Saturday, July 7, 2012

What is Justice?

“Justice” screams the mob
Let him pay for what he has done
…and they turn with hate to chant his fate
He, the unwanted…nobody’s son

© Janet Martin

Where Bracken and Buckwheat Blow ...a Sonnet

Beside us the bracken and buckwheat blow
We gather; as dirge of maple and birch
Ruffles the soft, solemn hush of the crowd
In a still graveyard next to a white church
Asleep in Jesus and Amazing Grace
Trembling with sorrow, our words and tears blend
This body has reached its last resting place
We must return to life’s journey again
Back to the learning, the groaning of toil
Back to the earning of Treasure or spoil


Out in the distance a katydid trills
Here we commit our loved one to the earth
Cradled forever by rivers and hills
A marble monument its single proof
Of beloved lips that smiled, laughed and kissed
Of work-worn hands that labored long and hard
Of eyes that twinkled in blue tenderness
Recalled as we gather in this graveyard
Where only the shell is covered with sod
Memories dwell in our hearts; soul with God


…now we turn, from the tear-stained mound of dirt
We are not yet summoned by He who ordains
Our numbered moments of heart-ache and hurt
We must return to life’s passion and pain
Of buckwheat and bracken; of sun-scorched halls
To plant and to harvest its tare-stricken clime
Someday it will be our name that He calls
Closing our eyes on this vapor of Time
The tide of mankind surges as a whole
Until God separates body from soul

© Janet Martin

Thursday, July 5, 2012

On Forgiveness...

 Image Source:

 Poetry Jam invites our thoughts on Forgiveness

In it there is no half-the-way
No self-indulgent rage
No dark and harbored bitterness
If love takes center-stage

In it I must fore-go revenge
And animosity
It shall be given me

If I choose to withhold love’s grace
Or refuse to forget
If I’m reluctant to erase
With love the debtor’s debt…

…then I in turn heap to myself
A hundred fold the guilt
If I withhold that which I seek
In Calvary’s pardon spilt  

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Half a Mustard Seed

I’ve always known my faith untried
Might be but half a mustard seed
Yet I know I cannot sustain
The depth of my most trivial need
And so I reach beyond myself
For this I know most certainly
There is a higher Hand to grasp
Although its form I cannot see

How can I know until it’s tried
The measure of faith’s depth or creed
I have trembled, prayed and cried
As I beheld my mustard seed
But as the unknown road of life
Tries me in its turn and twist
I reach above this temporal strife
To unseen Truths I know exist

I cannot see this Hand above
But oh, I feel its tender touch
It surrounds with His love
And I don’t worry quite so much
Humbly I whisper, for a spark
Though it is half a mustard seed
Will glimmer through the darkest dark
And render peace in spite of need

© Janet Martin

Of Seeds and Such...

They fall along the wayside
A subtle scattered seed
As thought becomes an action
And action becomes deed

With studious regarding
We should tend the field
Where first the seed is starting
Before it bears its yield

For soon along the wayside
The seed begins to grow
And soon our hidden thought-life
Observant eyes will know

They fall along the wayside
A subtle scattered seed
With diligent discernment
Its ilk we ought to heed

© Janet Martin

Monday, July 2, 2012

Where True Love Shines...a re-post

I wrote this approx. a year ago and I want to re-post it as a thanks to all of those traveling 'second miles'.

I’ve heard love declared in words
And garnished with a smile
But I have seen it walk its talk
Within a second mile

True love needs no ruse or guise
It needs no pomp or style
And it will always prove itself
Within the second mile

Love is not a fancy hat
That we may don awhile
Nor does it wait until its asked
To walk the second mile

There is no facade in love
No pretense in its smile
And I have felt its purest touch
Within its second mile


Of Destinies and Dreams...

Creeping above earth’s elusive ledge
Are hints of a new unknown
For only One can see beyond
The course of the rising sun

Man may plan and dream and plod
Toward ambition’s goal
But destiny resides with God

© Janet Martin

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rest Well, my Love

Image Source:

Rest well, my love
All those dreams we’re dreaming of
And all those fears we fear
All the hopes we’re hoping for
Will simply wait, my dear

…or, while you rest perhaps our dreams
Will unfold like a flower
Our harbored fear might disappear
As Hope affirms its Power

© Janet Martin

Poetic Bloomings Prompt; 'get some rest' was too timely to ignore...hubby is in hospital recovering from ruptured appendix!