Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Something About Planting Season

The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.

What are you singing, asked my husband on Saturday
as he heard me humming while I worked in the flower garden...
I thought for a moment and realized I was singing this stanza
(to no fixed tune😅🎵)
which often comes to mind while I putter in the garden,

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,--
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth...

(full poem below post)

Something about planting season overflows the heart with cheer...

When the plow breaks dormant fallow and dust’s pungent incense spills...

Something about green-spun bowers bursts the heart with happiness...

Gardens, showcasing spring flowers, fuels worship’s epic ‘yes’

Something about lilac fragrance, enchanting warm winds of change
Makes us feel like God is granting good, old days naught can estrange...

Something about planting season overflows the heart with cheer
Hope rekindles wearied/worried reason with fresh starts, year after year
As the age-old call of duty/beauty hails from barren sweeps/deeps of sod
Toil is charged with awe for beauty/duty, cradled in the hand of God

When the plow breaks dormant fallow and dust’s pungent incense spills
When the bough brandishes halos of blossom and leafy thrills
When, once more faith is the substance of seeds scattered to the earth
Joy, akin to Eve of Christmas awes us with wonders of birth

Something about green-spun bowers bursts the heart with happiness
Gardens, showcasing spring flowers, fuels worship’s epic ‘yes
Something about fresh-turned furrows fills us with humble content
Planting season helps heal sorrows that we cannot circumvent

Something about heavens laughing in blue hues beyond our ken
Feels like angels autographing May afternoon with God’s pen
Something about lilac fragrance, enchanting warm winds of change
Makes us feel like God is granting good, old days naught can estrange

Makes us feel like God is giving earth glimpses of Heaven-ness 
Makes us believe man is living in love’s lap of faithfulness 
Makes us want to thirst and hunger for favors His love deploys/employs
Makes us suddenly feel younger in a world of simpler joys

Something about planting season overflows the heart with mirth
Something in the air is teasing graves with melodies of birth
Something about spring's apparel puts a smile upon the face
Pink and yellow, green and purple masterpieces of God's grace

*Something about, when yon cloud tips like a big, watering can
Makes us marvel, like the Psalmist and echo awe's, 'what is man?'
Something about labor halted, grants us opportunity
To be sure God is exalted above likes of you and me 

Something about planting season sings of God’s mercies renewed
Earth is gaping with remission, kindling hymns of gratitude
Seed is throbbing with provision; miracles infuse the sod
Something about planting season draws us to the heart of God

© Janet Martin  

Something about, when yon cloud tips like a big, watering can
Makes us marvel, like the Psalmist and echo awe's, 'what is man?'

* I thought the poem was complete then a good, old thunderstorm rolled through
inspiring one more, the second last stanza. 
(my apologies to those who prefer a quick read)😅💓

..and below is the poem mentioned at the beginning of this post: 

God's Garden

THE Lord God planted a garden
In the first white days of the world,
And He set there an angel warden
In a garment of light enfurled.

So near to the peace of Heaven,
That the hawk might nest with the wren,
For there in the cool of the even
God walked with the first of men.

And I dream that these garden-closes
With their shade and their sun-flecked sod
And their lilies and bowers of roses,
Were laid by the hand of God.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,--
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.

For He broke it for us in a garden
Under the olive-trees
Where the angel of strength was the warden
And the soul of the world found ease.

Dorothy Frances Gurney


  1. Wow, Janet! This poem is a new favorite! Everything about it--from the beginning, to the repetitions, and that perfect end. Exquisite. I don't know how you do it!

    1. Aw Jen, thank-you SO much<3 I had such great fun wit this one>


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!