Monday, October 26, 2020

Like A Scarf...

Everything we see is like a scarf 
wrapped around 
More Than Meets the Eye

There's no doubt about it; 
the colour-clock is counting down its tints, 
leaf by leaf, 
like a scarf dismantling
stitch by stitch

Beneath our feet the bittersweet fragments of glory gleam...

The rain drains woodlands of mosaics; scarlet yields to gray 
The wind dwindles leaf-kindled awe as autumn awnings fray 
Beneath our feet the bittersweet fragments of glory gleam 
A little bit like echoes from a fond and altered dream 

The gold that boldly stole our breath while death regaled our view 
With leafy-limbed apparel sketched on backdrops brooding-blue 
Surrenders; for the Splendor cannot keep at bay the toll 
That dismantles tree-mantles like the veil that shrouds the Soul 

Earth’s smorgasbord of beauty is a marvel to behold 
But Time, the tireless Tutor soon reveals more than the mold 
And we who once were deluded by what our eyes applaud 
Become attuned to sums beneath the first-fruits of façade 

The Season-clock is never knocked off-kilter; day by day 
And leaf by leaf and tick by tock Death stalks its primal prey 
Where breath by breath we weave a wreath like leaf or flower-chains 
Till the circle of life falls like a scarf from What Remains

© Janet Martin

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Soul/Sole Security

Seems fall-lovers here in Ontario
continue to be thrilled to the max by 
an exceptionally colorful version of the season
in what has been an exceptionally trying year!
The picture below is from a photo-poem desk calendar 
I received out of the blue (no birthday or anything) the other year
from my sister; I keep re-enjoying it because there's always pages I've missed or forgotten!
(I think that's why each season never loses its splendor; the missing and forgetting😊)

No matter what season we are in
may it always be a season of prayer,
Because Time is a turbulent tide!
Sickness of body and soul 
and so much beyond our control
insist we choose either faith or fear
to be compass and guide...

Fear flings us into foaming deeps
without a hope or prayer
is the firm anchor that keeps
us from drowning in despair

We surf a sea of season-tides 
What hides in its momentous deep 
Could keep us from hope’s sheer delight 
And rob us of laughter and sleep 

We bobble between faith and fear 
Because there is no clear-cut course 
Carved through the waves that vault and veer 
And dash us with violent force 

No one can claim clear-sailing grants 
Or tame the turbulence of Test 
Where surf and turf of circumstance 
Is always volatile at best 

Nobody knows what lies ahead 
How then can we find joy and peace 
Fear fills our hearts with doubt and dread 
Where dark the doleful clouds increase 

Faith finds the anchor that abides 
In He who hears each humble prayer 
And cups the sea of season-tides 
And all its ‘surfers’ in His care 

Then since, beyond our control
The toll of time rolls like the sea
Surely the faith that makes us whole
Is our sole/soul security

© Janet Martin 

Matthew 8:26
"You of little faith," Jesus replied, "why are you so afraid?" 
Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, 
and it was perfectly calm.

There are SO many seasons in life not marked by a calendar!
For whatever season we are in here's hoping
we have a Friend to weather whatever the weather be...

Friday, October 23, 2020

For Watchmen/Women of the Flowered Bower/Bow-er

This poem is an out-pouring of love
 for a world full of children
who begin so purely but must soon and surely 
choose for themselves

As we who watch for dawn to rend yon regions steeped in dark...

And siphon from the silhouette of trees the singing lark (or harsh shriek of blue jays😀) we who wait for baited bud to break

Alas, perfection cannot keep nature's fiat at bay...

As we who wait for baited bud to break and thus disclose
The essence of a Presence suggested in ev’ry rose 
Alas, perfection cannot keep nature’s fiat at bay 
No matter how pure life begins it is time’s ceaseless prey 
Where influence of elements and matrix of demise 
Will soon convey the evidence of death’s flowery disguise 

As we who watch for dawn to rend yon regions, steeped in dark 
And siphon from the silhouette of trees the singing lark 
Where birth is the beginning of what none can circumvent 
Farewell is always thinning the fabric of Therefore’s tent 
And perception is often blinded by what eyes behold 
Though This is but the catalyst that twists and breaks the mold 

As a mother who keeps account of her forever-child 
Always on earnest guard because this hard world is defiled 
And bent, it seems on robbing dreamers of their innocence 
She prays for mercies multiplied against pride’s ignorance 
Because she knows how swift the petals of the rose adorn 
The sash of dust and ash beneath the branches of the thorn 

We are like gleaners in a field watered with prayers and tears 
Someday faith’s framework will be filled when Majesty appears 
Where roses never falter and the night will never fall 
When Time’s sorrow-stained altar will be crushed once and for all 
As paupers pray for Kindness, as the shepherd tends the lamb 
We watch and work and wait till the Fulfillment of I AM 

For someday every knee will bow and every tongue confess
That He is Lord; the soul will be stripped of its flowered dress
And Righteousness will reign forevermore; no enemy
Where death is not the end of life, nor grave the victory
As we who watch for bud to break or darkness borne away
We pray the more as we approach the coming of That Day

© Janet Martin 

Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. 
He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. 
At that time each will receive their praise from God.
1 Cor.4:5

Thursday, October 22, 2020

There Is No Denying This Genesis of Joy

“The world will never starve for want of wonders; 
but only for want of wonder.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Tremendous Trifles

A  child's joy is so pure!

There is no denying this; Children’s laughter, chatter, kiss 
Reminds us that happiness is not a complicated quest 
Fortune is not found in things; angels are not white with wings 
We can all feel rich as kings if we recognize life’s best 

Wonder is want satisfied; a relinquishing of pride 
As we set ourselves aside, caught off-guard by awe unchecked 
For there’s no denying this; He who authors wonder’s bliss 
Thus orchestrates the genesis of joy without defect 

Want is always on the hunt; at the mercy of the brunt 
Of discontentment’s blunt and insatiable emptiness 
There is no denying this; what a wonder, Wonder IS 
As a glimpse of God surprises us with happiness 

© Janet Martin 

Journey to Deeper Love and Gratitude

The older I get the more real and dear this cry of David becomes:

Psalm 130:1-4

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;
2 Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
3 If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

Life can be mean when left to means that seem to make first-impulse-sense 
When we react without weighing the impact of the consequence 
We tend to think after the chink in faulty armour is exposed 
Rather than first examine best and worst outcome scenarios 

To test the measure of time’s treasure that slips through us breath by breath 
Is an awak’ning undertaking that could scare us half to death 
Because the laws of cause and effect are not tricked by time or rank 
Where the reaping is in keeping with the kind of seeds we plant 

To think that we can wink at wisdom and somehow not pay the price 
Or that desire is no liar when it ignores sound advice 
Is but to play the fool most truly no matter how cool it seems 
For consequence compensates duly what conscience and choice esteems 

If God kept tally of our folly who could stand and who could pay 
But to repentance he grants pardon and His strength to face the day 
Love incomparable makes bearable the harvest, not subdued 
Obedience, the evidence of love and humble gratitude 

© Janet Martin 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

All Fellow-Bumpkins

So much anger,
division, diversion,
strong opinion leading to violence 
of searching the scriptures
(therein lie the answers)
Instead of kneeling
before God
with bowed heart and head

May this be a day where we say little 
and love and pray much!
Where we exchange opinion 
for obedience
anger for grace, 
and gentleness and such
A day when 'love thy neighbor' 
is more than 
The Second-greatest command
May today be a step 
in the right direction
by unclenching fists
and shaking a hand

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: 
Fear God and keep his commandments, 
for this is the duty of all mankind.

this is me...
home-body, home-maker,
prefer coffee to tea...
...but the thing to remember
whether you or me
There's so much more to all of us
than anyone can see!!

What makes you tick 
What makes me tock 
Is varied as 
The streets we walk 
But culture, country, 
Creed or race 
We are all bumpkins 
Of God’s grace 

Some like the beat 
Of city street 
Some seek the 
Solitude of books 
Or lanes or brooks 
Or other nooks 
Beyond the noise 
Of horns and looks 

Tis quite a tousled 
This garden of 
But no matter 
Who, when or where 
The same God cares 
For you and me 

Some of us rich 
Or poor or plain 
Or vain with very 
Fine façade 
But that is quite 
Beside the point 
We are all bumpkins 
Needing God 

This country we 
Call time and place 
Is but a stepping- 
Stone you see 
Before God reaches 
Down and plucks 
Us from here
To eternity 

Some roll with life’s 
Punches, some hide 
Some deny Truth 
And think they win 
But we, all bumpkins 
Cannot escape 
The soul within 

So whether loud 
Or shy or proud 
Or meek, small, tall 
Weak, strong, mean, kind 
We have one thing 
In common, dear 
All fellow-bumpkins 
God designed 

© Janet Martin hello, fellow bumpkin😁

Monday, October 19, 2020

Deep-into-October Tableau or October on a Blue-gray Afternoon


Written in honour of this brooding, blue-gray deep-into-October afternoon

The garden has yielded its final gem 
The tree relinquishes its diadem 
The field is shorn where corn and barley gleamed 
Like gold and silver lakes as sunshine streamed 
Through a flue, gold and blue to mist-kissed piers 
The lily-dappled mead has shed its tears 
And summer like a picnic counterpane 
Is shaken out and folded up again 

The flower wonderland I dearly prized 
Where I would linger, petal-mesmerized 
Is stark and still, its thrill of grandeur spent 
Reminding me that all we have is lent 
The decanter of warmer days is drained 
The cricket melody gradually waned 
Until even the scattered cadence thinned 
And all I hear now is the brooding wind 

The chubby junco bobs among the leaves 
Quite unaware that these are autumn’s sheaves 
I wander without reason through bloom's wake 
How can such sweetness rouse such a raw ache 
Where fallow turns to furrow ‘neath the plow 
Where all we ever have is here and now 
Where we are torn between sorrow and awe 
Where earth seems so at peace with Nature’s Law 

October on a blue-gray afternoon 
Is like a bit of heaven gone too soon 
Each tree crowned in a halo, russet-bronze 
That drips and slips until the big sky yawns 
Through branches stark-naked and bold 
Etched in gnarled splendor for all to behold 
And a rush, sort of like a sudden sea 
Surges through us in spellbound sympathy 

I take my tea outside to watch the show 
The slow unraveling of red-yellow 
While dusk drops deep blue tints above yon hill 
A hint of woodsmoke wafts upon the chill 
And I am fully glad and sad at once 
Where October is a flickering sconce 
Set like a centerpiece on a buffet 
Of colour turning burnished brown and gray 

© Janet Martin 

Resounding Praise for Abounding Love

Psalm 103:1
The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. 
he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. 
as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Psalm 130:3-4
If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

May our outlook always be an up-look!
The scenery changes with the season...

but never the Reason of hope!

The valley of reflection can feel cold and dark and wet 
It steals the light of laughter if we linger there too long 
The weight of condemnation can crush us with sad regret 
If we forget that God forgives and helps us carry on 

This is the day that He has made to look ahead, not back 
To walk upon the stepping-stones we stumbled on before 
To be aware of what we have in spite of all we lack 
God’s grace always sufficient for whatever lies in store 

Futile to dwell where we can never alter what is done 
Better to focus on the mercy of this present morn 
For He forgives the sinner through the merit of his Son 
As far as east is from the west, man’s transgression is borne 

Then when the deceiver attempts to drag us to a pit 
Of doubt and dark despair remember He who loves us so 
His kindness and compassion do not recount our debt 
But only sees the perfect grace He grants whereby we go 

His love abounds and metes the grounds for peace and happiness 
If we ask he will give and if we seek him we will find 
He is faithful and just and forgives us if we confess 
Then pray we live to love him with heart, soul and strength and mind 

For HE IS, WAS and WILL BE faithful, changeless, GREAT I AM
Ah, what is man that God is mindful of mortal at all
And yet for man He gave His Son to be the slaughtered Lamb
And save all who believe from that which sin conceived; the fall

Therefore no valley of despair is deep or dark enough
To hide us from the One who sees exactly where we are
For nothing can separate us from His abounding love
Ah, look! the hand that holds us bears love's signature, a scar

© Janet Martin