Friday, January 11, 2019

Glorious Masterpiece

 My motto for childcare: 'try to make the present pleasant'.
No, these kiddos will never remember these days but to them 'now' is all there is
and so they teach us to slow down and hear the separate notes that become the full song!

sometimes young parents and childcare givers energies are challenged by the 
'look-at-every-teeny-wonder' pace of youngsters but there is so much beauty and harmony
 we miss if haste the Hymn!

Try to make the present pleasant
Lend to life, love’s kind increase
Glean from common chords the essence
Of life’s glorious masterpiece

Try to turn time’s do-re-me rotes
Into more than mere ho-hum
Moments are like little eighth notes
In the song they will become

Take the music sheet of morning
Fill its bars with highs and lows
Harmonize life’s love and longing
Like the thorn that bears the rose

Set the strings of ‘Yet’ a-quiver
Who knows when life’s song is writ
as Time trembles from the Giver
To the composer of it

So, seek to make the present pleasant
Soon the tune of time will cease
Where each moment is the essence
Of life’s glorious masterpiece

© Janet Martin

what can compare in worth to a life well -lived; to moments well-whiled~

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