Showing posts with label Love Poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Poem. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2019

Consider Yourself Warmed, oops, I mean Warned!

The word 'beware' can be replaced with 'be aware' if you prefer!

Beware of the flowers
Noon showers, blue breeze
Of bracken-fringed bowers
Of silver-capped seas
Of wild apple orchards
And autumn-tinged woods
Of moon-dappled gardens
Where willow-wind broods

Beware of green meadows
Of gold-tousled hills
Of twilight’s tall shadows
And midnight’s starred rills
Of ice-cream and daydream
Yes, beware of this
Especially the sunbeam
That feels like a kiss

Beware of the chair
That was not made for two
Beware of the air
Imbibed with dusky dew
Beware of the river
Behind the old church
Beware of the shiver
Of poplar and birch

Beware of the fingers
Strumming strings of grass
The moment that lingers
When it ought to pass
Beware of desire
Beware of the spark
That kindles a fire
Before it is dark

Beware of brook-banter
Of thoroughbred thrills
Of sky-high decanter
That drains as it fills
Pay heed to these warning;
Beware of tick-tocks
They steal mist-mauve mornings
And sunset-bathed docks

Beware of mud-puddles
And most common things
That stirs and befuddles
A world full of kings
Beware of the years, dear
You’ll learn soon enough
That nothing is as it appears
Dearest dears
If you are in love

© Janet Martin

Let's Make Love

 Let's make love a daily celebration
Welcome (Lord-willing) to two weeks of focusing on the tenderest, testing-est,
loveliest, trickiest, truest topic above all; Love

(one of my favourite love-songs of all time!)

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Let’s make love the utter reason
For each darling dream and dare
Touch the timbre of each season
With the reverence of prayer

Let’s be nicer to each other
Who knows who is next to fly
Past Passion’s dust-to-dust border
Through the reaches of the sky

Let’s dance, not like one-night lovers
But with a lifetime to learn
The fine art of hearts that hunger
For more than Time’s no return

Let’s be brave enough to utter
Words like ‘not my will but thine’
Let’s make love the bread and butter
In this life of yours and mine

Let’s not try to plan tomorrow
Let’s make love patient and kind
Oh my darling, joy and sorrow
Are like lovers, intertwined

For the laws of imperfection
Makes life’s making love far more
Than the intimate affection
That a kiss likes to explore

Let’s cast off our inhibition
Brave the fear of letting go
Bold enough for true submission
To the One who Loved/loves us so

© Janet Martin

Here's to two weeks of a whole lotta love songs


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Rhythm and Time

She feels the keys of ABC’s to find the notes that fit the mood
Sometimes the song lilts, light as air; Sometimes it broods, slow and subdued
Dissonant resonance reverberates and jars, its art
Vexes the Maestro that is often torn between the head and heart
Darling, the days are dimming faster than they did when we were young
And oh, it seems our chores and dreams dissolve like snow upon the tongue
As doggerel and dirge enmesh, and wow, how have we come so far
And oh my love, is that a tear or did the heavens lend a star
And tell me when we reach the part where the melody loses time
Let’s make a pact to keep intact the tender rhythm of the rhyme  

© Janet Martin

I’m listening to Victoria feel out the keys on the piano while learning a new song…
and it struck me how both musician and writer ‘feel’ the keys!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Humbly Thankful (a love poem)

Hubby's 'Happy 54th Birthday' today!
Happy Birthday Jim!
...and because I know you prefer short, SHORT poems, 
here is a short one for you...

For all the miles you've 'run'
For all the shoveled 'poo'
This is a great big "thank-you hon" 
And a great big "I love you" 
(for all the times I didn't say thank-you)

 Thank-you for the millions of miles you've driven (and scooped)
to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table and shoes on our feet!

Here's another short-ish poem for us...

We celebrate our 30th anniversary on Sunday 
so in case I'm not back til next week this poem is a little tribute to thirty years of us!

Life sometimes leaves us wishing for things we could use more of
But I am humbly thankful for more-than-I-deserve love
Where just-between-the-two-of-us would leave many a lapse
But by kind love and help from God He fills in all the gaps
As through the ups and downs of love and life and try, try, try
The older that we get the more love seems to satisfy
Then come what may from day to day, one thing we know is sure
God’s love entwined with yours and mine makes our love secure

I could spice up this poem hon, with words like ‘sweetie-pie’
But you know me too well so I’ll just wink, (and you know why)

© Janet Martin

 One of 'our songs'💟

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Of Lions and Snakes

...playing catch-up! 
I got so caught up in Monday's 'favorite things' prompt I neglected Tuesday!
For yesterday’s Two-for-Tuesday prompt:
  1. Write a love poem.
  2. Write an anti-love poem.

Love Poem

The body is a lion-cage
Where rage and passion scars
Its bars; who knew a flesh-blood stage
Could hold such holy roars 

Or how across the room from me
You rouse, without a touch
The part of me no one can see
But you love, very much

..and where the cage, to other eyes
Seems quite common, I guess
Beneath the cloth of Bearing lies
Love's pacing lioness


anti-love poem

there is no hope in hate
revenge cannot appeal
....the fangs of cruel word can cut
what a lifetime won't heal

the mouth can be fiend
when fueled by pure spite
where dust of skin cannot repel
The venom of hate's bite

be careful what you say
lest in the end you grieve
what forgiveness won't soothe away
the scars; those never leave 

the god of self, it seems
is never satisfied
as it replaces love with lust
humility with pride fills this skin-bone shell
with bitterest of fruit
if, where the hurt of harsh word fell
we let revenge take root 


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Of Fist-a-cuff and Kiss-Me-Love

Let's face is not always coochy-coo.
sometimes its gritting our teeth and forging through
But the thing that makes it worth the fight
Is knowing love will make everything right!

Love is not for the faint of heart
Nor for those self-inclined
Its fist-a-cuff and kiss me, love
Involves body and mind

It sets us free yet binds us close
Its comely fellowship
Makes possible the miracle
That heals wounds it inflicts

The way we are is not enough
Without the tender thrall
That wakes the whole where tug-of-soul
Makes warriors of us all

How hard the thorn of love can prick
And we would miss the rose
But sweeter thus, the bloom, because
We hold the whole stem close

Love is not for the bullish lord
Not for the faint of heart
Where fist-a-cuff and kiss-me-love
Makes love a work of art

© Janet Martin