Saturday, December 28, 2024

To Him That Is Able...

A bit of everlasting cheer on a dreary Saturday morning in Ontario! 

Jude 1:24-25
"Now unto Him that is able
 to keep you from falling,
 and to present you faultless
 before the presence of His glory
 with exceeding joy,
 to the only wise God our Savior, 
be glory and majesty, 
dominion and power, 
both now and forever.

2 Timothy 1:12
For this reason, even though I suffer as I do,
 I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, 
and I am convinced that He is able to guard 
what I have entrusted to Him for that day.

To Him who is able, pray
In Him who is able, trust
Our God who is able, obey
Believing His way is just

For He is able to keep
That which we commit to Him
Though morrow seems dark and deep
And the veiled unknown seems grim 

To Him who is able, call 
In Him who is able, hope
He will not permit us to fall
But faithfully helps us cope 

On Him who is able, gaze
Unfazed by sight's acumen  
For God is able always
Forever and ever, amen 

Janet 🙏

I came across the paragraph below, salvaged some time ago
from a message about the school of faith
by David Jeremiah...

"One of the sobering thoughts about the Christian life
is the truth that God is far more interested in who we become 
and what we are than in what we do. 
He cares a whole lot more about how we live
 than about what we accomplish.
 His purpose is to build Christians, not cathedrals. 
His focus is on people, not programs, 
and for this reason, when God is working in the life of a person,
 he often allows unexplainable events to prepare and perfect those
 that he is getting ready to serve him in a much bigger way in the kingdom. 
The New Testament says this: "Whom the Lord loves He chastens, 
and scourges every son whom He receives". 
Often when difficult things happen in our lives, 
it's not the evidence of something that is wrong, 
but proof that something is right." 
David Jeremiah~


  1. So good, Janet. I read this yesterday and I really needed it--you don't even know. <3

    1. Dear Jen, thank-you for telling me. hugs and prayers<3


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!