Showing posts with label surrender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surrender. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2020

Trustworthy and True

Most of us in this area are inconvenienced rather than suffering...
With limited supplies at the grocery stores
and with social distancing due to COVID-19

...but grand-sonny after a week at home has had ENOUGH 
of no seeing his friends at Sunday School or other 
church programs, no play-dates. 
Even the library is closed.
Twice yesterday he referred to the 'the wost day evoh!' 
Cheer up Grand-sonny!
We are all learning to appreciate more with less!
And what sometimes seems like 'the wost' is often teaching us The Best.
Big hugs and prayers to all the moms and dads
navigating these uncertain times!
Treasure the gift of extra together-time that we often wish for
in those too-busy days

(p.s. Grand-sonny's 'wost day' remark provoked after they dropped a baby-swing off
on one of his best friends porches but they couldn't stay)

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Rev. 21:5

It's a new week. 
For whatever lies ahead that we know not, this we do;
Romans 8:28
And we know that God works all things together 
for the good of those who love Him, 
who are called according to His purpose.

Dusk's bare bones...

are mantled in white this morning...

To find the courage for the fight
To fit us for the charge
Bids us believe in more than sight
The battle is the Lord’s

From surrender flows strength and pow’r
Such as we never knew
He ushers to the darkest hour
Words trustworthy and true

To find comfort in suffering
We first must yield our will
Beneath the shelter of His wing
He whispers ‘peace, be still’

For there the howling enemy
Cannot invade the heart
And there faith sets the captive free
And shields us from fear’s dart

For they who kill the body, love
Cannot destroy the Soul
And only death will fully prove
The glory of the goal

Thus, we find courage for the fight
Thus, hope will not grow dim
As we believe in more than sight
As we believe in Him

As we believe in Him we seize
Words trustworthy and true
Where only His voice can appease
Fear for what man will do

© Janet Martin

Saturday, February 8, 2020

So Much More Than Meets the Eye...

 Above a world of hurt, hope unfurls the golden banner
of another day of grace; 
the grace whereby we are saved from eternal righteous wrath to come!
Why righteous? see verse below

 For God has not appointed us to suffer wrath, 
but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.  
He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, 
we may live together with Him.
Therefore encourage and build one another up, 
just as you are already doing. 

So much more than meets our vision, everybody knows
Longing, like a thorny pinion hoists the glorious rose
Morning, like a beaming matron flings dark shades ajar
Draws us from slumber’s oblivion to the way things are
Trouble’s tests of trust and courage never leave us long
God, with faithful love and mercy always leads us on

Hope, hinged to hardship and heartache vexes vanity
Like a rebel balks beneath Supreme Authority  
Self must bow beneath the scepter of Hope’s gracious Lord
Where His word, like Eden’s nectar leaves our souls restored
For without Hope, Heaven-worthy, where would mankind be?
God, with faithful love and mercy cares for you and me

We, inclined to nurse the foibles of want’s wish and whim
Without our share of troubles would not reach for Him
He, whose ways escape the logic of the mortal mind
Pleads, but does not pry the clenched fist, with laws love-designed
Where His Word unfurls glimpses of more than meets the eye
While His faithful love and mercy holds hope’s banner high

© Janet Martin

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Prayer For Pure Perspective

 Learn to do right; seek justice and correct the oppressor.
 Defend the fatherless and plead the case of the widow.”
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best of the land.…
Isa. 1:17-19 

"Oh God, make us willing and obedient"

For ears to hear and eyes to see
For souls that pant, my Lord, for Thee
Lest deaf and blind and starved we grope
In vain to find Your Living Hope

For longing keened by your commands
For faith to trust Your nail-scarred hands
For love to take the tender lead
Lest we follow lust, pride or greed

For diligence when dreams distract
Or logic seems to challenge fact
Lord, shine through us, pure and devout
Beyond a shadow of a doubt

Protect us from the evil one
Comfort us with ‘Thy will be done’
For You have washed our sins away
Thank-you. In Jesus’ name we pray

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

In Spite Of How We Are

Recently a parent shared how they had to withhold something their child loved to teach
the consequence of disobedience/disrespect.
Sometimes a parent’s love and compassion for a child permits a bit of ‘suffering’
to remind them of mom or dad’s authority.
 Poor, poor child who is left to his or her own will!!

We discipline our children because we love them, not out of vengeance or mean spirit.
So, don’t you think our Heavenly Father, who gave the best He had for us,
 because He loves us SO much and wants to reach or teach us
sometimes ‘takes back’ something that He simply lent to us in the first place?
How will we respond; with trust, humility and repentance or anger and rebellion?

The way we are will always need reminders; we forget
That what we have is lent; our human bent so quick to fret
And it is hard, too hard to trust if we have not received
The promise God has given us for all who have believed
If we have never bowed proud heads and cried ‘ Father, forgive’
If we have never heeded Mercy’s pleading ‘look and live’
If we have never felt hope's fountain overflow-and flow
With peace that passes understanding for our cup of woe
If we have not relinquished our will to One divine
If we have never (metaphorically) kissed Jesus’ feet
If we have never cried ‘how sweet Your words, dear Lord, how sweet
If we have never been reminded in some deep, dark vale
That God is Light and God is love and He will never fail
In spite of how we are, His mercy is renewed each day
His grace will be sufficient if we let Him lead the way

© Janet Martin

Friday, December 6, 2019

'Dance' Lessons

 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to his purpose.

 I'm hoping today's moves include cookie-cutters!

Dawn’s rise-and-shine rehearsals toward farewell’s rest-in-peace
Grants dances that can leave us breathless in its twist-and-turn
The Choreographer of have-and-hold’s hug-and-release
Surprises us with steps we never dreamed that we could learn

Time’s what-once-was with ways nonplussed composes quite a tune
While what-now-is tests physical and mental want-and-will
Today’s moves we must master wait to waltz us ‘cross a room
That soon will ring with echoes where our tears and laughter spill

...and we should try to trust Love’s lead, rather than understand
His choreography for His glory, not yours and mine
Thus, often contrary to the performances we planned
But always for our good He unfolds each dance-move's design

© Janet Martin