Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January Jasmine

It sweeps across the deeps of spring
And dross of autumn’s frill
It keeps the seed a cradled Thing
While winter wields its will

White, white its stillness of the night
White gold its cold, cold morn
White crystal noon, blue-white twilight
White broods on woods leaf-lorn

Each window is a picture frame
As heaven spills its stars
Where Masterpieces without name
Are ladled from cloud-jars

The Best and Worst of earth immersed
In perfect purity
The sweat of farmers reimbursed
With fireside luxury

…and home is sweeter, is it not
Than in June’s green-spun tide
Where porch and kitchen-beacons dot
Earth’s spotless countryside

…as January’s jasmine spills
A sparkling-starlet sea
To rooftop-gardens, fields and hills
In wordless poetry

© Janet Martin

 Recently the clouds keep dropping heap upon heap of these January 'blooms'...

My personal challenge was to write a January poem without using the word 'snow':)


  1. Great photos! Accompanied by a wonder-filled painting in words. Marvelous

    1. Hi Martin. thank-you for reading and for your kind thoughts!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!