As I pray for they who suffer great sorrow for the loss of loved ones,
for those in war torn countries or
for those who suffer angst of concern for loved ones in war torn countries,
for they who suffer the ravages of physical affliction,
for they who must watch loved ones suffer
and oh, especially for they who have still not believed
but reject the Saviour of the soul,
( whose most beloved we are,)
for all who miss out on the joy this world cannot give
Again and again I cast my care on Him
because He cares for you and me!
Sweet, sweet comfort in the midst of bitter grief!
We are not alone in our suffering...
'After we have suffered a while the God of all grace
who has called us unto His eternal glory
will perfect, strengthen, stablish and settle us!'
2 Pet. 1:10
Because He cares for me and you, whatever may befall
We need not fret; He’ll see us through our struggles, great and small
Because he bids us cast our every care before His throne
We need not worry for we never bear love’s cross alone
Because He is the Way, the Truth, the Life eternally
We need not join the fruitless strife of doubt’s futility
Because greater is He in us than he of worldly creed
We need not fear, but simply trust for He supplies our need
Because He honours those who honour Him, though scorner’s jeer
We need not let their insults dim the hope that we revere
Because He died so we may live, and bore our sin and shame
We need no purpose but to give all glory to His Name
Because God’s love runs deep and wider than thought’s farthest glim
All that we need He will provide as care is cast on Him
Because of faith’s established goal, though dark the strait between
Our need, the Saviour of the soul, will wholly intervene
Because our utter need is met in faith's redeeming hour
We need not fret; because the cross will never lose its power
© Janet Martin
1 Sam.2:30
But now the LORD says: ‘Far be it from Me;
for those who honor Me I will honor,
and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.
Far graver than the battle is an illusion of peace
Causing our souls to slumber while evil's armies applaud
Far graver than war’s fearful horror's while death-tolls increase
Is walking, talking, laughing, living without fear of God
Far graver than faith's groaning as we stand on steadfast guard
Is the seductive courting of diversion's deadly dance
Far graver than the blood and tears that stain streets, sorrow-scarred
Are hands and feet, soft, smooth and lily white with ignorance
Far graver than the suffering that rouses our pleas
For more than this world can bestow, is life without a care
For, graver than the crushing blow that brings us to our knees
Is living without ever bowing before God in prayer
© Janet Martin