Showing posts with label wonderment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wonderment. Show all posts

Saturday, July 10, 2021


First, when I got up this morning a wave of woe washed over me;

So much would-be worry and want, without true trust in One greater!

 Wonderful, Merciful Saviour

Wonder-full, though oft-times dismayed
By disappointment’s rending rod
In spite of plans and dreams waylaid
Nothing separates us from God

Wonder-full, though heart-cries resound
With grief where unbelief is bold
Because iniquity abounds
The love of many has waxed cold

Wonder still fills the heart with awe
To think, God, rich in mercy gave
His Son to die because He saw
How many souls His death would save

He did not, in the face of hate
Retaliate, but cried ‘forgive’
His suffering, so very great
So that the least may look and live

Thus, we may live, still wonder-full
In spite of hardship’s draining toll
God’s Word and love none can annul
Or thwart the Saviour of the soul

© Janet Martin

Wishing you a weekend filled with wonder!

So much to steal our breath in His Word and in His works!

Psalm 10: 12-18

Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God.
    Do not forget the helpless.
13 Why does the wicked man revile God?
    Why does he say to himself,
    “He won’t call me to account”?
14 But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted;
    you consider their grief and take it in hand.
The victims commit themselves to you;
    you are the helper of the fatherless.
15 Break the arm of the wicked man;
    call the evildoer to account for his wickedness
    that would not otherwise be found out.

The Lord is King for ever and ever;
    the nations will perish from his land.
17 You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted;
    you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,
18 defending the fatherless and the oppressed,
    so that mere earthly mortals
    will never again strike terror.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


On a picture-perfect June Saturday with lots to do
poetry thunders!

A poem, is like a bouquet
Of peonies, soft pink...

Like bud that pulses, pops and spills
In green leaf canopy...

A poem is more than mere verse
More than meter and rhyme
It wrangles feelings into words
Melds common with sublime

It gathers moments that would fade
Without a second thought
Snared from seasons as they parade
Through graces, soon forgot

A poem takes us by the hand,
Nay, tugs at inner strings
Its truth, beauty and love withstands
The ever-change time brings

It courses through the utmost part
Of hearts; steeds, hunger-shod
Always showcasing, with word-art
The majesty of God

It preaches, teaches, reaches where
No naked eye can see
To storm Soul’s sacred thoroughfare
Hinged to eternity

A poem, from life’s ugliness
Of thorns that pierce and prick
Points out the blood-red loveliness
Of Hope’s rose-kindled wick

A poem thunders without sound
Through wonder's speechless gaze
Where wonder is the holy ground
Of worship's flawless praise

A poem, is like a bouquet
Of peonies, soft pink
It cheers a dark and dreary day
With petals made of ink

A poem celebrates the thrills
That fill the earth with glee
Like bud that pulses, pops and spills
In green leaf canopy

Like innocence of little child
Pirates of stolen breath
Where joy and sorrow drive us wild
With birth’s promise of death

Where insecurity and fear
Could smother happiness
Where we are altogether here
By the Creator’s ‘yes

Where, now and then, lest we turn blind
To Hands, (not without scar)
A poem can gently remind
Us how precious we are

© Janet Martin

Because your steadfast love
is better than life,
my lips will praise you!

A few more June joy-praises...

Friday, May 21, 2021

Thank God!

a few May morning creation-treasures...

Thank God for beauty of creation, nature’s free-for-all
Where no one can claim credit for His creatures great and small
Mankind beholds what earth unfolds; we cannot intervene
To haste a bud to bloom or baste the countryside in green
We owe the crowning glory of worship’s unbridled praise
To He who orchestrates and grants the number of man’s days

Thank God for beauty beyond reach of evil’s ruthless rod
The heavens timelessly declare the handiwork of God
To set before our gaze, buffets laden with trays designed
By clouds and colours man cannot muster or mastermind
Then praise God, who furnishes seed, bud and celestial fount
Before the day when we bow down to give sacred account

Thank God for seasons we can only skim the surface of
To marvel without merit at earth’s laden treasure trove
To be the sole recipients of joy as we behold
The wonders of creation that somehow never grow old
Unbridled beauty clothes this globe compelling awestruck gaze
To touch the hemline of His robe with reverence and praise

Thank God, that while the ages roll creation keeps its youth
Where time will always take its toll yet cannot alter truth
Or usurp the Creator; from the dawn of ‘let there be
No one and nothing can deter divine authority
He cups creation in His Hands, commands sun, moon and stars
We smote our chests, cry ‘what is man’ and drink from Mercy’s scars/jars

Thank God that He charges no fee for wonderment’s surprise
But spreads showcases lavishly before our very eyes
Where nature remains innocent in spite of mortal guilt
A kind of picnic basket emptied on earth’s tartan quilt
Where we are all invited to partake of beauty’s fare
And give God all the glory for glory He chose to share

© Janet Martin

Psalm 104:33-34

I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
May my meditation be pleasing to him,
as I rejoice in the Lord.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

To Ink-Wranglers and Revelers

In the middle of house-work,

burnt cookies (h-m-m! I wonder what happened to one!😉😋)



 and fauna,

 (aka laugh-till-I-cry and -tear-out-my-hair!!')

Midst this...
This poem, I've been trying to finish since yesterday morning,
begs the question, is it worth the hard-fought while?!
'Are there still parts of hearts unstirred?'
to make worthwhile wrangling of word
and try to capture winks of time
into a memento of rhyme?
And as I contemplated this thought
 midst all the modest mayhem
of everyday life I say, 
a thousand times 'yep'💝!

Are there still parts of hearts unstirred
By artistry of written word
Doth aught yet wait within the pen
To storm the gates of acumen

Tell me, is yet a poem left
To cheer the broken and bereft
Where archives groan with printed page
Of whispers honed from age to age

Can yet sheer wonderment remain
To cheer, to delight and sustain
As poem-seeds tremble and press
Can they sprout into Happiness

Beneath the skin, in heart and soul
Impressions of ink tug and toll
Surely tis not for naught, to free
The bloom from looms of poetry

Behold, the bud of daybreak brims
And earth is charged with heaven’s hymns
Hark, for the dark dissolves in grace
From Holy God to human race

The earth gives birth where nature’s law
Kindles the mirth of ooh and aah
And draws us, but not by our hands
To revel in momentous sands

…where tots are filled with lots of More
To inspire the troubadour
Innocent curiosity
The purest form of poetry

The Poet cannot justify
To gaze unfazed without reply
While welkin flask and task compete
Where star-tides wash work-weary feet

The poet returns to retrace
The aura of yesterday’s face
To kiss the curves of see-to-saw
To preserve for rekindled awe

For, like a fledgling, tots soon fly
Into a world of peopled ‘sky’
Like feather-down, silver and soft
The fluff of dusk-blown echoes waft

Where parts of hearts ache to be stirred
By artistry of written word
Where whispers wait with winsome wink
To storm soul-gates with wrangled ink

© Janet Martin

 "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; 
the whole earth is full of his glory."

'The earth gives birth where nature’s law
Kindles the mirth of ooh and aah'

What began with this burst of gold...

yesterday at sunrise...
(Is a sunrise not enough to waken the poet in all of us?!!)
...or sunset?

Is completed at Saturday noon midst much domestic distraction😅💗

Monday, May 3, 2021

Already Breath-taken


Already breath-taken
Ere buds fully waken
And silence is broken
By leaf-token’s laud
Already dumbfounded
By beauty unbounded
For we are surrounded
By glimpses of God

Already enchanted
By blooms, still unplanted
And tree-tops half-glistered
In whispers green-gold
Already delighted
By dreams unrequited
Yet we are excited
To watch them unfold

Already forgotten
Winter’s frigid cotton
And battles we fought in
A world, cold and white
Already forgiven
The green side of livin’
Rolls out to blue heavens
In sighs of delight

© Janet Martin

Monday, April 26, 2021

Wonder-Full World

  PAD Challenge 26;

For today's prompt, take the phrase "(blank) World," 
replace the blank with a word or phrase, 
make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

Somehow 'firsts' of a season always fill me with fresh wonder...
first snowfall, 

first buds,

 blooms and bouquets,

first garden crop sprouts,

 then first pickings

... to first fallen leaves

the world is wonder-full!

'something to stare at in earth's every crease...

Wonderful wonder, how wondrous art Thou
Melding the mundane to Marvelous Wow!
Stealing the thunder of man’s vanity
Breath-taking wak’ning to Your majesty
Yielding to You honour and glory’s due
Worship in its purest form, tried and true

Wonderful wonder, the world is a fount
Brimming with Beauty, too ‘bundant to count
Who can step over the threshold of day
Into a morning, wild with Mercy’s yea
Never astounded and never amazed
By over-under-around-us, un-phased

Wonderful, wonder-full world at our door
So much to experience and explore
Something to stare at in earth’s every crease
Winter to spring, bud to bloom masterpiece
Heavens above hills and rills, land and sea
Thund’ring with wonder still waiting to be

Wonderful, wonder-full gateway to awe
We, lavished by love’s extravagant law
Dare not become so numb as not to feel
Hands of the Potter ‘round clay on the wheel
Smiling, methinks, as He opens our eyes
To the glad wonder of life’s next surprise

© Janet Martin


For today's prompt, take the phrase "(blank) World," 
replace the blank with a word or phrase, 
make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

I wonder what today will bring
As morning spreads glistening wings
Above earth’s-re-emerging bars
As heaven blushes away stars
And darkened awnings thin until
Dawn fills a worldwide windowsill

I wonder at mercy renewed
My heart, a cup of gratitude
That while we slept God didn’t scorn
His promise and withheld new morn
(Though we have made a sorry mess
Of reverence and righteousness)

I wonder at the way the world
Now wide awake and dew-drop pearled
Invites the likes of you and me
To endless possibility
As sky-wide gates are flung ajar
And mercy meets us where we are

I wonder at the world at large
Where we, aboard its season-barge
And fellow-travelers; as such
I wonder why we fight so much
Instead of using Time’s Short-Sweet
To help each other to our feet

I wonder what today will bear
Before it slips into thin air
And earth is tucked beneath a quilt
Of stars on blue and echo-gilt
I wonder, nay, pray it will be
Memento-of-love memory

© Janet Martin

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, 
who alone works wonders. 
And blessed be His glorious name forever; 
and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. 
Amen and Amen.
 – Psalm 72:18-19

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Wealth of Wonder and Love


Wishing you a wonder-full and lovely day!

This morning is a gray, rain-drop spangled lake
rather than the golden wake of a few dusks ago...

What if this would be enough; life’s wealth of wonder and love?
What if we were satisfied with the joy that these provide?
What if our words would brim with thanksgiving’s heartfelt hymn?
What if this was happiness; finding more by wanting less

Life is rich when love/God is first; wealth of days, wonder-immersed
In spite of hard hills and holes, love and wonder still consoles
Waking worship’s madrigal, making life so worth it all
While we learn to cherish more, so much to be thankful for

Let's not seek plunder of stuff but more of wonder and love
Overflowing cups of praise from a decanter of days
Taking sparkles from life’s fount, making every moment count
Filling fortune’s treasure trove with wealth of wonder and love

What if, for all that we lack we found something to give back
Finding in love's kindliness the secret to happiness
Deepening, as years go, reverence for  'you and I'
Finding love and wonder's laud grounded in the grace of God

© Janet Martin

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
 to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. 
 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom,
 teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Our Greatest Awe of All

 Today's Daily Bread Bible reading is one of my favorite passages of scripture;


But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 
 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ
 (by grace you have been saved), 
 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 
 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace
 in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 
 For by grace you have been saved through faith, 
and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 
 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, 
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

The wonders of creation, too manifold to tell
Still pale when in comparison to Living Water’s well
A worldwide invitation to come, to taste and see
The wonders of salvation through grace that sets us free
Where no more condemnation awaits all who believe
In He who paid our pardon, so mortal may receive
Redemption, thus exemption from death’s inherent doom
The hour of repentance, the flower of the tomb
Where the grave has no power, because of Calvary
Where Jesus became our scapegoat and victory
Where all who come to Jesus, He will not turn away
He gave His life to free us from Debt we could not pay
Then come, taste and behold through faith, Mercy's miracle 
The wonders of salvation, our greatest awe of all

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

From Wonder's Treasure Trove...

Do you ever wonder, when you get up
what wonders will fill you with wonder today?
And isn't it wonderful how wonder always take us by surprise?!

or above

Wonder spills its treasure trove!

Wonder is delight’s amazement, worship’s outpouring, unflawed
Wonder is that perfect moment as we forget all but God
As we marvel at the beauty of an unexpected ‘gift’
That surprises Ordinary and gives commonplace a lift

Wonder is awe’s perfect pleasure, making the meek mortal glad
From a trove of priceless treasure spills a thrilling myriad
Cheering creature-care with comfort as God captures our gaze
Composing from thrumming heart-strings a hymn of rapturous praise

Wonder sweeps away gray shadows from the deeps beneath our skin
Granting, at least for the moment, happiness without chagrin
Stealing our breath with sudden, sweet glimpses of paradise
As we taste the crumbs that scatter from a Table in the skies

© Janet Martin

Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works 
Which You have done; 
And Your thoughts toward us 
Cannot be recounted to You in order; 
If I would declare and speak of them, 
They are more than can be numbered.

Psalm 40:5

Monday, February 8, 2021

Learning To Read God's Poetry

 Winter dusk warms the ink in frozen pens...

My dear, because we cannot live on poem-books alone 
We must learn how to siphon poetry from grin and groan 
And how to glean from fleeting hues of time’s momentous tide 
A ballad, born of blush and blues brushed on the countryside 

My dear, because the now to then of seasons slips and drips 
Like lyrics from a phantom pen or sighs from trembling lips 
We need to learn to recognize God’s lines of poetry 
They waft upon dusk-softened skies, they sail the snowy lea 

My dear, because, like love, life’s poetry oft masquerades 
In what seems very ordinary day-to-day parades 
We need to take a longer look at what ink-drops compose 
With gurgle of the brumal brook, winter’s skeletal rose 

My dear, because we cannot keep at bay the dying day 
Or other gently waning whispers tangled in the fray 
We need to learn to see more than time’s trouble and its bite 
And marvel at the poetry that only God can write 

© Janet Martin