us how we ought to love before it is too late

My sad record of failure would/should unfurl a ghastly noose  
But God, because He gave His Son, has cut death's lariat loose 
He gave His Word so we may know the truth that sets us free
To love Him first and then each other with humility   

Ah, pity all who look for love but cannot find its key
Who sift the dust of this world for love's immortality
Rather than reaching for the Gift only God can provide 
Then finding in love's giving love's longing is satisfied 
Ah, pray we endeavor to be at love's high beck and call
Because God, who so loves us gave Himself for one and all
To equip us with what/Who we need to learn love's darling price
How giving due glory to God yields living sacrifice

© Janet Martin 

John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give you: Love one another. 
As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. 
/ By this everyone will know that you are My disciples,
 if you love one another.”

1 John 4:7-11
Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. 
Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 
/ Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
 / This is how God’s love was revealed among us: 
God sent His one and only Son into the world, 
so that we might live through Him. ...

Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride,
 but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. /
 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, 
but also to the interests of others.