Showing posts with label night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

Of Daybreaks and Nightfalls...

The fabric of new day unfolds from heaven’s waning hem
And teases the dark edge of night with gold; its diadem
Dissolves where morning crowns the infancy of what will be
On morrow’s birth, Lord willing, yesterday and History

We, offspring of God’s mercy, (though it seems we oft forget)
Traverse its tide of moments and we cannot rush ahead
Or decline invitations hung upon dawn’s beaming tress
Day breaks, night falls; we rend time’s halls for hope and happiness

The rubric of a lifetime fits in these two elements
The quadrille of seasons entices us to brave its dance
Day breaks, night falls, and in between the birth and death of dates
We push against the odds, pursuing what love celebrates

Time traipses through the stars then falls beneath our learning touch
Fear-stricken and love-smitten we admit there is too much
That we cannot control so we console the circuit of
Daybreak-nightfall with prayer then hold the hands of those we love

Day breaks the sky with what has never been like this before
A virgin sheaf of moments spills from God's will to earth's shore
And (though it seems we oft forget) Time begets holy calls
That we should answer full and well before night's dark cloth falls

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Good Night...


(I had to think of the Waltons tonight as 'goodnights' were exchanged:)

Night always overtakes the day and turns the page of time
It tucks the darkness like a blanket over croft and clime
It softens its appointments, snuffs toil’s menial siren cry
As arms become a cradle and wind-song a lullaby

Goodnight, sleep tight, I love you’, and ‘I love you too, my dear’
Then one by one the windows that were yellow disappear
And all is still and silent save the cricket-choir’s tune
As minstrels of September serenade the stars and moon

Night brushes from the calendar another day that was
It dips the sky in diamonds, frees the hour of its cause
And washes in around us like a black and velvet sea
Night overtakes the day and renders it to history

© Janet Martin

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ink Soloists

Day deepens; then it disappears
Into the thick of Eon's vest
To join the ranks of yester-years
Its maiden journey laid to rest

Sometimes the bliss of blue and gold
Rolls up the afternoon with stars
Until the only sounds it holds
Are ticking clocks, crickets and cars

The homestead wears a light or three
And is there anything more fine
Than the familiarity
Cradled within its vague outline

Night wakens words that sleep by day
And soloists of ink reply
They ravage worlds black-wrapped and gray
To hang new poems from the sky

© Janet Martin

Monday, April 20, 2015

Lonely April Wind

 For a brief bit the sun high-lighted 'almost evening' before clouds scuttled over its attempts at warmth

The latticework of limb lies on day’s welkin winnowing
The air assumes the color of good-bye in every sigh
The back-drop of a rainy April ‘almost evening’
Tugs hard upon the heart-string like an echoed lullaby
Silence runs fingers over thought like Want without a name
Darkness is more than light’s denial where the daylight fell
Longing is not a person; no one can quite quell its flame
And rain in middle April after dusk ignites its swell

The wind moans, blue and hungry like a beggar at my door
A wail akin to November when it was hungry too
The fellowship of night-farers and sleepless troubadours
Vexes the face that watches from yon windows swaddled view

The lamplighter that wanders out among the stars is late
The dark enhanced by absent spark in heaven’s emptiness
The April night is weeping for a friendlier soul-mate
But all that it can find is the wind and its loneliness

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

All Day The Color Gray Rained down...

 Farewell Gray Day...
and Goodnight

All day the color gray rained down
And drenched earth’s ragged dressing-gown
Then dusk, like an umbrella spread
Its deeper hue above each head
Where twilight is an ill, chill sea
And firelight, kind company

The wind, a friendless vagabond
Wails at each window and beyond
The treeline where the field is bare
Save for the rivers running where
All day the color gray rained down
Like tears from Old Man Winter’s frown

Before the morning draws ashore
Perhaps his tears will cease to pour
And he with his last farewell spent
Will climb into his bed, content
…strange comfort this, to listen to
Dear Old Man Winter weep adieu

© Janet Martin