Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label experience. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Expectation's Enterprise (what an adventure!)

He startles us anew with green-gold-blue that we expect
He steals our breath with deaths that we know spring will resurrect
Above, beneath and all around our gaze is wonder-crowned
The beauty of the earth, a testament of Higher Ground
Where there will be no sorrow then to rob us of our joy
Where there will be no trouble our gladness to destroy
When time’s short stint has ended, filled with awe’s discrepancies
Our all will be dumbfounded save to fall upon our knees

He wakes the barren land where winter was and breaks bud’s bark
With gentle nudges He returns the robin and the lark
And all around, we are confounded where Proof spills unchecked
In nature’s un-forgetfulness that we’ve come to expect
And just as surely as we know night’s dark cups morning’s rose
We are assured of bloom secured within mute, umber floes
Where wonders without number leaves our boastful pride agape
As earth wakens from slumber and the birth of spring takes shape

 At eventide the countryside wore modest bronze and brown
Hail, hail, morning is like a bride dressed in Time’s greenest gown
Where we all turn with yearning eyes to drink our fill of He
Who scatters shards of paradise across this storm-scarred lea
He heals the wounds that winter left with lavender-pink-gold
He restores orchestras to trees; flower-fields are unrolled
And from our perches primed with prayer as Hope wars undeterred
We look, astonished, everywhere are whispers of His Word

Janet Martin

 He sends forth His command to the earth;
            His word runs very swiftly.

      He gives snow like wool;
            He scatters the frost like ashes.
      He casts forth His ice as fragments;
            Who can stand before His cold?
      He sends forth His word and melts them;
            He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow.

(click link to read the whole glorious Psalm!)

  Heaven is the backdrop to all earthly troubles! 
(or in this case 'earthly aggravation')

Thinking of everyone who is picking up the pieces after yesterday's storm!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Life is NOT a Practice-Makes-Perfect Experience

For today’s prompt, PAD Challenge day 5, we’ve actually got two prompts 
(that is, a Two-for-Tuesday prompt). Here we go:
  1. Write an experienced poem. Or…
  2. Write an inexperienced poem.

Life is a harvest
Bitter with sweet

Life is a lender
Of no-return

Life is a flask
Pouring try, try, try

Life is vapor
Fading away

© Janet Martin

Teachers Required

For today’s prompt, PAD Challenge day 5, we’ve actually got two prompts 
(that is, a Two-for-Tuesday prompt). Here we go:
  1. Write an experienced poem. Or…
  2. Write an inexperienced poem.

They are eager,
With dreams youth-fired
As they scan help-wanted ads 
Of 'Experience required'

© Janet Martin

Beneath the Tutelage of Time's Teacher

For today’s prompt, Day 5, we’ve actually got two prompts (that is, a Two-for-Tuesday prompt).
Here we go:
  1. Write an experienced poem. Or…
  2. Write an inexperienced poem.
 There is no end to the way a prompt like this can go...
Your life is an Original work of art. Use every color, tint and hue,
Splash them where Time melds light with dark
And leaves on its wall a picture of you...

I’ve held the power of huge sums of money
As I hand it to Dentist,
and Clerk
I’ve been anointed
with God-granted
Blessed by sheer beauty
Of everyday work

I’ve learned to linger
and love
what I’m lacking
It keens the trust
that keeps me on my knees
As I learn to treasure
time’s measure of moments
Gossamer capsules
Of soon-memories

I want to want
what I have
and experience the fullest impact
of hold
and let-go
Lest half-blind boldness
Ignores Mercy’s essence
That lends the only life
I’ll ever know

I want to worry 
about Things 
Like missing your kisses 
 Far too far from me
I want Experience 
to teach me life-lessons
Then humility

© Janet Martin